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review of the Cash for Clunkers Program

You seem to know quite a bit about politics. Could you enlighten us to some of those past czars these past administrations had. I don't beleive either of them had as many as Obama currently has.

In fact Nixon's was the Energy czar during the 1974 Oil Embargo. Carter then changed it to the Dept. of Energy--which we can now see has done quite alot for our country an our dependence of foreign oil. The term 'czar' was actully coined by Joe Biden during Nixons administration, so I guess the democrats like czars.:lol::lol:
I suppose you are correct I have no idea how many czars they had really the word czar seems to have the explosive effect they all have so many advisors that I just dont see what difference it makes if you call them czars or advisors or administrative assistance every president spends a lot of money on hired help.:dunno:

I do believe Czars is a Russian term and you know what happened to the Czars of Russia. Guess we are going to have to have a modern day Revolution and take our country and government back. :patriot::patriot::patriot:
I have heard you say this so often but I am just wondering who your going to take it back from. We had 8 years of nothing administration and left office with a 23% approval rating and now we have a new President and no one likes him. I was a conservative for a lot of years I must say that this country has not had a conservative party in a very very very long time and the way they conduct the business of the nation I doubt we see any improvement in our life times we have had a lot spinning but few results and neither of these Parties have anything to brag about there nothing but wannabes. We have the radical Left and the Radical Right and very little middle and none of them no sh#* from apple butter.:(

I think we already have!

We've got a Tea Party forming down here, I see on the news ..... I still don't know exactly what that is supposed to mean except for symbolism. It amazes me that there was a Million Man March that showed up on the doorstep in DC .... maybe that's where the next Tea Party should take place ..... right there in their own front yard. And maybe about 10 million!
I think we already have!

We've got a Tea Party forming down here, I see on the news ..... I still don't know exactly what that is supposed to mean except for symbolism. It amazes me that there was a Million Man March that showed up on the doorstep in DC .... maybe that's where the next Tea Party should take place ..... right there in their own front yard. And maybe about 10 million!

Tea Parties have been being held from coast to coast with large gatherings of people that are sick and tired of the present administration. There are also hot air baloons that have been going to various cities and states gathering large crowds. Obama is declining in popularity at a rapid rate yet the news media is not telling about any of these things. AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY is just one organization that is trying to rally the citizens together that are so upset with the direction Obama is taking our country. I would like to see all of the organizations unite and see just how many million people there are that want to get the train back on the right track.

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