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5000 minus

Remember it is no longer 5000 since about 100 are no longer there:pat: and the 4,900 left are not active so who is going to read his post. My letter is ready to be sent to the VP of autoforums.com. It will go out in the morning (2 pages). He probably won't care but at least I told it like it is. :patriot: First Robin
Apparently you haven't seen the latest post by Jerry - directly off the old forum posted today 10/22 @ 12:47PM:


Until I read this I wasn't aware that anything Bruce had posted was gone. So I am at a loss BUT I wanted to assue everyone that it wasn'tan intention action on my part.

So I need to know what it was so I can put it back ASAP.

Again my profond apologies.


WOW!! He must have heard plenty from the new administrator, Nasheem.
Rod AKA mtrocket

It looks to me like he was told to appologize to Bruce and everyone but he really only appologized for deleteing Bruce's post and appologized to everyone for just that.....not for any of his other actions. Either way it is way too late thanks to rob and this firs class forum not to mention the "class act" xlr-net forum members.....I'm privleged to know/get to know all of you! So with that in mind.....thanks Jerry!!!
I got on the old forum to see the apology and they had 0 members on line.
That apology to me was apologizing to Bruce for taking down his post and the members that posted about it. As far as every one else he has banned, I don't think the apology was intended for them. That's just my opinion. It doesn't matter, because we have found a better home here and a much better admin. in Rob.

First Robin I hope you get a response to your letter. :rocker:
R matey, R ya gonna share the gold letter. Here tell they have a new modertor.
But doesn't it make you feel better:worship:
Remember it is no longer 5000 since about 100 are no longer there:pat: and the 4,900 left are not active so who is going to read his post. My letter is ready to be sent to the VP of autoforums.com. It will go out in the morning (2 pages). He probably won't care but at least I told it like it is. :patriot: First Robin
R matey, R ya gonna share the gold letter. Here tell they have a new modertor.
But doesn't it make you feel better:worship:

Here's the latest posts:
from redv:
What a huge loss!!

from Jerry:
Well I have asked to be forgiven for an honest error on my part.

Hopefully he'll reconsider.

My apologies to you as well.

from 427:
Bummer ... Sorry to see this happen.

and again from Jerry:
I too am sorry to see Bruce go if he doesn't change his mind. So you guys go to work on him. Everybody makes a mistake now and then.

Either way he and the members here are entitiled to see what was posted and have it replaced.

If I can find out what was removed I'll put it right back assuming I have access to it.

So if you guys and ladies know what it is and where it was posted I'll get at it ASAP.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

I agree that the apology seems to be mainly for removing the posts. But I do believe that he truly misses Bruce and his expertise, as it only leaves him to supply the technical stuff (I don't really believe's he's that sharp)
Oh gee... did I really say that!!!????:naughty::naughty::pat::pat:;);)
Back-pedaling ..... :rolleyes:

"Everyone makes a mistake now and then." Now that is funny!

Has anyone notified RedV (Terry) where we are? His drag racing is awesome to see and know about .... I think he's the only one that races the XLR isn't he?? How about 427? Can anyone PM or email to let him know ....

I agree that he should apologize to Bruce - it must be killing him. No one likes to be ignored. Boy, this whole gig back-fired for him .... well, he forgot to take into consideration that no one wants censorship ....:patriot: Especially not us ... :wave:
Back-pedaling ..... :rolleyes:

Has anyone notified RedV (Terry) where we are? His drag racing is awesome to see and know about .... I think he's the only one that races the XLR isn't he?? How about 427? Can anyone PM or email to let him know ....

I agree that he should apologize to Bruce - it must be killing him. No one likes to be ignored. Boy, this whole gig back-fired for him .... well, he forgot to take into consideration that no one wants censorship ....:patriot: Especially not us ... :wave:

I will PM or email RevV and 427... the more the merrier!!
I've never been a member over on that other site, but I am somewhat familiar with this forum software as I run a set of Oracle programming support forums as a hobby.

It takes some effort to delete a post or a thread, and it's not easy or often that you can "accidentally" delete someone's post. When you delete a post, you have the option of soft-deleting it (pulling it out of the public eye, but remaining in the database for Admins and Mods to see if they have permissions), or hard-deleting it which completely deletes the posting(s) from the database. Either way, you - the Admin has to physically select which option you're going to do before you delete the thread.

