Virginia Beach/Outer Banks – Cadillac XLR Trip – May 3-9, 2015
Amy & I would like to invite everyone to come along on a trip through the Virginia Beach/Outer Banks, N.C. area for May 3-9, 2015. A rough itinerary we’ve come up with is as follows:
Sun., May 3: Start in Virginia Beach with a welcome dinner
Mon., May 4: Visit the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, http://www.virginiaaquarium.com in the morning, & in the afternoon the Virginia Beach Aviation Museum (focuses on keeping historical planes actually flying), http://www.militaryaviationmuseum.org
Tues., May 5: In the morning, visit the Mariner’s Museum (can see the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor), http://www.marinersmuseum.org. When we’re done, stop by our Cadillac dealer, then head on to Nauticus (naval/nautical/sea museum) and tour the battleship Wisconsin. http://www.nauticus.org/visitor-info/index.
Wed., May 6: Relocate to Kitty Hawk, N.C./Outer Banks. Visit the Wright Brothers Memorial, http://www.nps.gov/wrbr/index.htm; Corolla Wild Horse Tours, http://corollaoutback.com
Thurs., May 7: Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, http://www.nps.gov/caha/historyculture/cape-hatteras-light-station.htm; Roanoke Island Festival Park (historical exhibits about the first attempt of the English to settle in America), http://roanokeisland.com.
Fri., May 8: “Whalehead” historic 21,000 square foot vacation home of the Knights, http://www.visitwhalehead.com/?doing_wp_cron=1409458541.5641009807586669921875.
Sat., May 9: departure day
There’s LOTS of stuff to do around here, and the above schedule will be fine tuned as we do some recon and sort out how long things will take. Also, others on here might have some better ideas of things to do & places to go that might get plugged in instead. We plan to fit in some scenic drives as well. Anyone can come along for all or any part of the week or trips that we do, or just hang out on the beach. “Day trippers” – folks who live nearby & want to just come along from the day – are more than welcome too. We’ll be happy to have along whoever wants to come!
Accommodations: For Virginia Beach, we’ve reserved a block of oceanfront rooms for $115 a night at the Hampton Inn Oceanfront South, 1011 Atlantic Avenue, www.virginiabeachoceanfrontsouth.hamptoninn.com. They have an attached parking garage and will be reserving parking spaces for our group. Make your reservations by calling 757-965-2300 and ask for the XLR Club block to get the rate.
For the Outer Banks, we’ve reserved a block of side ocean view rooms for $159 a night at the Hilton Garden Inn Outer Banks/Kitty Hawk, 5353 N. Va. Dare Trail, http://www.hiltongardeninnouterbanks.com/. We are getting a BIG discount from the regular rate and they are used to dealing with car clubs, and will also have reserved parking set up. Make your reservations by calling 252-261-1290 and asking for the XLR Car Club block.
Looking forward to seeing a bunch of XLR’s!
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