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I like it Jean :cool: !

Thank you Ruth Ann. I thought you might and I love it!!!!!!!!! It came out so much better then I thought it would. I really didn't know what it was going to look like I just said I want our American Flag and our American Bald Eagle.The guy standing in front of my car is the wonderful man, Jim, who did this airbrushing. I told one of my neighbors about it and she said she didn't see any artwork on the hood a couple of days before that and I told her that wasn't even a hood on it when she saw it. :laugh::chuckle:pat:
That hood is FANTASTIC! My husband said he'd like to have a poster just of that.

That is possibly one of the most awesome pieces of artwork I've ever seen on a car!
That hood is FANTASTIC! My husband said he'd like to have a poster just of that.

That is possibly one of the most awesome pieces of artwork I've ever seen on a car!

Thank you! The guy who did it would possibly sell you a poster of it, but I'm not sure so I would have to ask him. If you Google Albuquerque Fine Art Artist, Jim Pearson, Touch of Art you will be able to see some of his work. He sends artwork all over the world. The way that we found him was because other guys would never call me back and after a month and a half we found him on the internet and we actually already knew his artwork because of a couple of friends that had artwork, one has all kinds of bears and things all over his Bronco and a lady has flags and eagles and other things all over her Corvette and then we really knew I wanted Jim Pearson to do my hood. I LOVE IT! One thing though, my Camaro is my daily driver. I also have neat floor mats with the flag and eagle on them. Also I have coasters in my cup holders with the flag on them just like I do in "Blue Bunny". I could just give you his phone number if you like.
I'm not on here much but my email address is: jelcts@gmail.com
That hood is FANTASTIC! My husband said he'd like to have a poster just of that.

That is possibly one of the most awesome pieces of artwork I've ever seen on a car!

I forgot to say tank you XLRATING!
[COLOR="RoyalBlue" I wanted Jim Pearson to do my hood. I LOVE IT! One thing though, my Camaro is my daily driver. I also have neat floor mats with the flag and eagle on them. Also I have coasters in my cup holders with the flag jelcts@gmail.com[/COLOR]

Awesome paint job on the hood of the Camaro! I love it! Just the best!
Well done Miss Bunny...

You're welcome & thanks for all the extra info. I'm way jealous! :D
Thank you and your welcome! I'm soooooooooooo glad that you all like it! :D:D:D:patriot::):):dance::party
Sooooooo - I finally get LinSue out here and what happens??? It rains. :rolleyes: No kidding - day before - gorgeous ... her plane lands and it rains (she says this hardly qualifies for rain) .... today is 'okay' and pretty, but not what we normally experience in November ... rain? Really? Oh well - the good news is, she's here and we start our Mexican Riveira Cruise .... :rocker: Wish you all were going too!
Sooooooo - I finally get LinSue out here and what happens??? It rains. :rolleyes: No kidding - day before - gorgeous ... her plane lands and it rains (she says this hardly qualifies for rain) .... today is 'okay' and pretty, but not what we normally experience in November ... rain? Really? Oh well - the good news is, she's here and we start our Mexican Riveira Cruise .... :rocker: Wish you all were going too!

Yea, well... it's better than the SNOW we got today. Started early this morning... hasn't let up yet. Rather light... but still got 2-3 inches.
Hope you have a FANTASTIC cruise... we're thinking about a Carribean 4-7 bday in March/April - after a couple Yankees Spring Training games in Tampa and snorkling/diving with the Manatee in Crystal Springs.
Yea, well... it's better than the SNOW we got today. Started early this morning... hasn't let up yet. Rather light... but still got 2-3 inches.
Hope you have a FANTASTIC cruise... we're thinking about a Carribean 4-7 bday in March/April - after a couple Yankees Spring Training games in Tampa and snorkling/diving with the Manatee in Crystal Springs.

Hmmm - let us know if you actually keep those cruise plans .... we are thinking Carribean next too :cool: Who knows, maybe we can make those trips coincide!

Yes - this morning it is Bon Voyage ... it is a beautiful day to sail, but we heard that Alaska isn't done with us yet and might send another round of cold/rain just in time for the Charger's game this afternoon .... by that time we will be out of the path and in Mexican waters (that is so funny because that's just about 5 miles from port - haha) ...

Have fun in the snow, hold the fort down, and we'll see you all when we get back! :wave:
Hey .... how about a freaking update from you all? I am all the way out here and no news from other members is NO FUN!

What have you all been up to?

We are getting ready for another round of 'the holidays' .... this year we add the 4th grandbabe to the mix .... He will be 6 months old at Christmas .... the 3 year old will be just the right age for Santa .... the teens, well - wow, one is getting ready for her Winter Formal and the other will be ending his 3rd semester of college ... Lola celebrated her 5th year in my garage and I love her as much as I did the day we brought her home .... she is a pain in the a$$ as she is ageing but so is Ray and I so I can't complain.

