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Seasoned Member
Oct 2, 2015
West Columbia, Texas
My XLR/V(s)
2006 Base Infrared (SOLD)
Middle of January I get a call from Sterling McCall Cadillac about my XLR that's been there since January 2019.
In essence, they said we can't fix it, come get it, and bring our loaner back.
So we go up there a couple of days later. Talk to the 3rd service manager since last year. They have no idea what's wrong, they give up. I negotiate the total price of the work that was done that I took it in, I call for AAA to pick it up there the next day and that's that. They had done over 12000$ worth of work with nothing to show for it. I certainly didn't pay that amount.
I have the car delivered to a local shop in town for them to give it a shot, along with the receipt from Sterling McCall showing what they had done. I left it there with the understanding that the manager would look at it as time permitted. I figured it would be a slow process tracking down shorts or miswiring since Sterling McCall had pulled the engine out last May.
He got to it today. I received a call from him around 11am to come to the shop. Apprehensive I was. When I arrived, he had it in a bay, with the motor running and a TECH II connected. He then proceeded to tell me when he started it up, the TECH II wasn't making a connection with the EBCM. He then checked under the hood and saw some bare wires twisted together. Upon further checking underneath there was a plug disconnected and several more bare wires twisted together. After reconnecting everything he tried the TECH II and it made the communication with the modules that showed several codes. He cleared them, shut down the car, then restarted with no more codes showing. I took it out on test drive and when I sped up to 50 mph, the ABS and Traction Control lights came on, but the car itself drove like it should. We didn't check the codes, but we're fairly certain that a wheel speed sensor might be bad. At any rate, we're on the right track. I'm going to drive it for a couple of days to see if anything else pops up, then it's going back to the shop to track down the DTC's.
I've attached the pictures of the wiring that the dealer butchered up. This has been a nightmare for over a year, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Once everything is done and working correctly, I'm sending a blistering letter to the BBB, Cadillac, and any other consumer advocates that I can find.


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Ummm ... forget not being an XLR tech and not knowing how to fix XLR’s - whoever did that doesn’t appear to know anything about repairing ANY kind of car.
HI Rexter

You have a perfect case for the cunsumer protection office, visit their site of your area and get to know your right and what they can do for you.

Contact the dealer principal of this Cadillac dealer by FAX only, asking to get an agreement on a fair understanding between you and its dealership, for the unfair treatment received.

Build a file for each communication that you doing with him such copy of the faxes photos, conversations etc , if the dealer principal is a fair person he will communicate with you his will and his no will…. this would produce your file.

The justice is going with facts, if you get in front of a juge your documents are on what he will take his decision.

Try that before a lawyer, you will safe money, you have….already spend to much for this XLR.

If it fail, GM has the responsability to give a fair service to the Cadillac owners New or Used cars, get your file to them, you could be surprise of the result as your file looks like of a car sabotage and malice.

It is my suggestion.
Good luck

and If I remember they claimed to have to pull the engine for a dropped bolt. I dropped more than my share and have always been able to retrive them. I wonder what bolt they dropped? That's just a stupid repair for a stupid reason to take the engine down.
:mad: Rex,, I feel bad about the 1 1/2 year lost use of your car and the frustration you have endured during this cluster-f#$% ordeal.
Since the dealership provided you a loaner during this long situation, I doubt approaching dealer management will provide any satisfaction towards
refunding what you paid them after negotiating a figure to get the car released back to you. But,,, approach them and ask for a refund. After they show you the front door, I would contact a local TV station that does investigative reports to assist consumers in disputes. More people watch TV news than read BBB reports so at least you will have someone backing you. No business owner wants to see or hear about a very negative report about their company on the local TV news.

I believe your story will open up many eyes in your area..................it sure has on this Cadillac forum :ugh: :pat:
I've heard a few bad dealership stories before but yours is definitely the worst one. Glad to hear your XLR is "on the road" to recovery. What's the name of the shop who was able to troubleshoot the issues in an hour?
Hi Pure zen.

Why not, a tv covering to get involve, people love shows and that could create a huge pressure on the dealership.

