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review of the Cash for Clunkers Program


Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2008
My XLR/V(s)
'16 Z06, "06 XLR-V Infra Red-Sold, RII, RIII & RIV survivor, Mdwst Maurader
A vehicle at 15 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 800 gallons a year of gasoline.

A vehicle at 25 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average clunker transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles – so that's 224 million gallons / year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels of oil is about ¼ of one day's US consumption.

And, 5 million barrels of oil costs about $350 million dollars at $75/bbl.

So, we all contributed to spending $3 billion to save $350 million.

How good a deal was that ???

They'll probably do a great job with health care though!!

Very good, Cubby!

I wonder if the administration ever put a calculator or a pencil to this joke?

I think it's time for "Change" once again!!!

Floyd (BB)

He was probably just looking to figure out a way to tax it!!!:laugh:That or how to share it with those that don't have it!!:laugh::lol::laugh:

This guy is scaring the H*LL out of me.

Hey, at least Obama is human.............
What did y'all think of last night's "speech?" :confused:
He gave an outstanding speech very clear and concise as to why we have to do this. The present system is unsustainable. However, they did have one Congressman that acted inappropriately. The fact that many in his own party distanced themselves from him and he gave an oral as well as a written apology right now will have to surfice. I was extremely pleased that he stated what was fact and what was dishonest. I think it would be great if congress added a 15% additional capitol gains tax to help pay for it.;)

He gave an outstanding speech very clear and concise as to why we have to do this. The present system is unsustainable. However, they did have one Congressman that acted inappropriately. The fact that many in his own party distanced themselves from him and he gave an oral as well as a written apology right now will have to surfice. I was extremely pleased that he stated what was fact and what was dishonest. I think it would be great if congress added a 15% additional capitol gains tax to help pay for it.;)


Haha, here we go again!

Even the "Floor" laughed OUTLOUD when he side-stepped how this will be paid for. :D

The concept is terrific - the hype, ridiculous. He needs to get into his office and do some work and quit seeking the limelight with all of these speeches that raise more questions and controversy. When he has a workable plan that would be the time to see him. Right now it's just politics as usual. I feel like he is still on the campaign trail.
And, no, I'm not against some sort of action that will get health insurance back in line.
Haha, here we go again!

Even the "Floor" laughed OUTLOUD when he side-stepped how this will be paid for. :D

The concept is terrific - the hype, ridiculous. He needs to get into his office and do some work and quit seeking the limelight with all of these speeches that raise more questions and controversy. When he has a workable plan that would be the time to see him. Right now it's just politics as usual. I feel like he is still on the campaign trail.
And, no, I'm not against some sort of action that will get health insurance back in line.

Haha, here we go again!

Even the "Floor" laughed OUTLOUD when he side-stepped how this will be paid for. :D

The concept is terrific - the hype, ridiculous. He needs to get into his office and do some work and quit seeking the limelight with all of these speeches that raise more questions and controversy. When he has a workable plan that would be the time to see him. Right now it's just politics as usual. I feel like he is still on the campaign trail.
And, no, I'm not against some sort of action that will get health insurance back in line.
Now that makes sense and that is what needs to be done and not all of the side stepping he is doing and not answering the questions. The other thing is if this plan is so great why can't he or any of his other cronies answer the question why won't the politicians go on the same plan as they want the American people to go on? :dunno:
Now that makes sense and that is what needs to be done and not all of the side stepping he is doing and not answering the questions. The other thing is if this plan is so great why can't he or any of his other cronies answer the question why won't the politicians go on the same plan as they want the American people to go on? :dunno:
As I understand it the bill is 1300 pages I really do not see how any President can address every single question in the Bill that has not been voted on yet in a final version. If you listen carefully you do not loose your current coverage and no one who has coverage (congress included) is expected to go on any non for profit public option. I believe this was answered quite effectively. As I said earlier I think congress should impose a 15% additional Capitol Gains Tax to help pay for it. ;)

As I understand it the bill is 1300 pages I really do not see how any President can address every single question in the Bill that has not been voted on yet in a final version. If you listen carefully you do not loose your current coverage and no one who has coverage (congress included) is expected to go on any non for profit public option. I believe this was answered quite effectively. As I said earlier I think congress should impose a 15% additional Capitol Gains Tax to help pay for it. ;)

