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Oct 6-9 - Endless Summer Cruisin' - Ocean City, MD

Oct 6-9 - Endless Summer Cruisin' - Ocean City, MD - http://www.specialeventpro.com/endless.php

Wendy & I just booked our rooms for this event! Check out the information at the above address looks like there will be car displays everwhere not just down at the inlet! See you there if you come!
Caddy Man Dan :wave:
Made it thru the worst of Irene and only then lost power. We'll see how long it takes to find the lost power! Fortunately no real damage at our house. Also learned from Hubby that if we ever had to evacuate, he'd somehow take the XLR with us over his beastmobile Shelby. He told me I'd never get him to say it again. That is a really major deal for him to say at all! (and gives some humor to evacuation thoughts, because saving cars would be the least of our worries). I think the recent addition of Corsa exhaust is helping on the rescue choice. Will try to post before & after underbody pictures once we get thru this.
Goodnight Irene

Up here on Coastal Maine, Irene wasn't much of an event. Pretty windy and rainy yesterday, much quieter today. Power was out for a couple of hours, but the ocean seemed pretty calm.
Looks like the fear-mongers on the Weather Channel over-hyped this one, at least from Virginia North (THE STORM OF THE CENTURY....).
But it was a good weekend to keep the XLR in the garage and use the Pacifica to get around.
Looks quiet enough to head out for dinner later, maybe some lobsters and steamers. Or a nice hunk of Prime rib...decisions, decisions, decisions...
Whichever you don't want as between the lobster & prime rib - send down here! I'm jealous but no power here does equal grilling time - steaks tonight! :D

Out & about - in the XLR - all I see is twigs down so I'm not clear on why we have no power. :dunno:
Sorry to hear about all of the hurricane problems .... We thought the weather channel hyped it a bit too ... don't get me wrong ... we knew it was serious, but the initial hype sounded like it was going to be another Katrina ... It's kind of like here ... when we get half inch of rain, the weathermen refer to it as a 'storm' .... I have a feeling I have never seen a storm.

Re: Lobster ... you'd think living in San Diego that we would have really good lobster by the cage-load here..... nope .... and it is VERY expensive to get any good lobster here anywhere. There is a place in Del Mar that people have recommended ... 32 oz, but over $200 ..... My response is "Are you kidding me????" That is my weekly grocery budget. Otherwise, all of the steakhouses offer a small 8 oz lobster for around $36 .... and, of course, I love lobster ... I am hoping that when I go to Chicago next month that some Maine lobster will be available ...
One of the benefits of living in Southern Maine is the availability and reasonable
price of lobster - last night Brenda had a nice 1-1/4 lb lobster, with fries and coleslaw for $12.95.
I have an allergy to most shellfish so I opted for a nice steak. It was worth the drive. Because most of the tourists had been scared off by the weather channel, roads were nearly empty and the restaurant had plenty of room. I guess even lousy weather has a silver lining.
If anyone is planning a trip through Southern Maine, drop me a note and maybe we can get together. Fall is the best season, prices drop off and things are much more relaxed. But it's still top down weather.
C'mon down.
The Gateway Riverfront Corvette Show was this weekend. On Friday, I went to the host hotel to register and found my self being followed there by a fellow XLR owner from Arizona. Said he was just passing thru on his way home to Colorado.

Freaking Raccoon!

On my way home, and a "Freaking" Raccoon decided to commit suicide. Passenger corner of the front bumper took the impact. :mad:

Splintered the paint, and bumped the edge by the wheel well ajar. Not sure how hard it will be to fix yet.

Why can't these little :reddevil's decide to pull this trick when I have the F150.

Oh yeah, he was successful (did not survive):dunno:
On my way home, and a "Freaking" Raccoon decided to commit suicide. Passenger corner of the front bumper took the impact. :mad:

Splintered the paint, and bumped the edge by the wheel well ajar. Not sure how hard it will be to fix yet.

Why can't these little :reddevil's decide to pull this trick when I have the F150.

Oh yeah, he was successful (did not survive):dunno:

Well... at least noone was hurt (except for the racoon, that is). Cars can be fixed good as new...
On my way home, and a "Freaking" Raccoon decided to commit suicide. Passenger corner of the front bumper took the impact. :mad:

Splintered the paint, and bumped the edge by the wheel well ajar. Not sure how hard it will be to fix yet.

