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You will like the White Diamond. Agree on the V-6 thing. Is your sister going to take your silver DTS?

I didn't ask her but I know she is still wanting to trade up, would make her a great car, even better if they cetify it so she could have more warranty, still has two years on it.
I didn't ask her but I know she is still wanting to trade up, would make her a great car, even better if they cetify it so she could have more warranty, still has two years on it.

My sister in law has decided not to buy my 09 DTS from my dealer, too bad as they quoted her exactly what they allowed me for the trade in. Today, Mark hand painted the pin stripes, wreath encompasing the monogram and added two stars just behind the rear doors above the pin stripes. Royalty Blue & Gold pin stripes. He also did a fantastic job on the back of the trunk around and each side of the Cadillac Emblem. I think this is the crowning masterpiece he has done on any of my vehicles. It really stands out on the White Diamond, not a bland look anymore. Will take delivery Monday, hope to have Arizona plates within six to eight weeks. I am also going to check on window tinting for the two rear doors and possibly the rear window. I like them to be a little darker than the factory tinting since Digby rides in his carrier in the back seat. Will take some pictures and see if I remember how to put them on here.
Beautiful country .... just beautiful .... I am forever amazed at how the landscape and weather change every hundred miles .... what a wonderful world we live in.

I hope you had a really good time ... I would hope that sometime we get a chance to see the Big Sky ....
Here are a few photos from my bike trip. The first couple are from a pull off about 1500ft from the top of the Beartooth pass. When we went to the top (11,100') the hwy was closed at the MT/WY border. The snow was over 10' higher than the driving surface. We never got a photo as it was cold (28) and a storm was quickly moving in and the road was getting iced over. It was time to leave. The next few are from along the Chief Jospesh Hwy on the way to Cooke City. What an amazing road. The CJ hwy intercepts the BT hwy just outside of Cooke City, where we past by guys unloading their snowmobiles. It was snowing when we got into Cooke City. We retreated to a lower elevation via Yellowstone. In just over 5 days we put on 2300 miles. Even managed to squeeze in a short visit with MTRocket.

Awesome pictures!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the ride. Thanks for sharing.:wave:

Pretty Damn Dumb, Some nut cake at Cadillac decided they would no longer supply the Valet Key for the 2011 DTS. The system is worthless if you don't have the Valet Key. My dealer has ordered one so I hope it will work as I use the Valet system all the time. They also left out the wiring for the Electrical socket on the lower front of the drivers seat which I have always used to plug in my cell phone charger. I was on the phone with Cadillac Customer Service at 6:00 A.M. today giving them an ear full.
Pretty Damn Dumb, Some nut cake at Cadillac decided they would no longer supply the Valet Key for the 2011 DTS. The system is worthless if you don't have the Valet Key. My dealer has ordered one so I hope it will work as I use the Valet system all the time. They also left out the wiring for the Electrical socket on the lower front of the drivers seat which I have always used to plug in my cell phone charger. I was on the phone with Cadillac Customer Service at 6:00 A.M. today giving them an ear full.

Go figure... always cutting costs, I guess.
Valet Key

Picked up the Valet Key this morning and had it programmed into the vehicle so everything is a go. Cost, $57 and change and Cadillac just lost thousands of dollars in good will and reputations. What stupid people.
XLRs visit

I had a nice day yesterday. I had not one but two beautiful XLRs stop by our house to get their oil changed. Marc brought up Tiffany & Carolyn brought her NM XLR. Carolyn left her's to get detailed today.:)
After not seeing a XLR on the road for the last few months, I saw 2 this past week.

Last Saturday (a week ago), my wife spotted a Cobalt Blue XLR with aftermarket wheels sitting at a local gas station/convenience store. We turned around (we were in my little pickup) to get a better look. The top was down and I was able to speak to the driver. He said it was an 05. I told him that I had never seen an XLR in that color. I also told him about this forum.

Later in the week, I saw a black XLR going the other way on the interstate loop around Charlotte.

They really do "stand out" from the crowd!
Yesterday I had the privilege of driving a beautiful ultra violet XLR. It was at our house this weekend to be detailed. Talk about awesome! And even though it was 95 degrees outside, I still drove it back home to it's owners with the top down, the A/C set at 60 degrees and the blower on high.
After all, it's not every day that you get to drive a Neiman Marcus Edition XLR!!
After not seeing a XLR on the road for the last few months, I saw 2 this past week.

Last Saturday (a week ago), my wife spotted a Cobalt Blue XLR with aftermarket wheels sitting at a local gas station/convenience store. We turned around (we were in my little pickup) to get a better look. The top was down and I was able to speak to the driver. He said it was an 05. I told him that I had never seen an XLR in that color. I also told him about this forum.

Later in the week, I saw a black XLR going the other way on the interstate loop around Charlotte.