We have no travel plans made for next year at all EXCEPT for the trip to BobFest - and at this time Ray and I are battling it out - he wants to bring Lola - I am afraid of breakdowns going through the desert - parts are so dang hard to get and dealers even more rare .... I don't know, but I do feel like I'm losing the battle :squint: - maybe if we took a more northerly route .... ??

So, come on you guys .... let's keep in touch - this forum is no fun without the friendships we formed .... :blinzel:
Haven't had much time to get on the forum, still unpacking. Have hung 138 art objects, still 15 more things to hang. Working on window treatments, having cornice boards made for the four windows in my bedroom. My niece and her husband are taking the rock out of my back yard to use at their house, they will get the third and last load this Sunday. The Oriental garden is completed, have a great workman that did it and will help with the rest of the outside work. The house is finally looking more like my home than just a house. Still boxes in the garage that need to be unpacked. Anxious to get the Christmas trees up and decorated, one in the living room and one in the family room. The last time I put up a tree was in 2004 in Apopka, Florida.

Went to a neighborhood party so we new neighbors could meet the old neighbors, baked an apple pie & a pumpkin pie and a double batch of brownies. Will be at my niece's for Thanksgiving and will bake a mincemeat pie to take there.

Had "Little Bugger" in the shop. he had a slight leak in the back so they replaced seals and "0" rings. He only has 24,000 miles on him and runs like brand new. Big Bertha now has 1,700 miles on her odometer. No time for driving, just work on the unpacking.

Will you and Ray be coming to AZ this month? Would love to see you both.
Robert! Nice hearing from you! I'm pretty sure you will see us in January .... for the Barrett-Jackson Auction ... we missed last year. We have friends that want to go .... anyway, that's our plan - now if life will just cooperate ... ;)
RA,congratulations on 5 wonderful years with Lola. Let's hope you have many more together.
Miles of Smiles :)
Hi Robert,
I just got back from Colorado City, CO. where I helped a neighbor/friend move to.
I drove a 26 foot rental truck, loaded to the hilt, and towed her red Mazada sport car on a trailer while she towed a U-Haul trailer with her Ford F-150 pickup.
It took us almost 4 days to box and loadup, 3 days to drive to her new home in Colorado City and another 3 days to unload and get her moved in.
I then had her take me up to Colorado Springs where a caught the Grey Hound bus back to LA, CA.
It's been a pretty stressful 2 weeks and it still isn't over. There is still another trailer load that her daughter and I have to load up and haul out to her but I first have to replace the radiator in my Dodge 4X4 Durango, for the 3rd time. I think there is a design flaw in the system as the output hose connection to the radiator keeps breaking the plastic side cap.
Lickily, Pep Boys gives a life time warranty on there radiators!
Anyway, I was thinking of stopping by your place, in AZ., on the way back for a short visit in a couple of weeks if you're up to it.
Let me know what you think about that.
Happy holidays! Just a quick update from my side of the 'States ... everything is much the same except that since we have the new smiley little grandboy, we spend double the time with the 3 yr old and him. I love my life.

Lola is not getting much attention at all - she's been garaged except for errands since June - we drive the Escalade everywhere because it's now we've seem to always have an extra passenger or two. We are planning on going to Arizona for the auction in January - going with friends, and hoping to meet up with Jet Boy and First Robin. Plans are made; now - if all of the jurys will just cooperate and come in with their verdicts on time so that we can get out of here! Yep - Ray is still working the courts ....

We got back a few weeks ago from another cruise to Mexico .... it was pretty nice ... made nicer still that LinSue was able to go with us. I think she liked San Diego as well as Cabo. BTW, I took the DVD that Cadillac Tech and Photo Girl made for us from Homecoming and we watched it in our cabin ..... that was so cool. Those of you that have went, or have the video, wasn't that fun??? I love the music!!

We are still planning on returning for BobFest 2012 - we are still arguing about whether we will drive or fly. I am all about flying and filling the extra XLR seats ... Ray is holding out for bringing Lola .... We'll see :squint:

Ray sold the '86 Mercedes yesterday - we took a beating on it - but it has stayed in the family. We are putting our house up for sale on the open market in January to look for a bigger house to accomodate this ever-growing family, and we just don't need 3 cars and a golf cart ... yes, we kept the cart ;)

That's about it ... hope all of you are having a great pre-Christmas season - we are. Sunday we had our Polish Christmas .... cabbage & kilbasa ... it was wonderful ... ohhhhh ... I'm gonna weigh a ton. :D

I miss the chatter from how this forum 'used to be' ... just curious about how everyone is doing .... how about some updates?? :)

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