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Kevin (Cubby) picked up his beautiful CTS-V yesterday. On his way home he stopped in for a brief visit. It was way to dark for pictures but what a ride! Thanks for the visit Kevin.

What a great ride - congrats to Cubby! Hope he posts some pics soon.
Ran into rain coming back with the CTS-V, so it got dirty--no time for pics yet. I'll get it cleaned up and pose it with the XLR-V maybe this afternoon. The 856 mile test drive was fantastic!! The car is awesome!! There are some dealer pictures in my garage, but no personal one yet.

It was nice to be able to stop in at Bobfest headquarters and see Bob & Paula. They are such gracious hosts--no matter what time it is!! Looking forward to the spring drive, to see everyone again!!

Cubby, congrats on your new toy, can't wait to see it in person. It's good to hear you had a safe trip.:wave:
Here is a gross one.....

We all have had responses to our XLR's; people giving the thumbs up, asking questions, and nods of approval. I just never saw this....

Yesterday I was driving home. A group of young men were fishing off a bridge as I drove by. One of the young men, who was exceedingly obese, lifted his shirt and started shaking his man boobs at me.

Really! You cannot make this stuff up!

Here is a gross one.....

We all have had responses to our XLR's; people giving the thumbs up, asking questions, and nods of approval. I just never saw this....

Yesterday I was driving home. A group of young men were fishing off a bridge as I drove by. One of the young men, who was exceedingly obese, lifted his shirt and started shaking his man boobs at me.

Really! You cannot make this stuff up!


NOT TO WORRY! :( I wouldn't loose no sleep over it, he was probably just very JEALOUS :rocker:
A Few Pics...

So I haven't had time to get the XLR-V and CTS-V together with pics yet, but figured I could share this from last weekend.

On my trip back from New Orleans, I was planning on a stop in Memphis for dinner, but after seeing this I didn't feel like BBQ anymore :lol:

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So I haven't had time to get the XLR-V and CTS-V together with pics yet, but figured I could share this from last weekend.

On my trip back from New Orleans, I was planning on a stop in Memphis for dinner, but after seeing this I didn't feel like BBQ anymore :lol:

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A little cool here in Wilmington Ohio. Forecast call for some showers tomorrow (HOPE NOT!). Prelim tech inspection = 135MPH . Hopefully, I can pass full tech inspection tomorrow for 150MPH. For this trip to the ECTA Wilmington Mile that ought to be enough.


Wish me luck.
Here is wishing you luck Gizmo. Those numbers magnetic on your door? lol Seriously though they are supposed to stay on at 150 mph? How many participants are there?
It would be hard for it to be magnetic and work on his doors, as there is no sheet metal on the cars!! :laugh::laugh:

Here is wishing you luck Gizmo. Those numbers magnetic on your door? lol Seriously though they are supposed to stay on at 150 mph? How many participants are there?
It would be hard for it to be magnetic and work on his doors, as there is no sheet metal on the cars!! :laugh::laugh:

Cubby's right, they're reusable stickers rated for 180.
Cadillac/LaSalle Club Steak Cookout

Ventured out today to the Steak Cookout, fifty miles up and fifty miles back, had a great time, lots of good food and to say the least the people are the best. They took good care of me. Over fifty people attended. I baked an Apple Pie and I don't know how many men stopped by to thank me and tell me how good it was. Glad to be back home, safe and sound.
Race ready!

The day was cold, lost two hours for rain delay so I only got one pass in today for my licensing run - 123.03688MPH. License upgraded to 150 but they won't tech the car over 135+/-5. Luckily every run for everybody this weekend will be a"Record Book Run". So the current record for class D/BGMS (4.277-5.014L / Blown Gas Modified Sport) is 123.03688MPH today.


Tomorrow's goal 140MPH

ECTA LSR at Wilmington, Ohio

Well the weekend is finally over. Let me take inventory:

1. I'm still alive. (The family was a little concerned when they found out what LSR stood for. Mom tripled my life insurance.:lol:)

2. I drove Elwood home from the event. That means it's not in a pile of rubble at the end of the Runway.:rocker: I did break it on my third and final run - more on that later.

3. Team Elwood is now an official record holder for the Ohio Mile. My second run went into the record book for class D/BGMS at 133.70853MPH. :patriot: There were a few of us decided to go full open to the 3/4 mile marker and back down to within our tech speed limit, so I recorded my GPS and OBD data on my CarPC - my top speed was 158MPH. If I hadn't broke on the third pass, 160 would have surely been surpassed.

4. My Crew Chief hates me. :mad: My little brother crewed the car for the weekend. He was screaming at me on the radio during the third pass to get me to back off the throttle, but I ignored him and spun the tires in first, second and third gears. By the time it was to shift into fourth, the MIL was blinking, TC came on, and the car shut down (limp mode) at over 125 and only 1/4 mile.:pat: After checking the injectors, 1/3/5/7 all not firing; we changed the cam sensors - no change; my little brother went out on a limb (he's been turning wrenches on dragsters for 30 years) and checked the fusebox - a 10 Amp fuse was blow. Replaced fuse, fired the engine, cleared the code, Viola fixed!

5. Of course, I now need new tires.:(

6. Made a bunch of new friends. A special friend took my photo near the starting line and as always I gave him my business card and asked him to send a copy to my email (this usually only works 10% of the time, but I always ask since I travel alone to so many events). He said sure and went away and I thought nothing more about it. Just before my next pass, a pickup cut me off in line and this same guy jumps out and hands me a framed and mounted 8x10 copy of the following picture. I almost cried. I tried to pay him for it and all he asked was I mention his name and website (I hope its OK with Rob).


Don Hayes is his name and he called it "cartoonized" photography. A better version of my pic can be found here on Don Hayes - Stickbird Studio Don Hayes - Stickbird Studio | NEW UPLOADS | Photo 1
Edited the post and the picture is up on my original post now. Don't know what happened before:dunno:

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Gizmo, could you give us more info on the class and "There were a few of us decided to go full open to the 3/4 mile marker and back down to within our tech speed limit," statement. I know nothing about the kind of racing you were doing. The licensing etc.. I like the picture the guy made!
Sure glad to hear a fuse could fix your car!! Whats the odds of that? Sounds like a great experience.
Gizmo congrates to you and team elwood. Seems you use the car for what it's designed for. You impress me. What kind of licensing is this for? Either way looks pretty awesome!
"CONGRATS" WOW Gizmo I was getting all excited just reading this, it was like I was right there in the passenger seat! Anyhow it awesome to hear that are cars are this great on and off the track! Same question as everyone else about this type of racing What's up with that???
Caddyman Dan :wave:

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