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Daily Chat

Dave, Tracey and I enjoyed meeting you as well. Here is an idea, see if you and Devin can make it up here this weekend. I have mentally planned spots for taking pictures, and having both of them there to take together would be unbelievable. We are right next to Lake Michigan.

We'll grill up some lunch, and have a good time. Are you free?

Hey Sean (phone is on charger - would have texted you otherwise) ... Devin and I can come up tomorrow afternoon (we have church in the morning). I will text you when we get home, after lunch. We'll do lunch another time - thanks for the offer. Can't wait to get some nice pictures of our two cars together.
Thought I'd see if going 75 mph with the top down would make 97 degrees with a heat index of 110+ feel any cooler. It didn't. :( It did make me feel better though! ;)
Lola hasn't gotten much top down time this summer at all - not for lack of great weather, but because the Detail Guy is working his butt off .... and I am still chasing around the now, next to the teeniest, 3 yr old grandboy. About 2 weeks ago, we put some miles on her .... drove up the I-15 to an Indian Casino on the Pala Reservation. It was about 140 miles roundtrip - felt so nice to just ride...... I am still amazed at the attention this car draws and she is now an 8 yr old model car .... her lines are classic.

Other than her regular trips to the grocery store, dry cleaners, etc...... the poor girl (not me -haha) is not getting out much ;)
You are right - these cars are always head turners, top up or down. Service guy in our garage today was full of questions about the XLR, completely ignored the Shelby Mustang right next to it. :D Probably not a top down weekend for me either, between gross weather & an even more gross cold (who gets a cold in JULY??) that is making me feel awful.
Jean and I took a quick trip over to Phoenix and back today. We got to meet up with Jetboy for breakfast. It was nice to get to see him again.
Jean and I took a quick trip over to Phoenix and back today. We got to meet up with Jetboy for breakfast. It was nice to get to see him again.

I am soooooo jealous .... Waffle House or CRACKER BARREL??? :laugh:
I love AZ ... and love JetBoy.
We met up at Deer Valley Airport. They have a nice restaurant there. We were sad, they had closed all the Marie Callenders there last month. Jetboy was enroute to look at a new Cadillac and we went to pick up a new kitten.
Anyone know how to settle down a 2 year pup?
Im doggie sitting my sisters dogs this weekend. Three dogs in one house what was I thinking?
Anyone know how to settle down a 2 year pup?
Im doggie sitting my sisters dogs this weekend. Three dogs in one house what was I thinking?

Who knew whistles and spraying water on the pup would work! :dunno: I'm happy to report I have settled him down with my trusty whistle. :D
Never happen .... :D

I'm thinking Ray will regret buying her a whistle .... :)

Cubby does. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good news though all is well in the Grady home with three dogs. The oldest dog I picked up today and she has put the pup in his place. :dunno:
Summer has arrived - today it was around 92. Too hot to even put the top down on Lola ...

It's a pretty sad day here too .... in less than two weeks 2 police officers have been shot ... locally. One died (RIP) and one is recovering from a wound in the neck. In both cases the shooters died ... one by police fire (hurrah!) and one, coward that he was - either by police fire, or hopefully burned to death in the house that he set on fire. The latter one killed his mother in law in that home, but just previously shot and killed his 1-year-old daughter through the temple and left her in his truck.

All day I have been thinking about these incidents - thinking that these types of incidents are no longer something I see on the news, but practically at my doorstep. WHAT IS WRONG with people? How does one look in the eyes of his trusting, tiny blond little princess daughter and then shoot her dead?

Sad .....
Weird that you mention this as I just read the front page of our local newspaper then read your message here and some 82 year old man barricaded himself in a garage and had a 7 hour stand off with police which ended with exchanging fire and him getting shot 4 times 2 in the right arm and 1 left and one grazing his chest. Then look over to next side of the front page to see where a 61 year old woman get killed at gunshop while test firing guns but no other information right now. It's just down right crazy that almost everday to see or hear of these thing happen right here in our local area too!
On the way back from Las Vegas yesterday we stopped and had lunch with Jetboy and got to see his new CTS wagon. It is nice to get back to 90 degree weather instead of the 112-117 we saw in Las Vegas and Phoenix.
It must have been a "JetBoy" kind of day .... we took Lola up to a casino that is about 10 or 15 miles from here and a couple of bikes came screaming by .... thought about him and his bikes.

It was really hot in Alpine ... Alpine - a funny name for a little town surrounded by rock and shrub. Anyway, it's in the 100's ... But we stayed nice and cool in the casino - played some slot and machines and then went to dinner in town .... Ray was driving her fast and hard, I saw that little guage move over the hundred mark a couple of times. I am always so surprised at how I keep my mouth shut :laugh:.

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