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RIV Agenda

Why aren't these stickys on the first page so others can see what's going on.
Rob we need some help here.
Happy Easter everyone
' Sorry, Bobby ..... I can't make the changes .... I don't have edit access to the agenda ..... it's being kept by XLR05 .... PM him for changes.

I do have access to edit the event attendance list .... so, anyone who thinks they want to join in .... let me know :rocker: -

Bruce .... can you leave curb rash on a simulator?? :laugh: :D
As a native Texan, you tourists are confusing me.
San Antonio is the birthplace and known for the fajitas and margaritas, why are ya'll looking for "puffy Tacos?''

Dallas Doll
who could hook ya'll up with fabulous waterholes and food if ya'll ever come to DFW.
Since Ruth Ann is on the left coast I'm thinking Puffy Tacos is the politically correct name for Indian Fry Bread.

Ruth Ann, next time you ar in Phoenix after we have breakfast at the Waffle House I will take you to the Indian Fry Bread House for lunch and then to Two Hippies Burgers (in the former location of the Fry Bread House) for the 'Magic Mushroom' burgers.:reddevil
Since Ruth Ann is on the left coast I'm thinking Puffy Tacos is the politically correct name for Indian Fry Bread.

Ruth Ann, next time you ar in Phoenix after we have breakfast at the Waffle House I will take you to the Indian Fry Bread House for lunch and then to Two Hippies Burgers (in the former location of the Fry Bread House) for the 'Magic Mushroom' burgers.:reddevil

My goodness .... all of that sounds so dangerously wonderful! :rocker: Leave a light on!
Why aren't these stickys on the first page so others can see what's going on.
Rob we need some help here.
Happy Easter everyone

To Everyone............ sorry for any confusion
I have posted the agenda for the San Antonio Rendezvous trip to the front page of this thread "RIV Agenda"
I have made may updates!! Check it out! :blinzel:

For the people that have a interested in this trip and haven't signed up yet this trip it should be a Blast :rocker:
We have alot of activities listed on the agenda, but all the agenda items are optional, you may do as you please. Follow links below to Event Details and Agenda.
If you are interested contact: (Lola's Mom) to have your name placed on the list.
:wave:We would love to have you attend!!! :wave:

For the people going on RIV trip please contact Ruth Ann (Lola's Mom) if you want to participate in any of the day trips. Like the The Gulf Drive or the Fredericksburg Loop. This will help us to get the proper head count for Restaurants and things.

Thanks Everyone!
Puffy Tacos are simply a taco where the corn tortilla shell looks like a little bowl instead of the traditional u shape. I have also had Indian Fry Bread in NM. GOOD stuff!!
Here is something I copied from my Googling ....

"...While not try the best puffy taco in town, Henry's Puffy Taco on the west side is the most typical. And they are open until 10 on Friday.

815 Bandera Rd
Phone: (210) 432-7341 "

.... and they look wonderful ..... this location is, supposedly, right there at the River Walk ... :rocker:
Since Ruth Ann is on the left coast I'm thinking Puffy Tacos is the politically correct name for Indian Fry Bread.

Ruth Ann, next time you ar in Phoenix after we have breakfast at the Waffle House I will take you to the Indian Fry Bread House for lunch and then to Two Hippies Burgers (in the former location of the Fry Bread House) for the 'Magic Mushroom' burgers.:reddevil
MMMMMMM... "Magic Mushrooms" on a burger???? What will they think of next???
Hey Ruthie...........Have you ever had Sopapillas, AKA Sofa Pillows? There known mostly in NM, AZ, TX & Mexico, but have never seen them here in Californiia.
They look like small pillows and your tear off the corner and squeeze in honey, Yummmmmmmmmmmmy. I bet Kent has had some. He is such a man of the world.
Here is something I copied from my Googling ....

"...While not try the best puffy taco in town, Henry's Puffy Taco on the west side is the most typical. And they are open until 10 on Friday.

815 Bandera Rd
Phone: (210) 432-7341 "

.... and they look wonderful ..... this location is, supposedly, right there at the River Walk ... :rocker:
Sopapillas are heavenly! They are served hot and sprinkled with cinnamon/sugar.
I like to fill mine with honey and melted butter (healthy stuff-NOT!!)
Here in Dallas I have also had them with ice cream and strawberry sauce.
You must try those, and of course, don't forget our Texas BBQ and Chicken Fried Steak!
I am not sure how you are going down to SA, but if you are traveling down 35E to SA, you must stop at the Czech bakery in West, Tx for kolaches (just south of Waco).
We stop there going down and back north when we head down south in Texas.
Great sandwiches, cookies, and most importantly, kolaches! YUM!!!
It is on the highway and clearly marked.
Here's more info and the menu!! http://www.czechstop.net/home.php
Finally, someone that has had Sofa Pillows. There not so bad considering you just eat them with honey and no butter. I'd love to introduce them at our yearly fairs we have in So Cal or even talk our local chains into them which would include Del Taco and Taco Bell.
The corporate headquarters for Taco Bell is about 3 miles from my house, think I'll drop by and give them a kick start. Taco Bell doesn't have any deserts, that would be perfect.
Sopapillas are heavenly! They are served hot and sprinkled with cinnamon/sugar.
I like to fill mine with honey and melted butter (healthy stuff-NOT!!)
Here in Dallas I have also had them with ice cream and strawberry sauce.
You must try those, and of course, don't forget our Texas BBQ and Chicken Fried Steak!
I am not sure how you are going down to SA, but if you are traveling down 35E to SA, you must stop at the Czech bakery in West, Tx for kolaches (just south of Waco).
We stop there going down and back north when we head down south in Texas.
Great sandwiches, cookies, and most importantly, kolaches! YUM!!!
It is on the highway and clearly marked.
Here's more info and the menu!! http://www.czechstop.net/home.php