They really do "stand out" from the crowd!

I saw 3 around Louisville this weekend. 2 Crimson Pearl and 1 2009 Platinum. Several people that frequent the same post office I do, have XLRs. I see several a week during the summer and I occasionally see my old 2004 Satin Nickel.

With all of my mods, my 2006 looks quite different than all the others around. Other than a couple with after-market wheels, most are stock.
Yesterday I had the privilege of driving a beautiful ultra violet XLR. It was at our house this weekend to be detailed. Talk about awesome! And even though it was 95 degrees outside, I still drove it back home to it's owners with the top down, the A/C set at 60 degrees and the blower on high.
After all, it's not every day that you get to drive a Neiman Marcus Edition XLR!!

Wow, what fun, Kathy! Too bad you couldn't talk Carolyn in letting you "borrow" the NM XLR for this weekend and bring it back to Bowling Green... how awesome that would be!

I think its great that Carolyn lets Bruce continue to keep her baby running and looking great. Its such a BEAUTIFUL car! :rocker:
Yesterday I had the privilege of driving a beautiful ultra violet XLR. It was at our house this weekend to be detailed. Talk about awesome! And even though it was 95 degrees outside, I still drove it back home to it's owners with the top down, the A/C set at 60 degrees and the blower on high.
After all, it's not every day that you get to drive a Neiman Marcus Edition XLR!!

Here's a few pictures of Carolyn's XLR after it's spa visit.:)
Now how would I have known that Kathy would get to drive the XLR back to it's home base?? Lucky guess? I know her....:):):):):)

So Jeanie ... you are joining us down in Bowling Green this weekend, aren't you? Sure would love to see you down there with Zoey!
Jersey Trip

This is a good place to mention my weekend trip from Ohio to Jersey and back. Out to Jersey on Sunday, returned Tuesday. My uncle celebrated his 97th birthday on Monday and the original plans were for me to drive my parents to Jersey in my CTS. My dad was a little under the weather - at 92 I guess he knows what's best for himself - and he decided not to go. So that meant - XLR PERSONAL TIME! The XLR ran great! 30 mpg at slightly over the limit and I won't say by how much. Got comments at fill-ups and rest stops on how sharp a car it was. One very attractive member of the opposite sex who was driving a BMW 650i walked by and said my XLR was a gorgeous car. A Toyota engineer offered to trade me his yellow Toyota SUV for the XLR but I respectfully declined. Not quite my style. Rolling along I80 in Jersey before the I280 cutoff I traded greetings with a silver XLR - so if you are a member of XLR NET, that was me in the black XLR you passed and waved to and I honked back at 4 PM on Sunday. The NAV system operated flawlessly. First time I departed without a paper map in the car. I know my way around Jersey in general but finding specific locations and which exit to take, when, was very easy with the NAV system. I played FOUR SEASONS CD's - I grew up listening to the FOUR SEASONS in the early 60's and cheered whenever their hits hit #1 on WABC and WMCA (so much for the Bristish invasion). I grew up within a stone's throw of where they started in Jersey and have seen them with Frankie Valli live several times over the past 35 years. If you don't know a lot about the FOUR SEASONS, their sound is an unmistakable Jersey sound. Billy Joel, Cher, The GRASS ROOTS and Connie Francis (The Italian Collection Vol 1 & 2) who is also a Jersey native also kept me company on the ride. The weather was great. No condensation on the car while parked overnight so it was sparkling clean. It was a great 3 days enjoying the XLR as well as celebrating my uncle's birthday!
Chicago Dave meets Dockery

Devin and I met Sean and his wife, Tracey, at the local McDonalds ("Dockery" to XLR-Net people here) cruize-in. It was great meeting him and I loved seeing many people come up and check out the XLR's. Yes, Bruce, you are right - you just put a couple of these together and it just instantly draws people to them. Sean and his wife are VERY nice people - and what a beautiful Steel Blue XLR. Unfortunately it was later and the lighting wasn't very good, so I couldn't get any pictures of our two cars. I've never seen a Steel Blue XLR - in the lighting, it looked very similar to the Nieman Marcus XLR color. What an awesome looking car. Those two are definitely going to have to join us on some XLR events!
Well - welcome to the forum, Sean! Look forward to meeting you and Tracy again sometime. Rest up that knee! :wave:

