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RIV Agenda

:lol: - yeah, balloons ... lot's of em' too .... I took a picture of them and everytime I look at it I just laugh ..... I just keep wondering if the people from the hs reunion ever saw them on my doorstep ... like I said .... I'm sure glad they didn't rent a piano :lol:

Bob ... it doesn't matter to us when when we leave Las Cruces .... there should be about what 7 or 8 cars there? Maybe more ... that might be a consideration ... that, and it is always a longer lunch/gas stop than we plan .... 'up to you guys ... we're good with whatever. Probably the earlier the better .... I guess we'll probably eat breakfast before we leave too ....
Wow your going to go to bed early. Cubby keeps telling me I can sleep when I get home. Little tip MT if you plan on going to bed early don't let the rest no your hotel room number. You might find ballons in the door way when you wake up or maybe a piano. :D:chuckle:chuckleI believe Madam can verify.

YEA... Early... in the morning!:blinzel:
Cracker Barrel

Yes, I agree RA. Cracker Barrel between 6 and 7, gas up the night before and lay down some rubber at 7, we have a one hour change to SA and I think I know what you mean about lunch taking longer,especially looking for trinkets:laugh:. If we all gas up the night before, I figure everyone will need to stretch their legs and find a sand box about 2 hours after we leave. another two hours and we all need gas and food, same in the afternoon and probably get in about 3, unload at everyones hotel, gas up, and come to the Hampton and get in line for a car wash, detailing and jump into a Margaretta or two or three at :bar00:
:lol: - yeah, balloons ... lot's of em' too .... I took a picture of them and every time I look at it I just laugh ..... I just keep wondering if the people from the hs reunion ever saw them on my doorstep ... like I said .... I'm sure glad they didn't rent a piano :lol:

Bob ... it doesn't matter to us when when we leave Las Cruces .... there should be about what 7 or 8 cars there? Maybe more ... that might be a consideration ... that, and it is always a longer lunch/gas stop than we plan .... 'up to you guys ... we're good with whatever. Probably the earlier the better .... I guess we'll probably eat breakfast before we leave too ....
:lol: - yeah, balloons ... lot's of em' too .... I took a picture of them and everytime I look at it I just laugh ..... I just keep wondering if the people from the hs reunion ever saw them on my doorstep ... like I said .... I'm sure glad they didn't rent a piano :lol:

Bob ... it doesn't matter to us when when we leave Las Cruces .... there should be about what 7 or 8 cars there? Maybe more ... that might be a consideration ... that, and it is always a longer lunch/gas stop than we plan .... 'up to you guys ... we're good with whatever. Probably the earlier the better .... I guess we'll probably eat breakfast before we leave too ....

AND with a lot of you having not seen each other for quite a while and my not having met any of you, yet... could prove to be a LATE night????:dunno: But I agree, the earlier the start, the better...
7AM works for me. That would put us on schedule to stop in Kerrville for Bubba's BBQ. :blinzel:
King William Historic District

Looks like there are some beautiful homes in the King William Historic District of San Antonio.

I was just checking out the agenda .... looks fun and full! I was wondering what time everyone was planning on leaving and IF we have time to get together somewhere for breakfast together ..??? We will all need one last :grouphug:....:bawling::bawling:
I'm sure we'll have something figured out after we've been there a few days. We always seem to get it worked out--Saying goodbyes is always the sad part of the trip.

I was just checking out the agenda .... looks fun and full! I was wondering what time everyone was planning on leaving and IF we have time to get together somewhere for breakfast together ..??? We will all need one last :grouphug:....:bawling::bawling:
It seems that the lists for the the drives are so deeply embedded that I can't find them to get a count and print out the names of those that are going..............Somebody help me:bash:
Rendezvous IV- San Antonio Texas May 20-24, 2009

This will list will constantly updating so check back often.
Website Links At Bottom

The following agenda items are optional
Tuesday – 19May
MM group arrives

Wednesday -20May
Arrive and Get Together
Visit San Antonio sites around River Walk
_____Optional site seeing __________
_Tower of Americas
_The Alamo

Welcome Party @ Hilton Hotel Professor’s Suite 7:00-9:00
Catered Party Provided By Mr. & Mrs. Professor
Agenda handouts will be available

Optional Tour De Riverwalk Bars

Thursday - 21May
Corpus Christi "The Gulf Drive" -(lead by Standby-V )
Cars Full of Gas ........
Gather at 7:00 at Hampton Inn Lobby
Parking lot 7:10
Leave at 7:20
Arrive at Corpus Christi Tx. about 10:00
_____Optional site seeing__________
_USS Lexington Naval Ship (Focus)
_Texas State Aquarium (Optional)

_Doc's Seafood & Steaks
_13309 S. Padre Island Drive , Corpus Christi at 1:00

Pictures USS Lexington & Gulf Shots (if time permits)
Leave Corpus Christi area at 2:30
Drive back to SA arrive about 5:00

Blue Bunny Induction Meeting @ Hilton 7:00-9:00 Room __
Please Attend............
Hosted By Professor

Optional Tour De Riverwalk Bars

Friday - 22May
Fredericksburg Loop Drive - (lead by XLR05)
Gather at 8:30 at Hampton Inn Lobby
Leave at 9:00
Arrive at Gruene Tx. about 10:15
_____Optional site seeing__________
_Gruene General Store
_Oldest Dance Hall in Texas
_Bucks Pottery
_Miss Ruby's
_Hampe House Antiques
Lunch option
_ Gristmill River Restaurant & Bar at 11:30
Leave Gruene when you prefer about 12:30
Drive to Fredericksburg Tx.
_____Optional site seeing on the drive__________
_Canyon Lake
_LBJ National Park
_Flower Farms
_Fruit Farms
_Luchenbach Tx.

Gather at Fredericksburg Tx.- Parking lot by Visitor Center
_many sites to see
Dinner Options
_Def Lindenbaum
_Fredericksburg Brewing Co.

Group Leave Fredericksburg at 8:00 or when you prefer
Drive back to San Antonio arrive about 9:00

Saturday - 23May
Farewell Party Day
Hang out and visit San Antonio sites

Open Lunch

Optional Gathering
-Cadillac Bar (opens at 4:00PM) :beerchug:
-212 South Flores, San Antonio

RIV Group Photo Opportunity
_Cadillac Bar
_The River Walk” at time?

Optional Tour De Bars

Sunday - 24May09
Leave San Antonio :( :(

The following are links to sight seeing
(click on Links)
Description of Gulf Trip https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9755&postcount=1
The Gulf Drive USS Lexington www.usslexington.com - Texas State Aquarium http://www.texasstateaquarium.org/ Doc's Seafood & Steak http://www.docsseafoodandsteaks

Fredericksburg Loop https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9157&postcount=1

List not yet complete, I will keep updating as things continue to finalize :patriot:

Updated 5May09
Updated Previous Message to add agenda 11Apr09
Wish I was going...you guys have a great time and stay safe. Lots of pictures for us who stayed home.

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