Why can't these little :reddevil's decide to pull this trick when I have the F150.

Oh yeah, he was successful (did not survive):dunno:

At least noone was hurt (except the racoon, that is). Glad you are okay... cars can be repaired good as new.
Windshield meets Stone

I had a incident :pat:also while heading to work last week a dump truck is on the other side of the road and as we pass by each other a :mad: damn stone decide to jump off and :bash: hit the windshield down below the inspection sticker. Although am not totally disapointed because the windshield needed replaced anyways from wiper scatches and sand blasted pits. Lucky :rocker: enough my insurance is a no deductible for glass replacement, I was really happy :D about that when they told me replacement cost was $1700.00 bucks! Thankfully :worship: they came out Monday morning an 1 hour later was my brand new crystal clear :cool: windshield. Final cost out of pocket was $4.00 bucks for a new inspection sticker. Thanks :blinzel: for reading my story!!! "THAT'S MY STORY AND i'M STICKING TO IT" :chuckle
Sorry to hear about all of the hurricane problems .... We thought the weather channel hyped it a bit too ... don't get me wrong ... we knew it was serious, but the initial hype sounded like it was going to be another Katrina ... It's kind of like here ... when we get half inch of rain, the weathermen refer to it as a 'storm' .... I have a feeling I have never seen a storm.

Re: Lobster ... you'd think living in San Diego that we would have really good lobster by the cage-load here..... nope .... and it is VERY expensive to get any good lobster here anywhere. There is a place in Del Mar that people have recommended ... 32 oz, but over $200 ..... My response is "Are you kidding me????" That is my weekly grocery budget. Otherwise, all of the steakhouses offer a small 8 oz lobster for around $36 .... and, of course, I love lobster ... I am hoping that when I go to Chicago next month that some Maine lobster will be available ...

Got my share of Her (Irene)
Well what a weekend thanks to Irene just got cable back today at home. 2am Sunday morning one of my big oak trees snaps off half way up lands in the middle of road shuts down the road to about 1:00pm the tree snags the electric line on the way down which snaps electric/cable pole in half takes out eletric/cable to neighbor and our house. At least we got electric back on Sunday afternoon too!
Cost $400.00 to get dang tree cleaned up. That's how my week got started!
The XLR Effect: At the Hot Dog Stand

I have been craving an Easterbrooks hot dog for a while but I am also on diet that I am taking seriously so I have be ignoring that craving. Easterbrooks has been selling hot dogs for over 50 years and if you are from the Hamilton/Burlington area of Ontario you know Easterbrooks. We refer to them as Club 1-2 as they are famous for their 12 inch hot dogs.

Anyway, had some errands to run: beautiful sunny day for an XLR :cool: so off I go.........then and my hubby calls as says he is heading to Easterbrooks. Time to put the craving to rest. :chuckle

So he arrives before me in his truck & I park the XLR (top up as it is a dirt/dusty parking lot) and we sit in his truck to eat and end up watching the XLR effect!

We have all seen the XLR effect but watching it never tires for me. ;) Easterbrooks is very busy, as always on a beautiful summer day and for the dozens of people who walked past my car I swear there were only a few passers-by that didn't take a few moments to look at the car: it always draws admiration :worship:.....and the best part: it is mine! ;)
So he arrives before me in his truck & I park the XLR (top up as it is a dirt/dusty parking lot) and we sit in his truck to eat and end up watching the XLR effect!

We have all seen the XLR effect but watching it never tires for me. ;) Easterbrooks is very busy, as always on a beautiful summer day and for the dozens of people who walked past my car I swear there were only a few passers-by that didn't take a few moments to look at the car: it always draws admiration :worship:.....and the best part: it is mine! ;)

Yes, we NEVER tire of the XLR effect. Last week we were at the Mustangs baseball game (the Billings Mustangs are the Pioneer League professional baseball team associated with the Cincinnati Reds). After the game we walked to the XLR and a guy came up and said, "I've seen you several times coming to the games in that car... What is it?" Well, we proceeded to chat for about 1/2 hour or so. And like you said, the best part and the part I :love::love::love: the best... it's mine!

