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review of the Cash for Clunkers Program


As little as I like the current socialist president, I would really shake in my boots if you or someone who thinks as radical as yourself were ever in this nation's White House!!

Floyd (BB)

AMEN! Well put Floyd, pretty scary. From my observations over the past 55 years, I have come to the conclusion that a large percentage of those that have fed at the government trough all their adult life, seem to think all you have to do is raise taxes on everything so those that are too lazy to go to school and get an education, those that would rather lay around instead of getting a paying job can still live off of the Capitalistic Pigs as they refer to us. I read a few words of wisdom that when they keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, and Peter runs out of money and there are no more Peter's to rob then that will be the end of our country as we have known it.
Your concept of Capitalism is surely worth looking at but I need help understanding the complete concept. Please explain how I would scare you but the fact that we paid 173 billion dollars out to AIG and billions in bonuses to there exc's has anything whatsoever to do with Capitalism. This was done by both parties the Bush administration and the Obama administration.:dunno: Then when someone says lets think about the American worker we get the old tale Lazy, uneducated I am sure I have left some out. I will stick to the 15% additional Capitol Gains tax to help the country through these hard time. This is very little in comparison to what Wall Street pulled off in the biggest heist in world history.:confused:


As little as I like the current socialist president, I would really shake in my boots if you or someone who thinks as radical as yourself were ever in this nation's White House!!

Floyd (BB)
Very well stated Floyd. :patriot::worship:
Ahem .... MY "concept of Capitalism is worth looking at???" :confused:

How about that's what America was founded on versus Feudalism. :patriot:
Your concept of Capitalism is surely worth looking at but I need help understanding the complete concept. Please explain how I would scare you but the fact that we paid 173 billion dollars out to AIG and billions in bonuses to there exc's has anything whatsoever to do with Capitalism. This was done by both parties the Bush administration and the Obama administration.:dunno: Then when someone says lets think about the American worker we get the old tale Lazy, uneducated I am sure I have left some out. I will stick to the 15% additional Capitol Gains tax to help the country through these hard time. This is very little in comparison to what Wall Street pulled off in the biggest heist in world history.:confused:

I wish there were a way to show you and all americans how much was truly spent bailing out the Stock Market the past 18 months. I know it was between 1 and 3 trillion dollars I think problbly the latter. You cant find the exact amount because Hank Paulson gave 750 Billion that there are no records of who got it. Who knows they may of kept it for themselves. But in any event the Stock Market is a form of gambling your buying a stock and hoping the right combination comes up and you prosper with a big profit. If you pick the wrong stock then you lose or your suppose to as I understand it and how Capitalism works. Now Ingrid and I love to go out to the Casino and I know RA likes this to because she is always stating such. When we win were elated. When we lose were not so happy. So a few months back we had a bad night and lost and for kicks I ask one of the Managers if he would give us our money back. Well this guy laughed and said thats not how it works. Now the question is why were these Corpoations bailed out and Stock holders paid dividends on the backs of the American tax payer? Why is it that the educated well politicaly connected get these pay offs from the tax payers and the American worker is left out in the cold???? I think its scary too.:ugh:


OK, the "loans" are not what Capitalism is all about. Capitalism most likely would have let the troubled companies die if they were not able to secure money from banks or by selling more of their stock. The strong survive. . .

Companies can not think like the people on welfare, they have to know unless they do business profitably they will fail or be bought out by a larger healthier fish. It is really a simple process and has worked well for years.

Floyd (BB)
I wish there were a way to show you and all americans how much was truly spent bailing out the Stock Market the past 18 months. I know it was between 1 and 3 trillion dollars I think probably the latter. You cant find the exact amount because Hank Paulson gave 750 Billion that there are no records of who got it. Who knows they may of kept it for themselves. But in any event the Stock Market is a form of gambling your buying a stock and hoping the right combination comes up and you prosper with a big profit. If you pick the wrong stock then you lose or your suppose to as I understand it and how Capitalism works. Now Ingrid and I love to go out to the Casino and I know RA likes this to because she is always stating such. When we win were elated. When we lose were not so happy. So a few months back we had a bad night and lost and for kicks I ask one of the Managers if he would give us our money back. Well this guy laughed and said thats not how it works. Now the question is why were these Corpoations bailed out and Stock holders paid dividends on the backs of the American tax payer? Why is it that the educated well politicaly connected get these pay offs from the tax payers and the American worker is left out in the cold???? I think its scary too.:ugh:


Yeah! You finally got it right! And GUESS WHO bailed them out? It wasn't working with the first bailout .... so people wanted "change" well, now we have it. Pocket change.
This administration in its first year has spent more money than ALL of the past presidents combined.

