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2013 XLR Bowling Green Plant Homecoming - Sept 28th, 2013

Our "goody bag" from the BGACC show included this post card. On the back it has the Corvette, Cadillac, & UAW symbols & talks about the Corvette & XLR "coming to life" at the plant. I noticed it because I saw it was the BG plant on the front & then saw the Cadillac crest on the back and thought "why is that on there?" Wonder where they dug these up from? VERY COOL!

For a few years, they would hand out a postcard after the plant tours. They would release a new postcard each yr or so. We have 3 or 4 different cards from our visits to the plant.
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800 of the nearly 3,000 parts used to assemble the XLR are XLR specific.
A single XLR spent 8, 8hr workdays in production. 4 of those days involving paint & bodywork, the other 4 consisting of general assembly.
GM spent $50 million adding the XLR assembly line to the BGAP, opening up 127 new jobs.
Maximum daily production for the XLR was 16 per day.
Minimum daily production for the XLR was 8 per day.

Information from the book The Corvette Factories

After visiting the plant last week & seeing the C7 build process, I thought some of you might find this info on the XLR interesting

Hi Members,

First of all, we will be posting on the site, facebook, and in the local newspaper all of our Sponsors later this next week. Everyone has been a big part of our charity car show and Treasurer Rollie Bell gave us the final figure today at the membership meeting. With money that came in after the show this week, we are proud to announce that the total to be split between the 2 charities is $20,500.00. We will be making arrangements this next week to present a check for $10,250.00 to the Bowling Green Warren County Humane Society and with Krogers to order and deliver $10,250.00 worth of food to the Bowling Green Salvation Army Foodbank. Thank You All and may God Bless



Dave Chrisley
President/Co Founder

Thanks Guys!
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Bruce -

Thanks for the postcard & XLR build info. Given that we were told they are building 17.3 Corvettes an hour, comparing that to max XLR's in a day, and realizing that at the stage of the cars we saw being assembled (paint work already done) the XLR's would still be 4 days from finished - is amazing.

When I found this about the ELR relative to price drops on electric cars, it sounded eerily familiar: "So has Cadillac revised its pricing plans for the ELR, which GM plans to launch by March? 'Not at all,' Bob Ferguson, senior vice president of global Cadillac, told Automotive News this month during a press event here. 'We're really confident about that vehicle,' Ferguson said of the ELR, declining to discuss specific pricing plans. 'We're only going to make so many. I actually think you're going to see a scramble for that vehicle.' Analysts predict meager production and a high price for the ELR."

Read more: http://www.autonews.com/article/201...bullish-on-cadillac-elr-pricing#ixzz2gwtL6rvf
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(Hope that doesn't count as a major hijack!)
Everyone I met at the show and the BGACC as a whole made me, for one, feel very welcome. None of the "sour grapes" attitudes that usually happens around a bunch of 'vettes, from just a few. Everyone seemed to have mutual respect.

I have been told that there is a lot of this inter-generational rivalry in the Corvette community. I have heard that if you don't own a C1 or C2, or the latest generation, that you are "personna non grata".

We don't have this divide in the XLR community and I believe it contributes to a greater unity. Quite frankly, it seems to me that we have a large group of mature adults that enjoy the cohesiveness that we have.

There may be a little good natured joking about color or other small point, but I really enjoy the fact that we all LOVE our XLRs and have a great time when we get together!
Nice graphics on the rear window!

Did you get lots of questions about it on your trip to/from BG?
Hi Members,

First of all, we will be posting on the site, facebook, and in the local newspaper all of our Sponsors later this next week. Everyone has been a big part of our charity car show and Treasurer Rollie Bell gave us the final figure today at the membership meeting. With money that came in after the show this week, we are proud to announce that the total to be split between the 2 charities is $20,500.00. We will be making arrangements this next week to present a check for $10,250.00 to the Bowling Green Warren County Humane Society and with Krogers to order and deliver $10,250.00 worth of food to the Bowling Green Salvation Army Foodbank. Thank You All and may God Bless



Dave Chrisley
President/Co Founder

Thanks Guys!

Thank you Dave for all your effort to give us a wonderful time during our stay in BG with all the XLR Friends!

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Dan & Wendy

Nice graphics on the rear window!

Did you get lots of questions about it on your trip to/from BG?

