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2013 XLR Bowling Green Plant Homecoming - Sept 28th, 2013

Food delivery this Saturday

Hi members, this friday at 9:30am we will be picking up $10,250 worth of food from Krogers on the bypass and delivering it to the Salvation army Food Bank. We will be loading the Salvation Army truck and unloading it at the Food Bank. All help will be appreciated, just show up at 9:30.

Also, next week during one evening, we will be presenting a check to the Humane Society. I will send out day and time so that anyone who wants to attend, can. Again I am scheduling this for a evening, around 5pm or so.



Dave Chrisley
President/Co Founder

Thanks everyone for your help in making this wonderful food donation happen!
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Bruce and Kathy and the gang,

Sharon and I want to thank you all for the nice halloween card and the well wishes from everyone. We are so sorry that we couldn't make the home coming, as we were so looking forward to seeing you all. I know you guys had a wonderful time as you always do and we look forward to a future get together

Jim (Silverstreak)

Jim, we sure missed you & Sharon in BG. I think you would of had a great time. Hope to see you guys in the future.:wave:
Event DVDs

I hope to get started on the event DVDs after we return from Road Atlanta. This is a very busy time of year for us with leaf removal season quickly approaching. I will post when they are ready for mailing.:wave:

I hope to get started on the event DVDs after we return from Road Atlanta. This is a very busy time of year for us with leaf removal season quickly approaching. I will post when they are ready for mailing.:wave:

One more of my 78 reason why this is the best forum on the net, THE PEOPLE!!!! THANKS AGAIN FROM JUDY AND I.
I hope to get started on the event DVDs after we return from Road Atlanta. This is a very busy time of year for us with leaf removal season quickly approaching. I will post when they are ready for mailing.:wave:

One more of my 78 reason why this is the best forum on the net, THE PEOPLE!!!! THANKS AGAIN FROM JUDY AND I.

Absolutely, the best forum on the NET and yes, it is the PEOPLE!!! :blinzel:
As was Wendy & I too!
Awesome XLR times, friends & memories!

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Dan & Wendy
Cool Picts

I was looking through my pictures from BG and thought these were pretty cool.


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Hey all if your on Facebook check my timeline! I posted a 2 minute video of all our XLR's at NCM in front of the museum
Sorry can't figure out how to post a video on here yet!

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Dan & Wendy
Mike got a mug made with the picture of our XLR's in front of the wall at the plant (also got a sweatshirt made for me). He put the event info on the other side of the mug "in case we get old & forget why we were there." :chuckle Morning coffee is much better in this mug!


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Hey all if your on Facebook check my timeline! I posted a 2 minute video of all our XLR's at NCM in front of the museum
Sorry can't figure out how to post a video on here yet!

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Dan & Wendy

Here ya go (click on the pic):

Mike got a mug made with the picture of our XLR's in front of the wall at the plant (also got a sweatshirt made for me). He put the event info on the other side of the mug "in case we get old & forget why we were there." :chuckle Morning coffee is much better in this mug!

Love the mug, looks great! That was a good idea.:wave:
EEWWW NICE! Wendy said she gonna get me one done walmart Thx for the idea love it!

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Dan & Wendy

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