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Do you see XLRs??

Thanks for posting! Recognized a bunch of now close friends that I did not know knew when this was filmed. In fact I was years away from owning my XLR at the time of the San Antonio trip
you found here. Very cool!


So what year do you think it is it from ??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
I agree with Cubby ... I've seen a gold mist - it LOOKS tan. Its a very unique color, don't see many of them around. :)

Well if you both say so..... :dunno: .... it was very Beige/Tan and not what I think the Gold Mist looks like: is it not like a Champagne type of color: a good bit of sparkle etc? This car was rather 'lifeless', I still don't think it was a stock color: I can't believe Cadillac would offer a lifeless color like that! I tend to think that the car was damaged and repainted incorrectly.........

.....What ever! We all have fabulous looking XLR's now, dont we! :worship:
When was that event? Had to be before I got my XLR.

San Antonio event was 2009, Proff Tax and Jet Boy made the hotel arrangements at The Riverwalk Hilton. Mtrocket & Cindy spent a few nights at my Colo Springs home, we then caravaned to Corrales, NM where Blue Bunny and Jamesto joined us with both of their XLR's and on to Las Cruses,NM where we met up with Jet Boy (AZ),Lola's Mom and Detail Guy, and the old grouch & his daughter from Calif. Had dinner, spent the night and then on to San Antonio. It was a great trip, hope I didn't leave anyone out in our caravan, 4 years ago is a little taxing on the memory. Friends I met in 2008 in Bowling Green came in from Fl, Ill, Ind, Ohio, Neb. Wis, NC and some other states I can not remember at this moment. It was well attended. I think Mad Mac & June,(Canada) was also in Texas. 2010 was held in Colorado Springs.
San Antonio event was 2009, Proff Tax and Jet Boy made the hotel arrangements at The Riverwalk Hilton. Mtrocket & Cindy spent a few nights at my Colo Springs home, we then caravaned to Corrales, NM where Blue Bunny and Jamesto joined us with both of their XLR's and on to Las Cruses,NM where we met up with Jet Boy (AZ),Lola's Mom and Detail Guy, and the old grouch & his daughter from Calif. Had dinner, spent the night and then on to San Antonio. It was a great trip, hope I didn't leave anyone out in our caravan, 4 years ago is a little taxing on the memory. Friends I met in 2008 in Bowling Green came in from Fl, Ill, Ind, Ohio, Neb. Wis, NC and some other states I can not remember at this moment. It was well attended. I think Mad Mac & June,(Canada) was also in Texas. 2010 was held in Colorado Springs.

We were invited to San Antonio, but we had just purchased the car and found the forum only weeks before the trip so we could not attend on short notice. Our first trip was Colorado Springs. It was a great trip and full of wonderful memories. How time flies, when you're drinking rum. :cool:
Thanks Brian for the correction, time goes so fast, it just seemed in my mind I have known youi and June longer than 3 years.
Well if you both say so..... :dunno: .... it was very Beige/Tan and not what I think the Gold Mist looks like: is it not like a Champagne type of color: a good bit of sparkle etc? This car was rather 'lifeless', I still don't think it was a stock color: I can't believe Cadillac would offer a lifeless color like that! I tend to think that the car was damaged and repainted incorrectly.........

.....What ever! We all have fabulous looking XLR's now, dont we! :worship:

When Wendy & I saw the one here in Hanover PA at car lot for sale we thought the same thing it wasn't until I had seen on the forum here the mentioning of the gold mist color that I figured it must of been gold mist! We see it once an awhile here in the local area but not very often and if my memory is correct I believe it was an 2006!

Just watching The Weather Channel and can't believe they are forecasting 8-12 inches for tomorrow! Come on now it's almost April and still cold!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan

Well, after going months w/o seeing another XLR, we saw 2 today! Palm Desert is ideal for them, and we saw a black one (westbound on Country Club at Cook, w/ 2 ladies), and a red one (east bound) at the same intersection an hour later (!), driven by a gentleman w/ the top down. Both cars were gorgeous.


Too cool.

Well, after going months w/o seeing another XLR, we saw 2 today! Palm Desert is ideal for them, and we saw a black one (westbound on Country Club at Cook, w/ 2 ladies), and a red one (east bound) at the same intersection an hour later (!), driven by a gentleman w/ the top down. Both cars were gorgeous.


Too cool.

Neither one of those was me :blinzel: I haven't seen the black one for quite a while, my wife saw a red one in that area driven by a woman.:wave::wave:
San Antonio event was 2009, Proff Tax and Jet Boy made the hotel arrangements at The Riverwalk Hilton. Mtrocket & Cindy spent a few nights at my Colo Springs home, we then caravaned to Corrales, NM where Blue Bunny and Jamesto joined us with both of their XLR's and on to Las Cruses,NM where we met up with Jet Boy (AZ),Lola's Mom and Detail Guy, and the old grouch & his daughter from Calif. Had dinner, spent the night and then on to San Antonio. It was a great trip, hope I didn't leave anyone out in our caravan, 4 years ago is a little taxing on the memory. Friends I met in 2008 in Bowling Green came in from Fl, Ill, Ind, Ohio, Neb. Wis, NC and some other states I can not remember at this moment. It was well attended. I think Mad Mac & June,(Canada) was also in Texas. 2010 was held in Colorado Springs.

I do believe Cubby was there I seen a license plate from Ill. With CUBY??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
This morning at about 8:00am I saw a red XLR driving South in Orlando on Semoran (436) toward the airport while I was sitting at the light at the Pershing intersection.
Have to say these cars take my breath away...exciting to just see one drive past.... and it was just one of those slow red ones too.

This morning at about 8:00am I saw a red XLR driving South in Orlando on Semoran (436) toward the airport while I was sitting at the light at the Pershing intersection.
Have to say these cars take my breath away...exciting to just see one drive past.... and it was just one of those slow red ones too.


Yea I know what you mean Steve their NOT near as fast the SILVER BULLETS are they!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
They're Everywhere!!!

Well, this makes it 3 in two days. Saw an '09 Black "V" parked in front of Mario's restaurant at Varner Rd. and Washington, in Bermuda Dunes, just down the road from Palm Desert. Had Canadian plates "BILLZZ". Another Snow Bird from "up Nort'". :chuckle

I saw a silver one today going into a subdivision by my work; couldn't try to catch up with it because of work. I seem to only see XLR's while caught at work. :(

Clearly I need to quit working!
2 in Kokomo

We spotted 2 XLRs today in Kokomo, IN. One was Xenon (aka Toffolo) Blue & the other one was Infrared. :cool:
I had not seen one in weeks until today. I spotted it in my rearview mirror, slowly gaining on my Tahoe. I was traveling north on I-85 from Spartanburg SC headed back to NC. I slowed slightly so it could pass me and I could get a good look at it.

It appeared to be a 2006 model in "Gold Mist". Had NC plates. It continued north when I took the US74 exit.

The color was vey close to the color of my Tahoe.

Kind of fun to watch it from the rear going up the highway. A view I only get when we all get together.
Neiman Marcus

Saw a Neiman Marcus edition parked on Duval Street in Key West. Top down, mint condition, parked on the famously crowded street during spring break. Turned many heads.

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