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I got mine at bealls here in Florida. I'm sure you can try and get one online if you are out of state.

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My New Year's resolution is to find a way to meet up with some of the Midwest Marauders .... Miss you all, would love to hear from all of the old guard .... we had some AWESOME years with our 'babies' ....

RA & Ray
Well early this morning I heard a noise in the garage. It seems like one of the boxes collapsed. the bucket that I had on the box fell against the xlr. So now I have a little scratch on the right corner panel. So now I have to fix this before the car show in early March. Ugg that's a great start to the new year.

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I just talked to one of the people that winters down here. her son told me that before the xlrs stopped production. Some guy bought 13 of them and stored them in a warehouse in detroit. the person drives them around every so often. But the friends son was helping this guy fix something. the owner took him back to the warehouse and said which one do you like. he told the guy he liked the cherry one. So he hands him the keys to that one. The guy was abl;e to drive it for about a year then he had to turn it back in. But he really enjoyed it very much. I think he picked the V model because he told me it was around 500 hp.
I may need the "NOT4SALE" license plate

(one of the members here has that plate, but I can't remember who)

I would love to be a fly on the wall at my dealership - especially since people always think XLR's are a "new" Cadillac model - as they have apparently parked my XLR (repair finished) out front under a canopy with all the best new Caddies they have (like the ATS-V). Since it's still clean & shiny & I've been told it looks better now than when it was delivered new, I wonder who is going to try to buy it! Anyway, it gave me a good chuckle that they chose to park it there, but I did tell them do NOT sell it ...
(one of the members here has that plate, but I can't remember who)

I would love to be a fly on the wall at my dealership - especially since people always think XLR's are a "new" Cadillac model - as they have apparently parked my XLR (repair finished) out front under a canopy with all the best new Caddies they have (like the ATS-V). Since it's still clean & shiny & I've been told it looks better now than when it was delivered new, I wonder who is going to try to buy it! Anyway, it gave me a good chuckle that they chose to park it there, but I did tell them do NOT sell it ...

It is always surprising when someone thinks the XLR is a new model Cadillac: beyond the fact that your car is always dazzling! The newest one's like my 09 are 6 years old, the 04 are 11 years old and unless you have a 'trained eye' it is hard to catch the difference in those 6 years. The XLR has a timeless design: at least for next number of years!
It is always surprising when someone thinks the XLR is a new model Cadillac: beyond the fact that your car is always dazzling! The newest one's like my 09 are 6 years old, the 04 are 11 years old and unless you have a 'trained eye' it is hard to catch the difference in those 6 years. The XLR has a timeless design: at least for next number of years!

Well, you know the real key to your car & mine - they're RED!
(one of the members here has that plate, but I can't remember who)

I would love to be a fly on the wall at my dealership - especially since people always think XLR's are a "new" Cadillac model - as they have apparently parked my XLR (repair finished) out front under a canopy with all the best new Caddies they have (like the ATS-V). Since it's still clean & shiny & I've been told it looks better now than when it was delivered new, I wonder who is going to try to buy it! Anyway, it gave me a good chuckle that they chose to park it there, but I did tell them do NOT sell it ...

I love the way they treat Roxy when she at the repair shop! You see I got them trained from day one not to let her parked outside so they have alway parked her in the side garage at maintenance desk where all the other customers come into drop off and pick up!
I know they do it on propose just to show her off they have big windows at them bays and they always brag about how the customers want to know all about her, but in the winter if they walk up front to the showroom they would find the dealership owner's own personal red XLR! I never had the privilege of meet him!



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Dan & Wendy

Has anybody been looking at or thinking about purchasing a Tesla? Model S P85D with front and rear electric motors, 691 HP, 0-60 in 3.2 seconds in a 4 door sedan. Might seriously be a replacement for our STS in another year or two.

Has anybody been looking at or thinking about purchasing a Tesla? Model S P85D with front and rear electric motors, 691 HP, 0-60 in 3.2 seconds in a 4 door sedan. Might seriously be a replacement for our STS in another year or two.

Good looking car, there is one locally and I appreciate it every time it drives buy. :cool: It certainly could rip a strip off the back of a elephant :burnout: but unless I fell into a bucket of money to have both: I wouldn't let go of my XLR for one!
Has anybody been looking at or thinking about purchasing a Tesla? Model S P85D with front and rear electric motors, 691 HP, 0-60 in 3.2 seconds in a 4 door sedan. Might seriously be a replacement for our STS in another year or two.

Unless, it starts coming as a convertible, its not on my radar.

Need service?

I know a person who recently bought one of those Tesla you asked about......not enough driven miles for a complete opinion yet, other than it is an awesome car and fast. My concern with Tesla is..............if it needs warranty attention,,,,where will you go and how long will the car be tied up if sent to a Tesla service center?
While I was getting ready to clean my windows today My neighbor stopped over earlier with his v. Cts v that is.

Yesterday gave my baby a bath. She likes to stay clean. I had a local cruise in to attend later that afternoon. So wanted her looking classy

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While I was getting ready to clean my windows today My neighbor stopped over earlier with his v. Cts v that is.

Yesterday gave my baby a bath. She likes to stay clean. I had a local cruise in to attend later that afternoon. So wanted her looking classy


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Tell your neighbor to get busy and clean up his CTS. Behind your baby his looks like an unkept 30 year old car!
Yeah I'll try. Going back to when I had the trunk leak problem. The service and dealership was so frustrated along with me. That they gave me a full detail. Later I found out that they used a high priced detail that holds up for 5 years they said. The product is called cela jet. Think I mis spelled it though. So far I'm satisfied with the product.

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celeb car show

I just received this from the flcarshows enewsletter Its a meet and greet the hosts chris jacobs, berry meguiar, wayne carini, dennis cage matt steele &bruno massel and mike phillips. They will be at the 10 th annual auto geek 2 day detail fest down in stuart fl.
7744 sw jack james dr stuart fl

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