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Are there any XLR shirts? Forum or other?

Chicago Dave,

Will you be doing another run of polos or tshirts any time soon?

I have received a few requests ... I will see about getting another round of shirts ordered for anyone interested (I also have some Carolina Polo requests that I received while on the trip - just too busy at work to find the time to put together a post).

I will be in touch with the available options (as before). I found a new source for shirts - that does not have the minimum quantities - so I can do a large or small run of orders. I will try to update this weekend. :wave:
I haven't seen much out there...

I make T-shirts for my other forum I run.... if there's not currently a forum shirt, I'd love to design one and get them printed for those that want them. I don't mark up the cost or shipping, so you pretty much get them at 'cost'...

Just throwing it out there.... would love to see the XLR silhouette on front, and the XLR NET on the back below the collar, possibly with a re-modifed cadillac logo... my ideas are in my head, but could be in photoshop soon...

I can show you past work of what I've done (sold over 1,000) of these in the past.... I see a front/rear/colored/awesome T-shirt for less than $20

Is there an interest for something like this?

My current big seller:


Go to member Bob Loedding and view photos of our shirts with color embroydered picture of our 2006 gold mist xlr. any color or size can be reproduced on any suitable fabric - will have info at bowling Green July 15

Bob Loedding
We had our shirts embroydered by Carolyn Marburger, a friend who lives in Pittsburgh. She has top of the line equipment and does a truly proffessional job. She has a side view of our XLR top down digitized. It is a perfect rendition. So, she can do any size or color on hats, shirts sweaters, etc. Her Email address is: Marburger, Terry and Carolyn
E-mail Address(es):
You can see photos of my wife and I with our shirts in my member location.

Bob Loedding

hello all ,

I am a new member, and am going through some of the older threads. I am one who is looking for an xlr...but have bought the t-shirt already. it is not like some of the designs I have seen. it has the old cadillac wreath logo on the front with "the standard of the world" text beneath it. on he back it has 4 views of the xlr, 2 side views ,with top up and down.....and front and back. the text on the back says "I have O C D- obsessive Cadillac disorder". if anybody is interested I can send you a picture in an e-mail. I can see if the fellow has any left.



XLR T Shirts

I saw some today at a Swap Meet. Black Shirt with side view of XLR in white.
Beneath it in large print OCD
Below it read Obsessive Cadillac Disorder.
Cadillac script and XLR on the back.
I never wear a shirt without a pocket so didn't purchase one.
I will take a photo of them if I see one again.

I like it. I started working on an XLR Net design to use on shirts and decals, but I've just gotten busy with work and trying to get the Registry here up and running, and haven't had the time to work on it again.
I started a group buy of black or red tshirts yesterday. Here's my original posting

Okay, here's the LINK HERE

Buying period is ends in 14 days. You have a choice of black or cherry red colors, in all sizes, including youth sizes. The pricing is better as well, and the shirts are the same kind.
When the order period is over, or when 10 shirts are sold, I'll need your payment for shipping costs. USPS Flat Rate should be around $6.50 per shirt. If I can get two shirts in the same package I'll do that, saving you some beer money.
Shirts are $19.76 each.

I just ordered 2 shirts myself, so only have to buy 8 more to make the quota

Did you post some pix of the designs? If so, where. I'm very interested in getting at least two shirts.
shirts etc

OK - I am going to place the order for the shirts this weekend.

Any last minute requests for Polo Shirts?

Also - my embroidering friend can also do Silk Screen tShirts - if anyone is interested, let me know. I am getting a price on just the basic tshirt with the SILHOUETTE across the front (maybe the Cadillac script below it).

Hi Dave,
I just bought a 2006 XLR and am searching for shirts. Don't like the flame design out there now. Do or can you advise me who I can get shirts from? Can you send me a pictue of them?
My direct e mail is jentgens1943@hotmail.com

Hope you are still doing these.
Think about attending the meet in Aug. Grand Rapids MI. Dan and Monica put on a great event.

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