Yes,about what an XLR is and the story about the 10th homecoming. everyone found the information very interesting, as we all know they thought the XLR was new!!! :lol:
Steve & I arrived back Monday afternoon without a problem: such a nice car to drive anywhere. We did catch some rain in Ohio and S.W. Ontario but other than that, no problems. The weekend went by so fast and we missed out on some things: I had to leave the car show before wrap up as I was feeling the heat, I felt jittery. I drove out of the parking lot but ended up getting Steve to drive back to the hotel for me. Not normal for me but I was battling the tail end of a cold. Congratulations to all who won trophies! Then Saturday night I could not stand the chaos and noise at Whabas: again it was making me jittery, so we left there. This 'sketchyness' I was feeling may have something to do with the apprehension of the surgery I was facing on Tuesday too.

The Surgery went well, I have a brand new 'bionic' right knee and I am feeling better than I expected. Lots of exhausting simple exercises: I am always ready for a nap after them and I am getting around quite well with my walker! Steve got the winterizing my XLR for me. I will not be allowed to drive for a minimum of one month, likely two, so I just had her tucked away. He had to drive it around to get the oil changed, managed to pick up the glove box latch assembly that broke while in BG so that is fixed. He said he could not own that car. He was having a great time driving the wheels off of it: he knows he would only avoid the police for so long before he would start getting tickets. :chuckle Good thing I don't own a V.

Anyway, fabulous gathering, great to see old friends and discover many new. Until next year......
Congratulations on your successful knee surgery! So good to hear how well it went.

No problems about the dinner at Wah Bahs, it was noisy and I can understand how it could wear on you if you were feeling a bit apprehensive about the surgery.

Glad to hear you had a great trip home, we did as well. These XLRs really drive well and ride great.

Keep us updated on your recovery, please.
Home again, Home agan, Jiggidy Jig !!!

Well we arrived home safely after 3 1/2 weeks and 6,621 miles on the road. Crystal was a surprisingly comfortable ride. Thanx & Kudos to all who put their time and effort into making the Homecoming such a memorable event. It was great putting faces to all the Forum names I have been reading about for the last year and a half. In the words of Will Rogers "A stranger is just a friend I haven't met", well I can move a whole group of people into the category of FRIEND. I hope to meet many of you at the 2014 Mt Rod's Rocket Run. Until then, Happy Trails to You.
Sandy -

Glad to hear your surgery went well! I know from other folks who've had joint replacement surgery that it so great to get that done & over with, & usually gives great relief. I figured it was weighing on your mind at BG because you weren't quite as rambunctious as in Pa.! Anyway, glad to hear you're making good progress. :wave:
Steve & I arrived back Monday afternoon without a problem: such a nice car to drive anywhere. We did catch some rain in Ohio and S.W. Ontario but other than that, no problems. The weekend went by so fast and we missed out on some things: I had to leave the car show before wrap up as I was feeling the heat, I felt jittery. I drove out of the parking lot but ended up getting Steve to drive back to the hotel for me. Not normal for me but I was battling the tail end of a cold. Congratulations to all who won trophies! Then Saturday night I could not stand the chaos and noise at Whabas: again it was making me jittery, so we left there. This 'sketchyness' I was feeling may have something to do with the apprehension of the surgery I was facing on Tuesday too.

The Surgery went well, I have a brand new 'bionic' right knee and I am feeling better than I expected. Lots of exhausting simple exercises: I am always ready for a nap after them and I am getting around quite well with my walker! Steve got the winterizing my XLR for me. I will not be allowed to drive for a minimum of one month, likely two, so I just had her tucked away. He had to drive it around to get the oil changed, managed to pick up the glove box latch assembly that broke while in BG so that is fixed. He said he could not own that car. He was having a great time driving the wheels off of it: he knows he would only avoid the police for so long before he would start getting tickets. :chuckle Good thing I don't own a V.

Anyway, fabulous gathering, great to see old friends and discover many new. Until next year......

Sandy glad to hear thing went well and healing is going quite well to just hope the other one goes as well also! Good Luck and Get well soon!

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Dan & Wendy
Halloween card

Bruce and Kathy and the gang,

Sharon and I want to thank you all for the nice halloween card and the well wishes from everyone. We are so sorry that we couldn't make the home coming, as we were so looking forward to seeing you all. I know you guys had a wonderful time as you always do and we look forward to a future get together

Jim (Silverstreak)
We really missed you guys at the Homecoming. Supa & I were looking forward to seeing you guys again. Hope things are going well for you now. Maybe we'll see you in Montana in 2014!!

Bruce and Kathy and the gang,

Sharon and I want to thank you all for the nice halloween card and the well wishes from everyone. We are so sorry that we couldn't make the home coming, as we were so looking forward to seeing you all. I know you guys had a wonderful time as you always do and we look forward to a future get together

Jim (Silverstreak)

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