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What you consider normal, they consider total waste.

They are living their lives just as they have for many years, not really your place to judge them, considering they can; and do many of the skilled tasks Americans used to do.

The only difference is it will take them longer to get as greedy as American workers.

Unionizing will take longer, developing the mindset that they are entitled to well paying job with benefits is generations away.

The thought that everyone should have medical benefits, retirement and welfare for those unwilling or unable to work is not in their vocabulary yet. At this point, the weak either die or are cared for by family, not the government.

I'm waiting for the Dream Act to pass, then with the unemployment benefits cut off, Americans will be forced to take all those burger-flipping, bed-making, fruit-picking jobs we have turned our noses up at for generations, allowing illegal aliens to dig in like ticks.
What you consider normal, they consider total waste.

They are living their lives just as they have for many years, not really your place to judge them, considering they can; and do many of the skilled tasks Americans used to do.

The only difference is it will take them longer to get as greedy as American workers.

Unionizing will take longer, developing the mindset that they are entitled to well paying job with benefits is generations away.

The thought that everyone should have medical benefits, retirement and welfare for those unwilling or unable to work is not in their vocabulary yet. At this point, the weak either die or are cared for by family, not the government.

I'm waiting for the Dream Act to pass, then with the unemployment benefits cut off, Americans will be forced to take all those burger-flipping, bed-making, fruit-picking jobs we have turned our noses up at for generations, allowing illegal aliens to dig in like ticks.
The "Dream Act" went under yesterday along with "Dont Ask Dont Tell" which I am so happy I do not have to hear the media push this 24/7.

The rest of your post is nonsense. However, if you continue to do well in your Stocks I know you will be happy.

You may think it's nonsense, but to date I would bet money on my predictions over yours any day.

Americans in general need to wake up and realize they are ill-prepared to compete in today's global economy, while maintaining their unrealistic picture of the American Dream.

You would have thought after millions of them lost the homes they never should have bought, lying about incomes, debt ratios, etc. they would be ready to re-set their priorities, but not in America.

Only in America will 20 weeks of benefits be extended to 99 weeks on a wholesale basis. Now they are looking to extend them again, and of course they will borrow money from foreign banks to do so.
You may think it's nonsense, but to date I would bet money on my predictions over yours any day.

Americans in general need to wake up and realize they are ill-prepared to compete in today's global economy, while maintaining their unrealistic picture of the American Dream.

You would have thought after millions of them lost the homes they never should have bought, lying about incomes, debt ratios, etc. they would be ready to re-set their priorities, but not in America.

Only in America will 20 weeks of benefits be extended to 99 weeks on a wholesale basis. Now they are looking to extend them again, and of course they will borrow money from foreign banks to do so.

And we the taxpayers will be paying off the debt to the foreign banks, again it is the minority supporting the majority. I wish people would wake up and realize it is the people this burden falls upon as we are the government.
Need A Painter

Need a good painter?
This guy should qualify!
Before photo: -
A typical concrete & stucco facade
Then the wall starts to take on a
3-dimensional appearance: -
This is Eric, in his element, 30' off the ground.

He does most of the artwork by himself
& researches, paints and designs each project from scratch.

His wife Kathy, also an artist,
Serves as project manager.
After photo: -

Finished product

Here are some more examples of Eric's projects: -
Before photo: -
Great American Crossroad - Bucyrus , Ohio

After photo: -
Before photos: -

After photo: -
Liberty Remembers
Hard to believe you're looking
At a flat 2-dimensional wall.

How to dress up a drab Shopping Mall in Niagara , NY state

Before photo: -

After photo: -

Also, look at the close-up of the left side: -
And the middle: -

(I wonder how many birds fly
Into this wall on a daily basis?)
Indoor Murals at the Hallway of Miller Brewery...
Before: -

Miller Fermenting Rooms
Past meets Present in the Miller Brewery Fermenting Rooms..

Hooks, clipboards and aprons were added to
The surface of the murals to enhance the illusion...After photos: -

You're looking at FLAT walls!
Detail view looking down the illusional hallway in the previous mural:


I wonder how many people walk into the walls, while trying to go down a hallway that does not exist!



Sometimes it does take a rocket scientist!

Scientists at NASA built a gun specifically to launch standard 4 pound dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity. The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.

British engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the British engineers.
When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the engineer's back-rest in two, and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin, like an arrow shot from a bow.

The horrified Brits sent NASA the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield and begged the U.S. scientists for suggestions.

NASA responded with a one-line memo --

"Defrost the chicken." (True Story)



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