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Do you see XLRs??

Saw a Neiman Marcus edition parked on Duval Street in Key West. Top down, mint condition, parked on the famously crowded street during spring break. Turned many heads.

I bet it did !!!

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Do you see XLR'S

I live in Cincinnati, Ohio in my part of town there are two other ones beside mind. A 2009 red one that a women drives and a silver one, I was behind him and wanted to stop so we could talk but it didn't happen.:dunno:
Strange blue re-paint

Saw here in York Beach, ME, a 2004-5 with NY plates. Car had been repainted (sorta sketchily), had a spoiler on the rear deck and wooden dash inserts. Waited around as long as I could, had to leave before the owner showed.
There's another here in town, not sure of the year.
Maybe we should organize a Maine owners getogether. Anyone else up for losters?
I saw two XLR's on the same day, some model, and the same color. I pulled out my camera, but lost the driver due to cross traffic, so I pulled into the dealership and was greeted by sales person and he said,

Salesman: "Nice car."
Me: " I know, it's a Cadillac XLR."
Salesman: "I know, I have one just like yours."

As I turned in his direction I saw his XLR in the same color and I asked,
Me: Are you the person I just saw a few minutes ago?"
Salemans: "No. I've been here all day."
Me: "Well, there's another XLR with the same color that turned down the street."
Salesman: " I guess that makes three XLR's in town with the same color."
Me: "There's another one too, but with 22" wheels from last week." LOL.
Saw one yesterday

I saw a Silver XLR with the top up yesterday in Tempe at the intersection of Kyrene and Chandler RD. I was in "Little Bugger" with the top down naturally as it was perfect weather for it. I have no idea what year it was as they all looked alike until the '09 came out.
I saw two XLR's on the same day, some model, and the same color. I pulled out my camera, but lost the driver due to cross traffic, so I pulled into the dealership and was greeted by sales person and he said,

Salesman: "Nice car."
Me: " I know, it's a Cadillac XLR."
Salesman: "I know, I have one just like yours."

As I turned in his direction I saw his XLR in the same color and I asked,
Me: Are you the person I just saw a few minutes ago?"
Salemans: "No. I've been here all day."
Me: "Well, there's another XLR with the same color that turned down the street."
Salesman: " I guess that makes three XLR's in town with the same color."
Me: "There's another one too, but with 22" wheels from last week." LOL.

I hope you handed him your XLR-Net.com card and suggested he should join in the discussions or at the very least Register his car! :blinzel:
I hope you handed him your XLR-Net.com card and suggested he should join in the discussions or at the very least Register his car! :blinzel:

I just jointed the forum yesterday thus no cards (been a lurker for several years-LOL), but my guess is he already knows since he's either the owner or the lead salesman the Cadillac dealership. However, I did the next best thing. After talking with the parts department I drove my XLR over next to his and took several pictures. Let me tell you, it was a beautiful sight seeing two cars of the same color and make parked next to each other. :cool: A junior salesman took notice and complemented both cars.

His XLR had Chip Foose, "5-star Foosters" 18" on all corners with a custom rear license plate grill. I have pictures of several XLR I've seen during the past month or so. A silver XLR with the top down on the PCH 22-miles outside San Francisco, CA and a black XLR near El Camino Real exit near SFO. I even saw a white XLR whiz pass me on near the 101 hwy and one parked next to me in my work car. The owner had silver XLR. We talked briefly, but he now want's the XLR-V. </SPAN>
As i was gassing up my baby. A guy comes up to me and asks what year. I said it was a 06. He said he has one but in a 04. I said hold on and gave him one of my cards. We started talking and he said he was looking to upgrade. he wanted to get a newer one and possibly a V. He said that the 07-09 had 7 spd automatic? We agreed that these cars are "head turners" and "chick magnets" I am guessing that he is a single man since he made that comment. Or he might have said that because he saw how young i was compared to him :dunno:. As he left he told me he was from ormond/daytona area. I told him he might see my car and i down there next month. I have a time share in ormond. So he has my card and told me that he would check out this site.
I just jointed the forum yesterday thus no cards (been a lurker for several years-LOL), but my guess is he already knows since he's either the owner or the lead salesman the Cadillac dealership. However, I did the next best thing. After talking with the parts department I drove my XLR over next to his and took several pictures. Let me tell you, it was a beautiful sight seeing two cars of the same color and make parked next to each other. :cool: A junior salesman took notice and complemented both cars.