Gotta remember though, that I CHOOSE to walk into a casino, and I CHOOSE to participate in the stock market. My losses are essentially bad choices - I don't expect anyone to give me my money back simply because I didn't make the profitable choice. Also, when I win ..... I AM not going to give my profits back. You're going to have to use a different analogy ....
(Boy, it's hard to admit that I'm a LOOOOOOOOSER - geesh, the things I'll say for a discussion :pat:)
Fred; where do you get this crap? You must be joking - otherwise you need to go back to school and educate yourself beyond your current level.

You obviously don't have a clue regarding global economics and how it functions. Until that time, debating you is fruitless.

Increase the capital gains tax to fund raising the national minimum wage? That has to be the single-most idiotic; no - stupid (sorry, no other word will work) remark you have made to date.

"The stock market is responsible for most of americas problems greed"

My God man; pull your head out of your @$$ and think a bit before you post. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
Fred; where do you get this crap? You must be joking - otherwise you need to go back to school and educate yourself beyond your current level.

You obviously don't have a clue regarding global economics and how it functions. Until that time, debating you is fruitless.

Increase the capital gains tax to fund raising the national minimum wage? That has to be the single-most idiotic; no - stupid (sorry, no other word will work) remark you have made to date.

"The stock market is responsible for most of americas problems greed"

My God man; pull your head out of your @$$ and think a bit before you post. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Well - what took you so long? ;)
Fred; where do you get this crap? You must be joking - otherwise you need to go back to school and educate yourself beyond your current level.

You obviously don't have a clue regarding global economics and how it functions. Until that time, debating you is fruitless.

Increase the capital gains tax to fund raising the national minimum wage? That has to be the single-most idiotic; no - stupid (sorry, no other word will work) remark you have made to date.

"The stock market is responsible for most of americas problems greed"

My God man; pull your head out of your @$$ and think a bit before you post. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
I have been waiting for your comment Mark. :worship::worship::worship: Honestly been looking forward to it. :worship::worship::worship:
Please explain to me why successful people like myself; ( I currently own a multi-million dollar business, which my father, brother and myself started 34 years ago from scratch.) are to be held accountable for the mess the country is in. And why you think we should have to give up more of our hard earned dollars to support a bunch of people who don't work, have never worked, don't intend to ever work, just live off all the subsidies our government now supplies. Is that how you got your XLR--you told the government it wasn't fair your neighbor had a fine auto and you couldn't afford one, so they took it away from them and gave it to you.

Not only do I currently pay upwards of 40% of my income in Federal taxes; living in Illinois and having my business in Indiana; I am supporting two state revenue departments with all their tax bases as well.

As Mark stated earlier--you truely can't see what is really going on as you must have your head up your a**.

By raising the capitol Gains tax by 15% this would help pay the deficit and the healthcare. It would also allow Congress to increase the min wage to $15 dollars an hour(which would allow a bigger tax base to pay off the deficit) and give small business tax exempt status for a period until everyone can absorb the change of higher goods to offset the min wage. The stock market is responsible for most of americas problems greed which has caused all this so called free trade (that this country gets very little from)and where Corporations have moved there factories to mexico and have did all this job out sourcing to satisfy this enormous thirst for more and more money to people who have little to no compassion for there fellow countrymen. When you take the good jobs away you should pay higher wages for the service oriented jobs. You dont want this tell them to bring them back. I am 100% for PROTECTIONISM. In other words lock this country down. You wont have to worry about car companies anymore because you drive american or walk or take a bus. Just my opinion.

Ahhhh, America .... I have a little 3"X3" book next to me .... it is the ONLY thing I brought back from my D.C. trip. It is a copy of the Constitution. We the People .....

Freedom of speech.

I think, had not some grass root organizations and some very leftist judges started to interpret this document - we would be better off living by the words of our Fore Fathers.

What say you?
Ahhhh, America .... I have a little 3"X3" book next to me .... it is the ONLY thing I brought back from my D.C. trip. It is a copy of the Constitution. We the People .....

Freedom of speech.

I think, had not some grass root organizations and some very leftist judges started to interpret this document - we would be better off living by the words of our Fore Fathers.

What say you?

Well your little book must be hard on the eyes, mine is much larger and well used and beside mine is the Constitution of the State of Colorado. I have FIVE direct ancestors that fought in the American Revolution so that they and generations to come would live in a free country. You are absolutely correct RA, we (our government) need to adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution strictly forbids the government going into partnership with private enterprise. All of the Monkeys in D.C. need to be thrown out from the Pres., right on down the line. I would like to know by what authority this Pres., thinks he can make all of these appointments (czars) that answer to no one but him. :patriot::patriot::patriot:
Ahhhh, America .... I have a little 3"X3" book next to me .... it is the ONLY thing I brought back from my D.C. trip. It is a copy of the Constitution. We the People .....

Freedom of speech.

I think, had not some grass root organizations and some very leftist judges started to interpret this document - we would be better off living by the words of our Fore Fathers.

What say you?