The wife and I have taken 2 different trips now since I bought the XLR in last week of March 2011. This is amazing road trip car besides the limited space which is easy to deal with we just drive highway top up, AC on, when we get there we unload and enjoy top down at your stay location, Our 1st trip was for her 50th Birthday to Charleston SC from our home in south central PA it was the last week in May over Memorial Day Holiday. We had quite warm weather but, was fairly comfortable even in the car when it was in the mid 90s with the AC on Auto and the cooling seats it was not all that bad, I must mention I did most of drive so my heavy foot just had to have some fun, my normal speed was around 80 but when butt heads got in the way I'd tramp down just a little and more than once it just zoom right to about 110 within seconds. No tickets yet but I was following another car and we both were running cruise control at 80 I saw the cop come out and passed me than cut in between us and pull over the guy in front of me , that was my only close call, Than, Last week we head down to Ocean City MD for my 54th Birthday. Some of pictures in my album are from there and are after using the Zaino's Polish which I really do like the finish wet look! To end my story there was 53,303 mile on the car when I bought it, now it has 57,759 miles. So yes I do love driving my XLR! :beerchug:
This is a good place to mention my weekend trip from Ohio to Jersey and back. Out to Jersey on Sunday, returned Tuesday. My uncle celebrated his 97th birthday on Monday and the original plans were for me to drive my parents to Jersey in my CTS. My dad was a little under the weather - at 92 I guess he knows what's best for himself - and he decided not to go. So that meant - XLR PERSONAL TIME! The XLR ran great! 30 mpg at slightly over the limit and I won't say by how much. Got comments at fill-ups and rest stops on how sharp a car it was. One very attractive member of the opposite sex who was driving a BMW 650i walked by and said my XLR was a gorgeous car. A Toyota engineer offered to trade me his yellow Toyota SUV for the XLR but I respectfully declined. Not quite my style. Rolling along I80 in Jersey before the I280 cutoff I traded greetings with a silver XLR - so if you are a member of XLR NET, that was me in the black XLR you passed and waved to and I honked back at 4 PM on Sunday. The NAV system operated flawlessly. First time I departed without a paper map in the car. I know my way around Jersey in general but finding specific locations and which exit to take, when, was very easy with the NAV system. I played FOUR SEASONS CD's - I grew up listening to the FOUR SEASONS in the early 60's and cheered whenever their hits hit #1 on WABC and WMCA (so much for the Bristish invasion). I grew up within a stone's throw of where they started in Jersey and have seen them with Frankie Valli live several times over the past 35 years. If you don't know a lot about the FOUR SEASONS, their sound is an unmistakable Jersey sound. Billy Joel, Cher, The GRASS ROOTS and Connie Francis (The Italian Collection Vol 1 & 2) who is also a Jersey native also kept me company on the ride. The weather was great. No condensation on the car while parked overnight so it was sparkling clean. It was a great 3 days enjoying the XLR as well as celebrating my uncle's birthday!

The wife and I have taken 2 different trips now since I bought the XLR in last week of March 2011. This is amazing road trip car besides the limited space which is easy to deal with we just drive highway top up, AC on, when we get there we unload and enjoy top down at your stay location, Our 1st trip was for her 50th Birthday to Charleston SC from our home in south central PA it was the last week in May over Memorial Day Holiday. We had quite warm weather but, was fairly comfortable even in the car when it was in the mid 90s with the AC on Auto and the cooling seats it was not all that bad, I must mention I did most of drive so my heavy foot just had to have some fun, my normal speed was around 80 but when butt heads got in the way I'd tramp down just a little and more than once it just zoom right to about 110 within seconds. No tickets yet but I was following another car and we both were running cruise control at 80 I saw the cop come out and passed me than cut in between us and pull over the guy in front of me , that was my only close call, Than, Last week we head down to Ocean City MD for my 54th Birthday. Some of pictures in my album are from there and are after using the Zaino's Polish which I really do like the finish wet look! To end my story there was 53,303 mile on the car when I bought it, now it has 57,759 miles. So yes I do love driving my XLR! :beerchug:

It's great to read that you guys are getting out and enjoying some time behind the wheel of your XLRs. They are so much fun to drive! Thanks for sharing your stories.:wave:
Devin and I met Sean and his wife Tracy (spelling?) at the local McDonalds ("Dockery" to XLR-Net people here) cruize-in. It was great meeting him and I loved seeing many people come up and check out the XLR's. Yes, Bruce, you are right - you just put a couple of these together and it just instantly draws people to them. Sean and his wife are VERY nice people - and what a beautiful Steel Blue XLR. Unfortunately it was later and the lighting wasn't very good, so I couldn't get any pictures of our two cars. I've never seen a Steel Blue XLR - in the lighting, it looked very similar to the Nieman Marcus XLR color. What an awesome looking car. Those two are definitely going to have to join us on some XLR events!
Well - welcome to the forum, Sean! Look forward to meeting you and Tracy again sometime. Rest up that knee! :wave:

Dave, Tracey and I enjoyed meeting you as well. Here is an idea, see if you and Devin can make it up here this weekend. I have mentally planned spots for taking pictures, and having both of them there to take together would be unbelievable. We are right next to Lake Michigan.

We'll grill up some lunch, and have a good time. Are you free?

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