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Help! Second time this year with Dead Car


Active Member
Oct 31, 2018
My XLR/V(s)
2004 Crimson Pearl Red XLR
If anyone can offer advice on restarting my XLR after reinstalling my battery, I would be super grateful!

  • Had car towed in Feb/March to dealership after I came out of store to dead car
  • Replaced the battery with Optima Red Top but still not luck starting
  • Dealership diagnosed XLR w/ bad starter- $1K - got car back working
  • Hurricane came close last week, drove Jeep for 3 days, went to start XLR after 3 days, nothing.
  • Switched out batteries in key fobs-no luck
  • Took battery to Advance, they said there was not even enough charge to show up on their voltage meter charger (name?)
  • Got fully charged battery back yesterday and still no luck with starting.
  • Green circle comes on, lights work, no radio- I do hear "cycling" of comm modules

After I get the battery back fully charged, is there something else that has to be done before the car will start? Like a tech2 reset or something else technical I have no clue about?
Thanks for all the input on this forum!!!
Battery problem again

Hi Melificient.

If you working at 3 miles from your residence and not always using the car within 6 months, the car new battery could fail again.
It takes normaly at least an 1/2 hour for a battery to get its full charge when not using too often, that itself could empty its energy and the car will refuse to start, a battery tender connected most of the time is the solution.

A tech2 could tell if your car is pulling too much current, yes, perhaps because of some after market accessories installed, a defective electrical device, somes poor grounds or an alternator not delivering the required voltage/amps for the battery.

Presently the car is trying to load it self, this is what you hearing from the cluster, let it rest for awhile, ounce that it is completed the door windows and the radio could needs to be reindexed.

A poor battery gets an XLR behaviors to be stranges somes times.

Wish you luck

IAN :wave:
Thanks so much, Ian- I currently have it on a battery tender- am following one of your previous posts regarding the battery replacement- yes, I drive it daily, but it just dawned on me that I'm only driving 5-7 minutes up and back, so not enough time to keep it charged. I will definitely be keeping it on a tender from now on- however - once I get the fully charged battery hooked up- what's my next step? Index windows and radio? Should my car be starting up at this point?
Thanks again for your response- much appreciated!!:D
Battery problem again


Why not, it was starting fine before.

To keep your battery with its charge it could be a good idea to get it running to do the windows and radio channels indexed ( if they have been erased )

IAN :thumbsup
Ughhh...I just am so frustrated:dunno:!! Had the battery tender on for 2 days now, shows full power in battery, tail lights have been flashing for about 2 hours now-
no response from key fobs - although after I tried to open the doors with the fobs, that is when I noticed the tail lights flashing- something to do with the theft deterrent system?
Should I unhook the battery and just get it towed tomorrow AGAIN ?
PS- Thanks to Ian who has attempted to help me several times!!
Now the theft system ?


Is the FOB battery in good order and put in place, if the 4 way flasher works it means that the current is OK, as the battery tender shows a full charge.

The teft system could be on, in trying to protect your car with all the manipulations of the battery put in and out.

It looks that your car is lock, try to get the trunk open by pressing on the pading in the center and adove the licence plate. if that works, inside on the left trim panel is an opening with a cable handle for the doors ......

and then close the 4 way flashers switch and let the theft system ending its cycle of protection.

Put the tender on for the night.

Really wish you luck

IAN :wave:
Still no luck with starting /unlocking car- the emergency hazard flasher did NOT come on
-had on battery tender since last Tuesday, finally a day off today to go try some things again-still not sure why there is no recognition to the key fobs :dunno:
Is there a way to "Reset " the theft deterrent system ?
The car still dont start


Enclosed are copies of the 2004 owner manual that shows how the FOB battery should be installed, then on the last text send to you, GM explains on how to get stared the car with the FOB in glove compartment.

Read these pages it could help you in getting the XLR to go, as the car battery is full charged and the theft system cycle should be completed.

If the XLR refused to start, the last solution is to have it scanned at the dealer, hoping it is not the starter again.

Best luck

IAN :wave:

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