Well your little book must be hard on the eyes, mine is much larger and well used and beside mine is the Constitution of the State of Colorado. I have FIVE direct ancestors that fought in the American Revolution so that they and generations to come would live in a free country. You are absolutely correct RA, we (our government) need to adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution strictly forbids the government going into partnership with private enterprise. All of the Monkeys in D.C. need to be thrown out from the Pres., right on down the line. I would like to know by what authority this Pres., thinks he can make all of these appointments (czars) that answer to no one but him. :patriot::patriot::patriot:
I agree with both of you. These politicians were put in office by the people and we the people need to take the clowns out. We do need to go with our Fore Fathers and stop listening to the grass root organizations and leftist. Start listening to the majority and some common sense.
You know First Robin no one can answer the question about the 23+ cazrs. I don't think the American people understand the president has appointed these people and they answer to no one but him. The czars did not go through any kind of confirmation hearing. Americans need to start doing a little research on their own instead of believing the crap he has spewed. There has been no other president in history to appoint this many czars. What ever happen to checks and balances in our government? I will step off my soap box now. :(
And the gentlemen that wrote that, did it to try and prevent what is happening now--read on:

The Cycle of Democracy has been accurately summarized as:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty (rule of law);
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage (rule of men).

Our Founders established a democratic republic, not a democracy, in order to enfeeble this cycle, but with the erosion of constitutional authority, our Republic is now in grave peril of following the same cycle as have all other democracies in history. Only intervention by citizens and leaders who advocate for the primacy of constitutional authority, those committed to supporting and defending that authority above their self-interest, can save the Republic for the next generation.

Irrevocably linked to liberty ensured by constitutional Rule of Law is economic liberty.

Nineteenth-century historian Alexis de Tocqueville once observed, "[Democratic Republics] and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."
In 1916, a minister and outspoken advocate for liberty, William J. H. Boetcker, published a pamphlet entitled The
Ten Cannots:

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.

Fact is, the central government cannot give to anybody what it does not first take from somebody else.
And none can claim the name "American Patriot" if they comport with or adhere to laws and regulations which violate our Constitution.

Ahhhh, America .... I have a little 3"X3" book next to me .... it is the ONLY thing I brought back from my D.C. trip. It is a copy of the Constitution. We the People .....

Freedom of speech.

I think, had not some grass root organizations and some very leftist judges started to interpret this document - we would be better off living by the words of our Fore Fathers.

What say you?
Fred; where do you get this crap? You must be joking - otherwise you need to go back to school and educate yourself beyond your current level.

You obviously don't have a clue regarding global economics and how it functions. Until that time, debating you is fruitless.

Increase the capital gains tax to fund raising the national minimum wage? That has to be the single-most idiotic; no - stupid (sorry, no other word will work) remark you have made to date.

"The stock market is responsible for most of americas problems greed"

My God man; pull your head out of your @$$ and think a bit before you post. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
You must be wearing blinders if you havent been observing all these trillion dollar bailouts. Explain how capitalism has anything to do with taxpayers bailing out companies in the stock market paying dividends to stockholders with tax payer money its absolutely obsurd and I dont need further education on scams. How in the world is America going to compete in world trade with agreements with South America goodness the people in South America dont have any money to buy our goods there just taking our jobs and businesses from us. If its not greed then give me a name you feel fits this nonsense. This two party system we have hasnt been working for some time thats why I dont belong to either one. Peoples wages pay taxes higher wages means higher taxes the people in Iraq and Afganstan dont pay american taxes. We have spent over 1 trillion dollars over in these countries if your outraged you need to funnel it into the area that it applies. I firmly believe the people who prospered through these bailouts should have a 15% increase in Capitol Gains tax not permanantly but for a period of time to get America through these times. That just about covers the Stock Market. I have listen to people that have remodeled there homes bought new cadillacs new appliances and have bragged about how much they have made over these bailouts. America needs to wake up.:(

I agree with both of you. These politicians were put in office by the people and we the people need to take the clowns out. We do need to go with our Fore Fathers and stop listening to the grass root organizations and leftist. Start listening to the majority and some common sense.
You know First Robin no one can answer the question about the 23+ cazrs. I don't think the American people understand the president has appointed these people and they answer to no one but him. The czars did not go through any kind of confirmation hearing. Americans need to start doing a little research on their own instead of believing the crap he has spewed. There has been no other president in history to appoint this many czars. What ever happen to checks and balances in our government? I will step off my soap box now. :(
What difference does it make if there were 90 or 200 czars? Its not going to change all the money that is being spent or the jobs leaving the coun try or the busineses leaving. The biggest question I have always had is much of this was out right fraud but becase of political connections no body has went to jail WHY????? I am all for law enforcement throughout america working over time to bring these people to justice.:rocker:

The bailouts didn't come from other companies to each other. The present administration appropriated those monies. Now they want it back. Too late - too bad - so sad. I'm seeing a new Party now I think. You like it?

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