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Do you see XLRs??

Saw a red one just now @11:15 am north bound 95 in at augustine. I was on the southbound exiting onto 323 international golf. The red xlr was between world golf village 323 and the county rd 210 in st augustine Florida. Couldn't tell the year. Barely saw it through the guard rail.

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Tonight on Pawn Stars, while they were looking at an Indian motorcycle collection, there were a lot of nice shots of a black base XLR with a V-style grill. Nice to see one in a current TV show.
I've seen 5-6 XLR's around here but never been in a position to catch up with one, until today. Talked to the owner of a black base in a store parking lot - had mine there, & he asked me if I knew there was a club. Turns out he's a member, vetalac. Hopefully he can join us on the spring trip.
Interstate 5 near Fresno County line

Today around 08:46hr I saw a blue XLR headed south on I-5. I think the car had chrome after market wheels, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyway, I saw the car coming and was wondering, "What type of car is that?" Duh!!!:rolleyes: Anyway, the driver appeared to be older with silver hair sweeped back. This episode lasted 10-seconds at best so I didn't have time to respond.:lol:
Ha! you didn't see my 06-V Platinum sneak into Jackson Casino day before Thanksgiving, went right passed Fresno on that archaic I-5 , I really hate that 4 lane, tough to pass, I came back on #99 and was a great ride and an hour less time back to OC. 70% is 8 lanes, 20% is 6 & the other 10% is 4 lanes, another 2 years it will all be 8 lanes, imagine a normal road that's 8 lanes paralleling an Interstate with only 4 lanes. WTF What an awesome Casino, they had to have their machines really tight to make that kind of money. Guess Jerry is holding out for his bullet train which isn't going to happen if we Californians get to vote on it. Caltrans should be ashamed to have not widened I-5:blinzel: I'm done

Today around 08:46hr I saw a blue XLR headed south on I-5. I think the car had chrome after market wheels, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyway, I saw the car coming and was wondering, "What type of car is that?" Duh!!!:rolleyes: Anyway, the driver appeared to be older with silver hair sweeped back. This episode lasted 10-seconds at best so I didn't have time to respond.:lol:
XLR Spotted in Bakersfield CA.

Ha! you didn't see my 06-V Platinum sneak into Jackson Casino day before Thanksgiving, went right passed Fresno on that archaic I-5 , I really hate that 4 lane, tough to pass, I came back on #99 and was a great ride and an hour less time back to OC. 70% is 8 lanes, 20% is 6 & the other 10% is 4 lanes, another 2 years it will all be 8 lanes, imagine a normal road that's 8 lanes paralleling an Interstate with only 4 lanes. WTF What an awesome Casino, they had to have their machines really tight to make that kind of money. Guess Jerry is holding out for his bullet train which isn't going to happen if we Californians get to vote on it. Caltrans should be ashamed to have not widened I-5:blinzel: I'm done

Nope. That wasn't you, but maybe some day I'll get a chance to see your XLRV.:D

However, 23Dec2014 in Bakersfield,Ca I did see a Infared XLR in the Bed Bath, & Beyond parking lot. I took several pics as I passed to car and then put my car in reverse. I was shocked! There it was parked tightly between other car (since it was nearing "the day") and took pictures in the dark, but a bit out of focus,
Somepeople here know jacqulin. She just saw this in Graceland (Elvis home).

Found out it's someone from south cArolina

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Watching the movie just go with it. Adam Sandler walks past a xlr v red before walking into the vouch house game area. Atleast I think it's a v supercharged. It has the rectangular exhaust tips

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2 sightings after becoming a full fledge member and owner of my XLR the day after Thanksgiving '14. Unfortunately no pictures were taken. Purchased my XLR in NC, and living in Atlanta. First sighting in Kennesaw Georgia off I-75N at 3:15pm. Base Black XLR and too far away to verify whether it was an 04-05 in the first week of Dec.

Last sighting was a pleasant surprise, once again no pictures. Flew into viva Las Vegas on 30 Dec 14. While driving the rental car on I-215N, a Base Black XLR 06-08 happen to pass by at 4:35Pm. It was great in following the car for several miles since we were traveling in the same direction. An older lady driving the speed limit gave me more time to view her backside. Talking about the XLR of course.

