Profile: 2008 Cadillac XLR-V, Serial #842:

Below, are the production details and historical owner information for 2008 Cadillac XLR-V, Serial #842:

The window sticker below is a facsimile of what the real window sticker might look like. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the numbers and details below.

History of: 2008 Cadillac XLR-V , Serial #842:

  • PVI - Primary Vehicle Identifier:  Also known as the "Job Number" - the number assigned to the vehicle while being built and prior to the VIN.
Last Update as of:   November 30, -0001: Current Status:   Update / Inquire about this XLR-V
Current Owner:  XLR Net Forum Member:  NA
Previous Owners:  0 Current Mileage:  0 miles
Current Location:  , ,

Vehicle Identification Number:  Hidden Delivering Dealer / Invoicing Agent:  ALAMANA, AL RAI, KUWAIT CITY 1838883
Build Date:  01-18-2008 Engine Builder:  NA
Order Number:  611542 PVI Number: 
Charge to Dealer Number:  Ship to Dealer Number: 

Option Codes and Build Information:

*IVH is not the definitive source of GM Vehicle RPO information and is intended for service reference only. Should there be any questions about the vehicle's original build or RPO information please refer to the original vehicle invoice or window sticker.

AAB - AG2 -
AJ7 - AL0 -
AQ9 - BAG -
BGR - B57 -
CE4 - CJ2 -
CU7 - DD8 -
D24 - EXP -
FAA - FE2 -
F85 - GM8 -
IL3 - JJA -
J55 - KA1 -
KG4 - KJ5 -
LC3 - MX0 -
MYC - NF9 -
NR7 - N37 -
P74 - Q24 -
R6K - SSG -
T62 - UD4 -
UJ9 - UK3 -
US3 - UV6 -
U19 - U2S -
U52 - U63 -
VBX - VC5 -
VH9 - VL4 -
VT7 - V76 -
V87 - W12 -
Z5X - 1SB -
31I - 313 -
41U -

The XLR Net does not have the resources to validate or confirm information provided to and for this Registry. Information provided in this Registry is as accurate as the information provided to us. It is not the intent of the XLR Net to document fraudulent data, nor do we have the expertise to question beyond reason, information provided. The XLR Net does due diligence to accurately document the Cadillac XLRs listed in this Registry, but does not, nor will the XLR Net advise, inspect or arbitrate information provided.