If it's soft-deleted, and that other Admin has the permission, he can easily see it, and un-delete it.

I'm sure Rob here can attest to what I've said above as he's quite familiar with the vBulletin software.

For that Admin on the other site to say he accidentally deleted it, and it was a mistake, and please show him where it is....etc.... is a crock of BS. :rolleyes:
Thanks John, XLR Nut, you confirmed what we all knew Jerry, is full of BS.

You think Jerry is bored on the old site because there is no one over there to police anymore:dunno:.
No apogoly needed by me--I've moved on!!

I received an email last night from Jerry with an apology for removing my posts (which didn't personally happen to me) I beleive his email was a copy an paste to each one of us on the post on the old forum saying good-bye. I have not and don't plan on replying to him. As my title states--I've move on.

I do know the post Bruce was talking about because HOMEGAMEROOM (Rich) had post also and I had read it. When I checked back, their posts were gone. Having heard from friends being banned, posts deleted or edited; I decided it was time to move on and that's why I am here; well all my friends are here, too.

This site has been extremely supportive of us who moved over here, and Rob has taken the now enormous amount of time to welcome everyone personally, make adjustments to people have asked for and tried to get involved to help people out with questions/answers.

Having Bruce at this site will most certainly improve the knowledge base here--as I am sure most of you have seen him post information in the couple of days. I also have some items at home on my laptop to download, that should provide helpful to all on the forum. I will try and get it up tonight.

A forum in my opinion is for sharing information, keeping in touch with friends on the forum and discussion of opinions each might have on a topic. When we cease to differ on our opinions there is no need for sharing information--WE ALL KNOW THE SAME THING AND HOW TO SOLVE ANY PROBLEM. (Sorry wasn't yelling, just trying to make a point)

It's been fun being involved with must of you here at the rendezvous and other events; making great friends along the way. It will also be fun to meet the ones I haven't yet at our future gatherings.

I've let go of the other site and find no need to return. I'm sure most of you will agree; whatever we need or need to know,we can find here at our new site working together at making this the premier XLR forum!!!!
Gee ... I didn't get an email of apology ...:ugh: :laugh: :smileyshot22: :laugh:

Verrrrrrrrry well said, Cubby ....you said it exactly the way I would have too.

I don't know how many ways I can say that you guys are the best .... but, I always will ... :grouphug:
I had to look to the left to see that you weren't writing that post.Could have sworn it was you not His Cubbiness.
Gee ... I didn't get an email of apology ...:ugh: :laugh: :smileyshot22: :laugh:

Verrrrrrrrry well said, Cubby ....you said it exactly the way I would have too.

I don't know how many ways I can say that you guys are the best .... but, I always will ... :grouphug:
Hey all. I posted car for sale here too. Hopefully we can get it sold within the next week!
This is the first time I've posted on this thread. I agree with all of you. I was going to post on the other forum that the last time I looked this was a free country :patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot: and then decided that it just wasn't worth the head aches and the problems I would have experienced! Also, I don't understand why someone would not be able to find the information they would want and why they would complain about the other stuff, if they don't like some of the threads then just DO NOT read it!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm glad that, at least, most of the wonderful and friendly people have moved to this forum and THANK YOU RA for telling me about this much better form. I'm going to try and be on this one more, but it's really difficult when dealing with Wimpy. By the way RA are you going to start a "Wife's Club" :rocker: on this forum? I do look forward to those posts, as well as all the other ones. :D
Rob, can we get a cursing smilie, please?
Everyone have a great night!
one blue bunny

Well look at all the folks who have shown up here! :love:

You may have known me as Caly on the other forum. I left about a year or more ago and I was a mod on that forum.

Let me just say, I wouldn't jump too hard on Jerry without knowing all the background. He is a nice and sincere guy... I'm pretty sure there is another side to the story.

I won't say much about why I left, but this is a nice place to be. At least now a guy can get a conversation going... and that took a little time.

So Hi Guys! :wave:

Frank it's good to hear from you. Many of us had wondered where Caly had gone to. I think you are right about Jerry, there is more to the story. Anyway, that is in the past. We have a new home here.

Bruce :patriot:
Caly! Welcome back! :wave: I so missed your postings!

This is a wonderful forum .... and you're right ... we can all have a say without getting slapped :slap: ... R-E-F-R-E-S-H-I-N-G!!!

Any chance that you will be able to make the trip to SA?? We missed you at R3.

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