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We may have a winner....

Why don't you people have a contest and see who can get thrown off next. My money is on suitntie or his Cubbiness..............double dare ya!

I could easily get banned but what fun would that be without at least getting a point accross.....so....I took your "double dare" or was that a double dog dare?? None the less here is a copy of my post on the other side.....

I have been watching the site over the last few weeks, and have noticed what I call a refreshing change. There seems to be less personality issues going on and less bickering. I am very happy as the site is about cars and information. I have had so many individuals over the last 5 years tell me that they were tired of all the bickering and personal attacks on one another on this forum.

My own personal clients, told me it used to be fun to look at what people were experiencing positive and negative with thier XLRs, but then stopped coming to the forum, as it was becoming a personal outlet for some.

Im talking about individuals that signed up as members over the last 4/5 years and just stopped posting because they were saying that the forum had become a personal blog or message board for people and that isn't why they joined.

The excitement of members talking about their own experiences and issues they have had regarding their XLR, seemed to have vanished over the last 6 months or so. In the last month, I received 4 emails from members that have been with the forum for over 4 years, said that the forum seemed to have gotten away from being an information source on the XLR and going in the direction of a personal messaging board.

I have always said, there were so many personal comments on the threads, that it has made it hard to find the question and follow up answers for the individual that is looking for help.

Only a small percentage of individuals can afford to purchase an XLR new, so I believe it is important to have the forum getting back to it's roots and trying to help all the new owners that have questions and concerns about their vehicles and not having to navigate through massive threads that many include huge amount of just personal info that has nothing to do with the XLR.

I for one look forward to helping the old and new XLR owners with their issues and concerns.

[FONT=Arial[/URL] Black]www.CadillacXLR-V.com[/font]

Maybe it's refreshing to you but to me its what I would call VACANT. There is less of everything......people....friends....and oh dare I mention vendors. Now lets see....I read the forum rules and I believe they state that I cannot mention a website "by its domain name only (omitting the www and the .com) is acceptable."
Therefore I will not use the www or the .com by saying that everyone has gone to "xlr-net" which is a very valuable source of info on our beloved xlr.
If the owner of this once great forum (xlrforum.com) should read this post I want you to know that all of this is thanks to one individual that everyone is aware of. It is quite a shame for your wonderful site to have taken such a drastic turningpoint based on his, well lets just say actions, since this is a public forum.

That might ruffle a few feathers.....i hope.
The other side of the mountain

WOW, very well put I would say. That will probably get you banned in this life and the next but I am proud of you. I will be writing my letter to the owners tomorrow to let them or him know how I feel as it was really totally uncalled for. Not a good way to stay in business but as Ruthie has said it is really all in the past as we have a great home here at XLR-Net Thanks Marc First Robin (aka Robert):patriot:
I want as many other members still over there to get the message as well and since the administrator has not been online for over 30 hours now there is a chance that the post may stay up for a bit.
I Win

Finally did it and it was fun.....my post was deleted by the idiot so i decided to have some fun....i changed my "location" in my profile to this forums web address and responded to a dozen or so threads with rule abiding posts. I guess he finally noticed my deception and basically told me to say hi to all of you here in our new found better than the other home!!!
PS....since i won bob i think i should get your rims....lol
last note on this subject for me...

i sent him just a short note

"I was never warned about any violations but to be honest I don't want anything to do with you or any web page you have any control over. You ruined this site and someday your horse will be gone. Enjoy your ride to a very quite forum with no bickering and no members just yourself and your high pony. In the mean time I will enjoy my happy existence with my friends on a real forum."
Don't count on it, but I have to applaud all you guys and I think we may have to have a poll to find out who the clear cut winner is. Yous guys ah da best. That's Brooklynees if yas don't know.:pat:
I want as many other members still over there to get the message as well and since the administrator has not been online for over 30 hours now there is a chance that the post may stay up for a bit.
Congrats Suitntie. I checked the bad place, suitntie no longer on member lists. Suitntie you must have really ticked them off. They have taken down every one of your post. Past posts of the rest of the banned members are still there. Yours are all gone. :worship:
Congrats suitntie!!

Had I gotten online last night to see the challenge, I may have given you a run for your money!!

Bobo why would you have thought I would have done somethig nasty like that:D:D You know I'm easy to get along with, and rarely have an opinion:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Looks like Jerry will be the one to turn out the lights at the other site or his sidekick Alan
I just posted this on the "old forum"

I'm done, Good Bye;

I have enjoyed the time spent on this site over the last year...I have made some great friendships. That being said, I won't/can't spend my time trying to help XLR owners with their problems or concerns and then have my posts deleted. It is sad that this once fun place has fallen so far. Life goes on.

We're really sad that after all you have done to promote that forum and to help the car owners who use it, you had that happen. This is crazy. They have no idea of their loss.

But, looks like the gang's here now - and WE all appreciate the knowlege, the great support and enthusiasm you bring to the group. And, the folks who don't know, will soon find out how valuable you will prove to be here.

