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Do you see XLRs??

Black XLR spotted pm the interstate

It happened again. I saw a black XLR headed south on I-5 near the hwy 41. The weather was crazy here in the Bay Area and I wasn't expecting a XLR on the road with bad weather, but I did. It was a gray headed man. The car was clean too.:blinzel:
Well today as I was heading to the Jax auto show my friend was driving his Touareg I was able to snap this pic of a 04 or 05 silver
he needs to get her washed. Talked to owner and his wife wants him to sell it because he has a newborn

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I was driving through town on Friday and spotted a red XLR on the new expressway in Bakersfield, CA (I don't know the # of the hwy?), but anyway it appeared out of knowwhere. It was a cloudy day and I wasn't expecting to see anything worth while on the road, but I did. The driver was male w/grey hair and the car appeared clean.:D

Grey hair buy I wasn't in the Bay Area! Grey hair, sounds like most of us that drive / own XLR's :chuckle
Around 630 March 2nd 2015 coming out of cobble stone shopping center in st aug. Just saw a black v I assume it was a v because of the Crome side vents coming out of the shopping center as I was heading in. Of course it was night and foggy. But we exchanged waves

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Around 630 March 2nd 2015 coming out of cobble stone shopping center in st aug. Just saw a black v I assume it was a v because of the Crome side vents coming out of the shopping center as I was heading in. Of course it was night and foggy. But we exchanged waves

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Side vents were on all 2009s from the factory.
Office across the hall just became empty. As I looked across from my desk I could see through that window to across the street. A carbon copy of my black 06 was sitting there in their private parking spot. Guess I will have to drop by and say hello.Didn't expect to find one next door!
Thought I just saw a 09 red in the parking lot of the prime outlet mall on the sacs 5th ave side around 6:33 pm tues. I was riding in moms van and just happened to look a cross from 95 north bound lane

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I saw XLR's (plural)

On Saturday, a few of us got together for an XLR luncheon. A total of 5 XLR's were there - 4 V's and one base. 2 reds, one silver, one black and one Dark Cherry. Don't see that very often. South Orange County, California.
XLR Lineup Mar 7-2015-5.jpg
eye catcher

Yesterday, heading north out of North Port Florida on US 41/Tamiami, a car caught my eye that I assumed was some Toyota or what ever as it was black with some wide bright green graphic stripes on it.

I was headed south and just got a quick glimpse of it at first (due to a truck ahead of it in the nearer lane) but as it went by I had a clear view and I realized it was a black XLR. Not sure if it was jazzed up for racing (that was my impression of the colour scheme) or if it was just done to the owners liking?

Gizmo, do you know of a black XLR in your racing circuit?

I actually see quite a few different XLR's in this area of Florida but they all seem to be going in the opposite direction to me. I never manage to see them parked anywhere I can stop to chat.
Do we see XLR?
We do now I brought Roxy back home today from storage :-)


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Dan & Wendy
XLR Poker,,,,,

On Saturday, a few of us got together for an XLR luncheon. A total of 5 XLR's were there - 4 V's and one base. 2 reds, one silver, one black and one Dark Cherry. Don't see that very often. South Orange County, California.
View attachment 5028

I'll see your 5 XLR's,,,,,and raise you 3 more XLR's................CALL



^ > AZ Cadillac Roadster Show 03-07-15 = 8 XLR's showing

p z
Well my neighbor the other day said, when he was walking the neighborhoods of world golf village here in at augustine fl. He saw a grey xlr. I think the correct name is grey mist but I could be wrong. So today when I was running errands I drove in the neighborhood he was talking about. I found where he told me to look. Luckily the xlr was out in the driveway. So I opened my trunk and got one of my xlr net card out that I made and. Gently put it in the window.
Here is a pic of the rare cars we drive
. Don't know if the owner is from this area or just visiting friends/family. But took a chance and dropped off my card.

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Looks like the color is Satin Nickel Silver I know it's on the 05 don't know about other years! It's darker then my light platinum silver like our 05 Roxy!

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Dan & Wendy
Looks like the color is Satin Nickel Silver I know it's on the 05 don't know about other years! It's darker then my light platinum silver like our 05 Roxy!

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Dan & Wendy

Yeah Dan I knew it wasn't roxys color. But I was in to much off hurry. So I didn't fully look at it closely.

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Gizmo, do you know of a black XLR in your racing circuit?

Never seen one like you described. My circuit does not include Florida so we may just have not crossed paths..... yet.
Looks like the color is Satin Nickel Silver I know it's on the 05 don't know about other years! It's darker then my light platinum silver like our 05 Roxy!

Someone had an XLR at our Bowling Green get-together in Fall 2013 that was that color. It's very interesting to see in person as I had never seen one in person. Very nice!
Yes you are right Ken that was Al & Judy Dumas from N. Providence RI ALD42 on here they teamed up with Amy/Mike and us on the run down to BG Ky.

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Dan & Wendy
Ok aftdr parking the xlr under a tree the other day, I needed to give her a bath today. But it was kind of to cold. So I went to my bank then as I headed back home, the detail guys that muse the cleaners parking lot next to the Starbucks on cr 210 in at augustine fl, were cleaning up some cars. So I decided to have them do the work instead. The owner personally had his daughter and him clean up my car. He came over to me and said sorry for the long time waiting but since my car is one special ride. He doesn't want any of his other workers working on my ride. So he and his daughter (I guess his daughter) were the only ones working on it. Occasionally one other worker would sneak over and help.
then when I was done. I wanted to show off after I had her cleaned up. But the temp was still a little to chilly for top down driving. So abt 2 hrs later I dropped the top and went for a drive. I stopped and saw this v in a hair salon parking lot. I think it's the owners because they have a personalized and the back window has their advertisement for the salon. But he never moves it from the spot unless the shop is closed.
i guess this owner just uses this for advertisement only to get people into his shop. Jeez that's a waste of 100 grand just to advertise

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Those are some nice pictures. I've seen a few XLR too lately.

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