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How well does the wind restrictor work?

What's a good source for the dealer windscreen, besides the dealership? My (used) XLR came with one of those wind restrictor windscreens, but it's seen better days (has a wooble when I'm on the freeway, has a wicked glare at night, lighting is uneven, scratched). I'm going for the stock windscreen, but I'm not fond of the dealer's price for it. Is there a good parts place for this windscreen, or some other alternative other than Ebay?

Fun in the sun,
I took a detour to Dallas on my way to Rendezvous II in Bowling Green back in 07 and had the Wind Restrictor installed as a promotional deal and most everyone has bought the Wind Restrictor advertised on this forum based on what they saw in person at Bowling Green.
The used XLR that you bought might have a knock off of that Wind Restrictor, because I've never heard or seen of one of these wobble while driving and is tilted to stop glare and extremely thick plexiglass.
With windows up, I think it works extremely well. You would have to have a six foot wall of plexiglass in back of the seats to stop the wind completely.
As you can tell I indorse the Wind Restrictor on this forum, which may or may not mean anything at all by someone elses standards.:patriot:
What's a good source for the dealer windscreen, besides the dealership? My (used) XLR came with one of those wind restrictor windscreens, but it's seen better days (has a wooble when I'm on the freeway, has a wicked glare at night, lighting is uneven, scratched). I'm going for the stock windscreen, but I'm not fond of the dealer's price for it. Is there a good parts place for this windscreen, or some other alternative other than Ebay?
Upon review of these windscreens, I notice they didn't include the Wind Restrictor in there testing from this forum and most all where thin and used velcrow straps which can't hold a candle to the one on this forum. My .02
There's also a good site of reviews for XLR windscreens over at Windscreen Review. You can check this out for other options and opinions.
I am really puzzled by this wind restrictor thing. Isn't one of the joys of riding with the top down to feel the wind whirling by, smell the flowers, and all that? If you are worried about your hairdo, why not wear a hat?
I am really puzzled by this wind restrictor thing. Isn't one of the joys of riding with the top down to feel the wind whirling by, smell the flowers, and all that? If you are worried about your hairdo, why not wear a hat?
Actually, that is exactly my feelings - I bought the restrictor because it is so COOL looking all lit up at night. And we have it set so it lights it's brightest when we hit the breaks...... when that logo catches fire it looks awesome!:rocker: I cannot tell much difference between having a windscreen and not having one. I guess I'm just not that sensitive. :pat:

And that is why we never spent the ridiculous amount of $500 plus on the fabric kind - nothing aesthetically attractive about them either. (Now all of you that spent the $$ can defend them if you want, but that's MHO)

- And here's the deal - I would buy another one (WindRestrictor) - I wish they were just "inserts" so that I could change ours out now and then.
It's actually not about the wind--the only thing I found is it does cut down on the wind that hits the back of your head. I'm with Ruth Ann on this one, I like the Windrestrictor more for it's looks than anything else.

I am really puzzled by this wind restrictor thing. Isn't one of the joys of riding with the top down to feel the wind whirling by, smell the flowers, and all that? If you are worried about your hairdo, why not wear a hat?
Ahhhh - so - that's why I don't really notice any difference --- well, it's still looks for me, I don't put my top down and my windows up! :) But that is great to know!
I've had my "new" WindRestrictor for a while now. Just haven't gotten around to take a picture of it to show everybody. The Wife and I think that it helps with the wind in the car!

You guys make a very unique and pretty product. Any chance of making a quick release version, easy to remove when the top is up?

Just as a follow up I would like to agree with Bruce. When the top is up the plexi can catch reflections and actually startle you if you are chaning lanes or backinig up to think a car is there, but it is actually a reflection of movement in front or to the opposite side. This happens primarily at night.

Dont get me wrong I love my WR and will transfer it to my next X next week when I get the new colored brackets. I just think it is a good recommendation and also to have a nice sleeve you could put it in for storage in the trunk after quick release.
Not to offend......I like the factory mesh windscreen. We leave ours on all the time. Gives more privacy with the top up. Just a little visual obstruction but not a problem. Just my.02.:)
Not to offend......I like the factory mesh windscreen. We leave ours on all the time. Gives more privacy with the top up. Just a little visual obstruction but not a problem. Just my.02.:)

I agree, I keep mine installed all the time. I find it does a great job blocking the wind, can drive to church and don't even have to comb my hair when I get there. I also feel it adds class, not gaudy and no reflections to deal with.
Bought the $125 wind screen made of plastic and I got what I paid for. It looks cheap on the car and there are distracting reflections off of it, both day and night, that I see in my center rearview mirror. Mesh is the way to go.
Bought the $125 wind screen made of plastic and I got what I paid for. It look cheap on the car and there are distracting reflections off of it, both day and night, that I see in my center rearview mirror. Mesh is the way to go.:pat:

I have one of the dark bronze tinted lexan windscreens. Works well... and looks great!!! It has reflections but I believe the Windrestrictor gets reflections in it also.
I have one of the dark bronze tinted lexan windscreens. Works well... and looks great!!! It has reflections but I believe the Windrestrictor gets reflections in it also.

All screens made of plastic must cause reflections and also limit rear visibility.
The mesh screen on my Audi is not a problem.
All screens made of plastic must cause reflections and also limit rear visibility.
The mesh screen on my Audi is not a problem.

I'm not so sure I totally agree. I have a lexan windscreen and it doesn't really glare at all. I think it depends on which kind you get and what the quality of material is used. Windscreenreview.net is where I finally settled on the one I got now, but yeah, some have good reviews; some don't. Just don't cut yourself short.

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