Thanks again Bruce, for all the time you give to the owners of these great cars.

Cathy and David Kinney
So far Bruce your post is still on the old place. Lets see how long it stays.:D. Before I log out for good on the old site is there anything any of the banned members would like me to put in my goob bye. Bruce has started a Good bye thread. :rocker:
I posted a helpful technical post last night (on the old Forum) and, along with Bruce, mine got deleted as well.

I researched my posting for at least 15 minutes before I posted it. I have technical manuals on DVD for the XLR as well as a unique DVD on repairing the convertible top. After I referenced my materials, I posted. Imagine my disappointment when I checked the “old” forum this morning and my postings were gone (as well as the VERY helpful one Bruce posted).

We all have obligations in life. We all have a limited amount of free time in our day. I enjoy reserving time every day to either check on or post on the XLR forum. I certainly enjoy the friendships that have been cultivated as a result of the Forum. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and having others share theirs. Having said that, I won’t bother posting anything on the old forum anymore. Why bother investing the time and energy when it just gets deleted? I have better things to do with my spare time, and I won’t divide it anymore between the two Forums.

I really hadn’t had any issues with the old Forum until now – heck, I debated changing my screen name to “Switzerland” to display my neutrality! But now I feel what many of the others have felt, and it isn’t good. It’s too bad. They had a great thing going and really screwed it up. I hope their loss is Rob’s gain.

I’ve found a new home here at XLR Net– I’m glad my other friends have as well. Thank you, Rob! :grouphug:
I just posted this on the "old forum"

I'm done, Good Bye;

I have enjoyed the time spent on this site over the last year...I have made some great friendships. That being said, I won't/can't spend my time trying to help XLR owners with their problems or concerns and then have my posts deleted. It is sad that this once fun place has fallen so far. Life goes on.


After seeing your post on the old forum I also responded to bruces post as follows: (in case it gets deleted before everyone can read it)


I too am little miffed that one person decides what to have posted; if you say something he doesn't like he deletes it or bans you. Maybe if the owners see whats going on they will change it. They are going to be missing the knowledge you provide on our automobiles-being the great XLR technician you are.

Most opinions everyone has is not going to match one another--hence we are not lemmings. Jeryy seems to know alot about the XLR's perhaps he'll answer the questions for everyone now that you are gone.

I myself no longer need this site, as I'LL just keep in touch with you for any problems I encounter with my XLR. The other site seems to have enough knowledge and a better moderator for my needs--So it Adios for me as well.


I"m sure I'll get banned for mentioning the exhalted ruler by name:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Go read the latest post on the old site by a new Admin.!!!


Grabbed off the old site for everyone. Enjoy the read.:

"We have been looking into the issues regarding moderation and bad users on the site, this problem will be taken care of. It is sad that we are losing anyone and I urge remaining users to stay online as we are in a transitional phase with the site. You will be seeing some new stuff in the near future from us and as a new admin for the site, I will be checking in regularly and trying to keep things in check. Any feedback users can give will be helpful to me so let me know. Thanks"

I guess the banned members and deleted posts must be bad users:dunno:?

Little Woman
Homegameroom, you said it ...

(Way) Too little too late. My, my, whatever took them so long to react??

I'm thinkin' it wasn't just the moderator who wanted us gone anyway .... :squint: He claimed to have had "a number" (5,000?? :lol:) of members who were complaining to him about ..... oh, let's see .... they didn't like the WC..... they didn't like the thread hi-jacking ..... they didn't like the blogging ..... it remains pathetic to me that anyone would take the time or energy to contact a moderator and "tattle" ....

Well - there is a ton of old sayings .... Never look back ..... There's a reason for everything.... Don't cry over spilt milk ...... If you can't lead me, then get out of my way .... Everything happens for the best ... I could go on and on ...

But there's nothing there that I would risk this forum for because all of you, who share the same basic value are HERE :grouphug: .... those that don't have chosen to remain behind .... to me that speaks volumes.

Boy .... do we ever make a heck of a grassroots committee!

You guys are the best ..... I am so proud to call you my friends.
I’ve found a new home here at XLR Net– I’m glad my other friends have as well. Thank you, Rob! :grouphug:
You're welcome. Glad to have you guys here! :)
Apparently you haven't seen the latest post by Jerry - directly off the old forum posted today 10/22 @ 12:47PM:


Until I read this I wasn't aware that anything Bruce had posted was gone. So I am at a loss BUT I wanted to assue everyone that it wasn'tan intention action on my part.

So I need to know what it was so I can put it back ASAP.

Again my profond apologies.


WOW!! He must have heard plenty from the new administrator, Nasheem.
Rod AKA mtrocket
Profound .... wow .... profound ....

Well - losing Bruce is definetly the stupidest thing ever. (did I say that? I am going to hades for that, I think If I wasn't already banned he would have another reason!)

And he addressed it to all of the members ... all of them .... Well, I guess it is the best way to reach 5,000 people. ;)

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