The Dealer Owner depend of its employes and he is responsible for the training of them, 3 service managers were replaced since, that indicate the lack of their professionalism .

The justice ( I believe) would not accept that a consumers gets treats the way Rexster was.

The dealership has given a temporary vehicule ( fine ) that was the dealer decision and that expenses of it are not Rexster resonsability.

Its my opinion.

I've heard a few bad dealership stories before but yours is definitely the worst one. Glad to hear your XLR is "on the road" to recovery. What's the name of the shop who was able to troubleshoot the issues in an hour?

Ernie's Mobile Service West Columbia, Texas
WTF... No, no, no...… this can't be real. The mother would be dead and I would be in jail.
WTF... No, no, no...… this can't be real. The mother would be dead and I would be in jail.

It's been a nightmare. I'm getting Check ABS light and Stabiltrak light over 45mph, but the driveability is perfect. It's going back to the shop on Wednesday for more trouble shooting. But in the meantime, we're back to having fun on the road

Having an amazing diagnose guy is what makes my shop different. . . . He don't work on much, but when he does - it's the only work I will stand behind

I would hand that stealership their ass. . . . That's redicilous
Hi GuitarSlinger.

In reference to the '' headlights replacement '' thanks for reading this thread.

Can I ask you what perticular item of it that you have not like.

Your proper way to see it, would be appreciated in order to improve my suggestions in order of trying to solve that perticular problem.

Democraty is the best way to have thing to go forward.

Thank you.

UPDATE: 6-6-20
I knew when I took the car in to the local shop it would be placed on a lower status. That's the way things work. My mechanic has been putting it through some testing, test driving with a TECH II attached. Everything indicates that a wheel speed sensor is bad, but then a Service Transmission Module pops up. I'm inclined to think it may be a grounding issue since the subframe was dropped from the car body. Any rate, he's so backed up with real money making work he hasn't looked at my XLR for a couple of weeks, so I picked it up to just drive it until he gets caught up and has a stall available again. When I get behind the wheel, all thoughts of getting rid of it goes out the window. It's such a joy to drive. And STILL gets great comments from the public. And if I keep it below 42 mph, I get NO Service lights.
Rexster back in his XLR for the coming months and more.

Glad for you rexster, enjoy the coming months in driving your XLR

IAN :blinzel:
Rex,,, Glad you are at least able to drive and enjoy the car now, although with those upsetting thoughts still stuck in your mind while out cruising.
Keep it under 42 mph while the other Cadillacs pass you buy :mad: Just claim you are a senior driver with poor eyesight and that Texas MVD has
a speed governor attached to your car.
Its amazing you didn't experience a heart attack while going through this Cad dealership's 'lack of providing quality service' on your XLR.
Think I would file a Small Claims Court case to get what money you paid that dealership refunded......better yet, I'd like you to appear on
Judge Judy's court show

