.........And like Rod said - the best part is ... its MINE!
I've had my car over two years and I still think, while I'm cruizin' around in it ... I have the most awesome car ever!! Like I told Bruce a few weeks ago - I just cannot imagine NOT owning an XLR .. EVER.
I have been addicted to my XLR and this site for the past 4 months or so since they both came into my life: just ask my understanding husband Steve about this situation.
Anyway, I posted the
XLR Effect late last night feeling a bit geeky for doing it and tonight I find 4 responses, that: for-lack-of better-words,
warms my heart!

My thoughts are not un-like ChicagoDave's thoughts: but when I drive my XLR it is hard to describe my feelings: it is like I
feel sorry for all the Merceedes, BMW
and Corvette owners out there. (I am not meaning to sound snobbish) I feel blessed for having the good fortune to have been able to become the guardian of this awesome car. I have only owned it for 4 months but I can not imagine not having it forever. My husband & I are both Motor-Heads and we have had the good fortune of owning many fabulous cars: for a better idea of that, you can check my online albums. But, for all the great and special cars of the past
and present, none have captured my attention and admiration as this XLR has.
My 57 Olds Wagon is a very special car to me and it is my first car that truly earned a name:
his name is
Edgar. My XLR is unique and different: so much so that I am wanting to expand our relationship to a
first-name basis!

I have thought of
her as Scarlet a few times but it somehow it does not feel right and the reality is that I haven't even decided - or should I say
felt if it is a him or a her!
So haw many of you Geeks and Freaks out there (and I use those terms with extreme affection

and respect) feel like I do about your XLR and how many have also named your cars?

I am going to guess that just about all of you feel this way since you are here: but how about the name thing?