His XLR had Chip Foose, "5-star Foosters" 18" on all corners with a custom rear license plate grill. I have pictures of several XLR I've seen during the past month or so. A silver XLR with the top down on the PCH 22-miles outside San Francisco, CA and a black XLR near El Camino Real exit near SFO. I even saw a white XLR whiz pass me on near the 101 hwy and one parked next to me in my work car. The owner had silver XLR. We talked briefly, but he now want's the XLR-V.

Welcome to the best social network for the XLRs. I have a pic that i googled from the chip foose xlr. I have it as my computer screen desktop pic.
see XLRs

I keep seeing the black "supercharged" in mandarin fl. I saw him/her driving down san jose blvd a couple weeks ago. Somewhere in mandarin or jacksonville florida the car is living. So far i've seen this car but not the owner 2 x parked. 1 x he was driving it. I was in my moms srx while we were running errands.
Looks like a dealership? where was this taken?

Yes, you are correct. Michael Cadillac in Fresno, CA about a week ago. I was in for TPS sensors for my HRE wheels and that's when the owner or lead salesman greeted me. The day earlier my girlfriend spotted another one at the gas station. She asked can she take a pictures, so I don't know the details regarding what year or the size of the wheels (looks like 22"?). Anyway, here's the pic.

Yes, you are correct. Michael Cadillac in Fresno, CA about a week ago. I was in for TPS sensors for my HRE wheels and that's when the owner or lead salesman greeted me. The day earlier my girlfriend spotted another one at the gas station. She asked can she take a pictures, so I don't know the details regarding what year or the size of the wheels (looks like 22"?). Anyway, here's the pic.


I have a 06 infrared. I think by the looks of this one, yes they are 22s.

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I have a 06 infrared. I think by the looks of this one, yes they are 22s.

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Always wondered if that type of tire rides harder or not???

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
I thought that'd be the reason

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Ride Factors

All other things being equal, the thinner the sidewall the harsher the ride.

I've been wondering about this, ever since folks started talking about not running the run-flat tires. One significant factor determining ride comfort is the ratio of the unsprung weight, which would be the tires, rims, calipers, rotors, A-arms, etc., and the sprung weight (the weight of everything but the unsprung weight). The programming of the magnetic ride control (MRC) system would seem to have assumptions regarding the unsprung weight, and seemingly would apply excessive damping to the lighter weight of regular (i.e., not run-flat) tires, with drilled/slotted rotors, etc. It takes more damping to stop a heavier unsprung weight, moving at the same vertical velocity. If so, this could lead one to surmise that the ride with regular tires would be likely be harsher than for the run-flats, because of the magnetic ride control getting spoofed by the lighter unsprung weight. However, folks have commented that the XLR ride actually is better with the regular tires. I'm not a control system expert, for sure, but I can't help but wonder what the MRC control logic includes. Could it be heuristic, and therefore, self-calibrating? ("Curiouser and curiouser...") :dunno:

Has anyone ever measured the difference in weight of a "stock" setup (rim/tire/rotor/caliper) vs. a high-performance one?

I've been wondering about this, ever since folks started talking about not running the run-flat tires. One significant factor determining ride comfort is the ratio of the unsprung weight, which would be the tires, rims, calipers, rotors, A-arms, etc., and the sprung weight (the weight of everything but the unsprung weight). The programming of the magnetic ride control (MRC) system would seem to have assumptions regarding the unsprung weight, and seemingly would apply excessive damping to the lighter weight of regular (i.e., not run-flat) tires, with drilled/slotted rotors, etc. It takes more damping to stop a heavier unsprung weight, moving at the same vertical velocity. If so, this could lead one to surmise that the ride with regular tires would be likely be harsher than for the run-flats, because of the magnetic ride control getting spoofed by the lighter unsprung weight. However, folks have commented that the XLR ride actually is better with the regular tires. I'm not a control system expert, for sure, but I can't help but wonder what the MRC control logic includes. Could it be heuristic, and therefore, self-calibrating? ("Curiouser and curiouser...") :dunno:

Has anyone ever measured the difference in weight of a "stock" setup (rim/tire/rotor/caliper) vs. a high-performance one?


I can say that without question the ride improves with the softer sidewall of the non- run flat tires. Maybe the point you are missing is that the suspension is full closed loop type system. There is a sensor at each corner to establish the load and rate of change of each wheel interdependently regardless of the unsprung weight.

The system is not able to respond to a single short event, like a single bump in the road, and is not predictive. This impacts the ride response. It does compensate for lean in turns and braking/acceleration load changes. I believe it does soften for a repeated bumpy condition by an amount appropriate for the frequency and amplitude of the sensor movement. That is why the softer tires help the ride. They are able to absorb more of the single event type bump in the road.

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