Well, he dang well ought to be able to answer every question - this is his administration's Bill and he is the one pushing it. If he doesn't know all about it then he shouldn't be hawking it or supporting it until he does know all about it- hey, if he can't answer the questions who can? Do I think that the capitol gains should pay for it. Hell no. That's just plain wrong. That's just more taxes. If I make more money than you, I don't think I should pay for your insurance or anything else. All this goes right back to his budget - which he doesn't have ..... spend, spend, spend. He and his committee need to go back to the Think Tank and stay there until he gets it right and can present a final version. And explain how it's going to be funded without getting laughed at .... that said ton's .... our own officials snickering at this president's most important speech yet.
This vote --- boy, talk about handing a committee free reign.
As I understand it the bill is 1300 pages I really do not see how any President can address every single question in the Bill that has not been voted on yet in a final version. If you listen carefully you do not loose your current coverage and no one who has coverage (congress included) is expected to go on any non for profit public option. I believe this was answered quite effectively. As I said earlier I think congress should impose a 15% additional Capitol Gains Tax to help pay for it. ;)

Evidently you have nothing to charge capitol gains tax on or you wouldn't be so free to speak this way. So you think another 15% on Capitol Gains would be just great. Why should those of us that have worked hard, made good investments, saved for retirement, including paying for our insurance, taxes and so forth be penalized for those not willing to take the responsibilities for themselves. We are already taxed to death, at the rate you are talking about by the time we pay the capitol gains tax there would be no capitol gain. :bash::bash::bash:
I know this is hijacking this thread but I would like to post an example for you to consider. A person makes an investment of $35,000.00, hold this investment for 35 years, sells it for $1,000,000.00, subtracts the original $35,000.00 leaving a balance of $965,000.00. Now time to pay Capitol Gains Tax at 55% but Speedway wants to tax on another 15%, now the Capitol Gains tax is 70% or $675,500 leaving the person with $289,500.00 from the $1,000,000.00 sale. Now you subtract the original $35,000.00 from the $289,500.00 and you are left with only $254,500.00. Divide that by 35 years and that amounts to $7,271.43 per year that the person has worked hard, put in lots of sweat and blood and tried to build up something for retirement and old age. Now this person is going to have to go on welfare and ask the government to pay for their healthcare and give them food stamps and subsidized housing. We need to stop taxing the death out of good citizens that have been contributing to the welfare of this country all their life. Nuff said, I will now climb down. Just hope this makes sence to the average person in this great country.
By raising the capitol Gains tax by 15% this would help pay the deficit and the healthcare. It would also allow Congress to increase the min wage to $15 dollars an hour(which would allow a bigger tax base to pay off the deficit) and give small business tax exempt status for a period until everyone can absorb the change of higher goods to offset the min wage. The stock market is responsible for most of americas problems greed which has caused all this so called free trade (that this country gets very little from)and where Corporations have moved there factories to mexico and have did all this job out sourcing to satisfy this enormous thirst for more and more money to people who have little to no compassion for there fellow countrymen. When you take the good jobs away you should pay higher wages for the service oriented jobs. You dont want this tell them to bring them back. I am 100% for PROTECTIONISM. In other words lock this country down. You wont have to worry about car companies anymore because you drive american or walk or take a bus. Just my opinion.

Nope, nope, nope. $15/hr minimum wage? I don't think so. Not yet. That's as much as some degree'd are making. Nope, nope, nope. Hmmmm, well, maybe ..... I'd be a WalMart greeter for $15 bucks an hour - it is, I think here they are making less than $10 - wow, what a great increase. 'Bet the greeter would make more than the manager. :pat:
Nope, nope, nope. $15/hr minimum wage? I don't think so. Not yet. That's as much as some degree'd are making. Nope, nope, nope. Hmmmm, well, maybe ..... I'd be a WalMart greeter for $15 bucks an hour - it is, I think here they are making less than $10 - wow, what a great increase. 'Bet the greeter would make more than the manager. :pat:
Those icreases would also have a bearing salaries for the mangers and degree'd. Do you realize how much some of these CEO's and exc's are getting in salaries and bonus's. Its absolutely mindboggling to see how much money is at the top. I think its only fair everyone I mentioned has prospered by all this free trade nonsense except for one group the american worker and they have been expected to obsorb the brunt and you can be assured no one cares about them the attitude is I have it and you dont you must be lazy.. Totally unfair.;)

Those icreases would also have a bearing salaries for the mangers and degree'd. Do you realize how much some of these CEO's and exc's are getting in salaries and bonus's. Its absolutely mindboggling to see how much money is at the top. I think its only fair everyone I mentioned has prospered by all this free trade nonsense except for one group the american worker and they have been expected to obsorb the brunt and you can be assured no one cares about them the attitude is I have it and you dont you must be lazy.. Totally unfair.;)


Nope, nope, nope .... I read your opinion as way too far left of Capitalism.
Democratic does not mean everyone should be equal financially. Equal rights. That's it .... you work for the rest.

As little as I like the current socialist president, I would really shake in my boots if you or someone who thinks as radical as yourself were ever in this nation's White House!!

Floyd (BB)

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