I'll stick with my previous suggestion > get a local TV station involved which has a 'investigating news segment crew focused on consumer issues with businesses'.
"What were they thinking???" Did you think the additional wires, splices, and bare conductors were some attempt at an experimental "work around?" Lord knows, these sophisticated electrical systems are not intended to be experimented with by a "hammer and chisel" mechanic. When you wrote that the service manager's job had been rotating, that is a very bad indication for the "health" of that dealership-- and a "signal failure" for that franchise with corporate GM. You're likely among many with serious complaints.
Wow brother. That is absolutely unacceptable. Loaner car or not. My fear is that my XLR tech will retire and I'm stuck. Adolph at Capital Cadillac, Atlanta, GA, is the only qualified tech and LOVES the challenge the car presents.
Middle of January I get a call from Sterling McCall Cadillac about my XLR that's been there since January 2019.
In essence, they said we can't fix it, come get it, and bring our loaner back.
So we go up there a couple of days later. Talk to the 3rd service manager since last year. They have no idea what's wrong, they give up. I negotiate the total price of the work that was done that I took it in, I call for AAA to pick it up there the next day and that's that. They had done over 12000$ worth of work with nothing to show for it. I certainly didn't pay that amount.
I have the car delivered to a local shop in town for them to give it a shot, along with the receipt from Sterling McCall showing what they had done. I left it there with the understanding that the manager would look at it as time permitted. I figured it would be a slow process tracking down shorts or miswiring since Sterling McCall had pulled the engine out last May.
He got to it today. I received a call from him around 11am to come to the shop. Apprehensive I was. When I arrived, he had it in a bay, with the motor running and a TECH II connected. He then proceeded to tell me when he started it up, the TECH II wasn't making a connection with the EBCM. He then checked under the hood and saw some bare wires twisted together. Upon further checking underneath there was a plug disconnected and several more bare wires twisted together. After reconnecting everything he tried the TECH II and it made the communication with the modules that showed several codes. He cleared them, shut down the car, then restarted with no more codes showing. I took it out on test drive and when I sped up to 50 mph, the ABS and Traction Control lights came on, but the car itself drove like it should. We didn't check the codes, but we're fairly certain that a wheel speed sensor might be bad. At any rate, we're on the right track. I'm going to drive it for a couple of days to see if anything else pops up, then it's going back to the shop to track down the DTC's.
I've attached the pictures of the wiring that the dealer butchered up. This has been a nightmare for over a year, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Once everything is done and working correctly, I'm sending a blistering letter to the BBB, Cadillac, and any other consumer advocates that I can find.
Not that I'm a fan of going after bad businesses, (I prefer just not to go back) but in this case I would write a detailed letter to GM about what happened. I suppose you had a loaner for an extended period of time, but regardless of what you ended up paying, maybe you can get a portion of it refunded. Beyond that you might help save the next guy from being subjected to this sort of treatment. Good luck with the repair and getting back on the road.

I'm in NJ and Johnson Cadillac in Mt. Olive came recommended (not the closest Cadillac dealer to me). Prior to buying my 06 XLR-v last year, I confirmed with the dealer that they could service this car. They assured me that they have a specialist who has worked there for 30+ years. I've only been once for an overall check and some fluid changes, but definitely had a very good experience. Hopefully nothing too major ever happens but if it did I would be comfortable going back.
Middle of January I get a call from Sterling McCall Cadillac about my XLR that's been there since January 2019.
In essence, they said we can't fix it, come get it, and bring our loaner back.
So we go up there a couple of days later. Talk to the 3rd service manager since last year. They have no idea what's wrong, they give up. I negotiate the total price of the work that was done that I took it in, I call for AAA to pick it up there the next day and that's that. They had done over 12000$ worth of work with nothing to show for it. I certainly didn't pay that amount.
I have the car delivered to a local shop in town for them to give it a shot, along with the receipt from Sterling McCall showing what they had done. I left it there with the understanding that the manager would look at it as time permitted. I figured it would be a slow process tracking down shorts or miswiring since Sterling McCall had pulled the engine out last May.
He got to it today. I received a call from him around 11am to come to the shop. Apprehensive I was. When I arrived, he had it in a bay, with the motor running and a TECH II connected. He then proceeded to tell me when he started it up, the TECH II wasn't making a connection with the EBCM. He then checked under the hood and saw some bare wires twisted together. Upon further checking underneath there was a plug disconnected and several more bare wires twisted together. After reconnecting everything he tried the TECH II and it made the communication with the modules that showed several codes. He cleared them, shut down the car, then restarted with no more codes showing. I took it out on test drive and when I sped up to 50 mph, the ABS and Traction Control lights came on, but the car itself drove like it should. We didn't check the codes, but we're fairly certain that a wheel speed sensor might be bad. At any rate, we're on the right track. I'm going to drive it for a couple of days to see if anything else pops up, then it's going back to the shop to track down the DTC's.
I've attached the pictures of the wiring that the dealer butchered up. This has been a nightmare for over a year, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Once everything is done and working correctly, I'm sending a blistering letter to the BBB, Cadillac, and any other consumer advocates that I can find.
I have a neighbor who is a Cadillac Zone Rep for South Texas. I can pass this by him and put you in touch if he agrees.

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