Thanks Pam...
I am actually travelling by way of Colorado Springs and link up the First Robin (have the top latch hoses replaced at the dealership there... don't really trust hte dealership here to do it). Then on to Las Cruces, NM and caravan in from there.
Hey, y'all ..... I'm just wondering with all the back and forth on this agenda if either of the trips are set in stone yet? Mostly my question is that I'd really like to to do the Lexington trip (car's on the flight deck is soooooooo cool) .... but don't know yet if I really want to spend 2 days out of 3 on the road after we get into San Antonio, and then hit the road again without even having any time to visit with those that I am driving in to see ..... Since our group isn't coming in until later on Wednesday, it would be nice to have a day off of the road and then do the ship on Friday. Is that workable and possible? Then we could have Saturday to do the Cadillac's thing and maybe a River Cruise for dinner or cocktails ... and Sunday a leisurely last (cry) breakfast with our friends before we have to leave. Two road trips in 3 days just seems a little frantic ....
Any thoughts???

You are just going to have to stay up late with us in the bar to do your 'visiting':laugh::laugh::laugh:Our cars are so fun to drive, it doesn't bother me driving all the time, I'm actually looking forward to it in the 'new to us' V.:cool:

You could also leave a day earlier and meet the Midwest group on Wednesday--just another party day:chuckle:chuckle I'm sure all of us will find time to do everything we want and are by no means obligated to do it all. There will be small groups getting together and doing their on thing I'm sure. The trip is all about having fun and seeing old friends and new, but we certainly don't have to be together 24/7--hope that came out right.:blinzel:

Hey, y'all ..... I'm just wondering with all the back and forth on this agenda if either of the trips are set in stone yet? Mostly my question is that I'd really like to to do the Lexington trip (car's on the flight deck is soooooooo cool) .... but don't know yet if I really want to spend 2 days out of 3 on the road after we get into San Antonio, and then hit the road again without even having any time to visit with those that I am driving in to see ..... Since our group isn't coming in until later on Wednesday, it would be nice to have a day off of the road and then do the ship on Friday. Is that workable and possible? Then we could have Saturday to do the Cadillac's thing and maybe a River Cruise for dinner or cocktails ... and Sunday a leisurely last (cry) breakfast with our friends before we have to leave. Two road trips in 3 days just seems a little frantic ....
Any thoughts???
I wasn't suggesting that both trips couldn't be scheduled. But there was talk earlier in the posts about switching days .... my question was just that would Friday be a possibility for CC?? :dunno:

Certainly I understand that not all cars will do everything together .... except maybe share the funnel....:squint: :lol:
Sorry to say, but Dale, Bruce, Kathy, Rod and I have put in a lot of hours with phone calls to CC restaurants, Texas Tourist Commission and have finally made contacts and reservations for the Lexington and Doc's Seafood Restaurant on the bay.
Dales Loop Drive is on Friday which is also set with a lot of reservations and hard work, so switching these days at this point would be a disaster.
These trips had to be set in stone at this point because of all the contacts, and reservations that where finalized this past weekend.
I noticed you where not on the forum as usual, but knowing you, I knew it was about family fun over Easter.
The only thing we don't know is how much for each car to be brought into the elevator to be put up on the flight deck. The elevator is big enough for 20 or more cars to the flight deck at one time so I don't think it will be a very large sum of money. They had 300 Vette's onboard last year.
Dale and I both have our phone numbers into the Marketing Director for car costs to the flight deck and pricing for groups. She has been off for the past few days but we will know by this weekend and add it to post #1 in Gulf Trip thread: Please read this again as it is now set in stone.
Wish we could accommodate but we worked with everyones suggestions and went with the majority suggestions.
Jaimie is very excited to meet you and go shopping with you.
What ever happened to the dinner party on the RIVerwalk post. Is this no longer an option or event?
Just doing the Gulf trip was tough. Now I see why Jean and Jim had had enough.
I wasn't suggesting that both trips couldn't be scheduled. But there was talk earlier in the posts about switching days .... my question was just that would Friday be a possibility for CC?? :dunno:

Certainly I understand that not all cars will do everything together .... except maybe share the funnel....:squint: :lol:
I was just asking .... I'm fine with whatever is scheduled. I wasn't asking that anything be planned around me.

The RiverWalk dinner got changed twice .... and there was poor response (I needed 20 people to respond) to the suggestion - that is why I never pursued it any further. Cadillac's got put in then out .... etc.

I think I must have fallen out of the loop ...

I know how much time goes into planning an event .... just believe me. Want some fun? Try planning a couple of weddings.... :rolleyes: :lol: :pat:

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