Caravanning from Indy to BG with 6 XLR's in a row... we passed an older pickup. One went by, another, we were the third in line... I looked in my rear view mirror and the passenger in the pickup was craning his neck looking out the back window. And probably thinking... "How many more could there be?" It was quite the site!
if only I were a quick thinker

I stopped at a Dairy Queen the other day and 6 high school boys were sitting by the window where I parked. The little woman stayed in the car while I went in to order. I noticed the guys checking the car so I called my gf and had her put the top down as they watched. Guess they didn't see her in there, so one guy asked if I called my car to have the top go down!!:pat: That woulda been the greatest con ever, but no I said she did it.
I stopped at a Dairy Queen the other day and 6 high school boys were sitting by the window where I parked. The little woman stayed in the car while I went in to order. I noticed the guys checking the car so I called my gf and had her put the top down as they watched. Guess they didn't see her in there, so one guy asked if I called my car to have the top go down!!:pat: That woulda been the greatest con ever, but no I said she did it.

Similar to your story, Mike -

Our town festival parade was lining up down our street - and set up right in front of our house, was the high school cheerleaders. I decided to get the XLR out and wash it (thinking Devin would come out and help me wash it). When I was done, I pulled the car to the bottom of the driveway and put the top down. As I walked up the drive, afterward, my wife was out front and said "show off"... I'm like, "why?" She said that while I put the top down, most of the cheerleaders turned and watched the top go down, with a lot of "oooo", "cool", "awesome" comments. You're right, it NEVER gets old. And like Rod said - the best part is ... its MINE! :rocker:

I've had my car over two years and I still think, while I'm cruizin' around in it ... I have the most awesome car ever!! Like I told Bruce a few weeks ago - I just cannot imagine NOT owning an XLR .. EVER. :cool:
Caravanning from Indy to BG with 6 XLR's in a row... we passed an older pickup. One went by, another, we were the third in line... I looked in my rear view mirror and the passenger in the pickup was craning his neck looking out the back window. And probably thinking... "How many more could there be?" It was quite the site!

I can only imagine what the folks in Asheville thought back in April when we had 13 XLRs "convoy" from the hotel to Biltmore House! :eek:

Most people have never or rarely ever seen an XLR, much less 13 of them in a row!

This photo was taken by PhotoGirl (Kathy)


The first weekend that we had Crimson Pearl, we went out for a nice drive up through the country. Alexis was driving at the time, and we came to an intersection in a very small town. It was the only traffic light in town. There was a fellow driving a large pickup that was turning left onto the road we were on. He was staring so hard at the XLR, he almost run off the road!
.........And like Rod said - the best part is ... its MINE! :rocker:

I've had my car over two years and I still think, while I'm cruizin' around in it ... I have the most awesome car ever!! Like I told Bruce a few weeks ago - I just cannot imagine NOT owning an XLR .. EVER. :cool:

I have been addicted to my XLR and this site for the past 4 months or so since they both came into my life: just ask my understanding husband Steve about this situation.

Anyway, I posted the XLR Effect late last night feeling a bit geeky for doing it and tonight I find 4 responses, that: for-lack-of better-words, warms my heart! :love::love::love:

My thoughts are not un-like ChicagoDave's thoughts: but when I drive my XLR it is hard to describe my feelings: it is like I feel sorry for all the Merceedes, BMW and Corvette owners out there. (I am not meaning to sound snobbish) I feel blessed for having the good fortune to have been able to become the guardian of this awesome car. I have only owned it for 4 months but I can not imagine not having it forever. My husband & I are both Motor-Heads and we have had the good fortune of owning many fabulous cars: for a better idea of that, you can check my online albums. But, for all the great and special cars of the past and present, none have captured my attention and admiration as this XLR has.

My 57 Olds Wagon is a very special car to me and it is my first car that truly earned a name: his name is Edgar. My XLR is unique and different: so much so that I am wanting to expand our relationship to a first-name basis! :lol: I have thought of her as Scarlet a few times but it somehow it does not feel right and the reality is that I haven't even decided - or should I say felt if it is a him or a her!

So haw many of you Geeks and Freaks out there (and I use those terms with extreme affection :love: and respect) feel like I do about your XLR and how many have also named your cars? :dunno: I am going to guess that just about all of you feel this way since you are here: but how about the name thing?
I DO NOT feel bad for any vette, mercedes or beemer owners ever!!

Maybe you didn't know they coulda all bought an xlr if they wanted, were smart enough lol :lol:

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