Onto the New Year everyone. Safe driving and go topless whenever you can.
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2 sightings after becoming a full fledge member and owner of my XLR V the day after Thanksgiving '14. Unfortunately no pictures were taken. Purchased the XLR in NC. First sighting in Kennesaw Georgia off I-75N. Base model, Black exterior and too far away to verify whether it was an 04-05 in early Dec.

Last sighting was a pleasant surprise, once again no pictures. Flew into viva Las Vegas on 30 Dec 14. While driving the rental car on I-215N, a Base Black XLR 06-08 happen to pass. It was great in following the car for several miles since we were traveling in the same direction. An older lady driving the speed limit. Gave me more time to view her backside. Talking about the XLR of course.

Onto the New Year everyone. Safe driving and go topless whenever you can.


We was lucky enough last Saturday here in S. Central PA to reach 60 degrees during the afternoon, so on the way to the movies topless we went in December![emoji41] Roxy is back in storage with a high of 30 today. [emoji22]

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Dan & Wendy
XLR pulling out from a parking space in Fresno

It wasn't me but my g/f who spotted a ligh pewter colored XLR pulling out in front of GNC on the 2nd of Jan 2015. She quickly pulled out her cell phone a took a pic. It was a older gemtleman with grayish hair. She was trying to catch him before he left and ask, "How does he like his car?" I would post the pic, but I have no host site.
Englewood Florida

Downtown old Engelwood, the first Saturday of the month there is a Classic car cruise night. we were parked (in our 64 Acadian Wagon) chatting with some people when a silver XLR with its top up drove by following a Corvette. He was by before I could even get my butt out of my chair. We were near the end of the strip and I expected then to loop around and cruise back up the street again: had my XLR-net card ready - but it did not materialize again.

Crazy: there are less than 17,000 of these cars built yet it is amazing how often you actually see them. As owners I realize our eyes are 'trained' to see them: none the less you can not see what is not there. Florida: being an ideal 'topless state' is likely a prime area to see them.....none the less I always amazes me when I see one. Sure would like to have mine here!
We was lucky enough last Saturday here in S. Central PA to reach 60 degrees during the afternoon, so on the way to the movies topless we went in December![emoji41] Roxy is back in storage with a high of 30 today. [emoji22]

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Dan & Wendy

Nice hat Dan!
Yes it is love to find the exact same hat in white or even silver/gray[emoji41]

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Dan & Wendy

Yes, me too. They stopped making the white :mad: and only offered navy blue otherwise. I should double check to see if they possibly brought that hat back this year.
Black XLR

I saw a black XLR today around 11:15am on 280 hwy near the 85 hwy exit. I was trying to a closer look when he/she kept on going south on 280 as I took the 85 hwy to Gilroy. The wheels looked like 19" or bigger, but the car was dirty. ;)
Mecum AUction, Kissimee FL

We went to the Mecum auction today to hopefully buy a 68 GM pick up: huge disappointment, was a shiny piece of crud and ran so rough I don't think it would make it back to North Port....... but it still brought in $22,000.00: did the guy not look the vehicle over and start it????

Anyway there was a 2007 blue XLR, has NOT been well taken care of, paint rough, both seats have tears and stains, stained door panel, carpet needs replacing, if I remember right it had 79, or 89,000 miles, also the headlights were burnt/meltd. I thought it to be a low low $20,000.00's car but went to $22,500.00 and it did not make its reserve. I should have taken some pics, but had not so I took a pic of the jumbo-tron screen.DSCN0712.jpg Really sad to be unloved but it would not take all that much to make it right. Going to assume the top works as it was up in the staging area but opened up at the auction block.

Also as we were stumbling out to our truck to head home after a loooong day, there was a black XLR parked down the lane from our truck but I was too tired to care to check it out, but from 300 feet it looked like someone loved it!!!
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I can relate to the un-loved cars. A friend asked in my help finding his dream car a 911 turbo. He is not a car guy and will drive like a granny. daily driver with no garage. We found and bought a nice black on black one. I drove half the test drive and just had to see if I could turn over those 295 tires :chuckle and a little other fun. Then going thru walk thru he asks the dealer if he can recommend a car wash. Everone just shock there heads.
Red XLR in Bakersfield, CA

I was driving through town on Friday and spotted a red XLR on the new expressway in Bakersfield, CA (I don't know the # of the hwy?), but anyway it appeared out of knowwhere. It was a cloudy day and I wasn't expecting to see anything worth while on the road, but I did. The driver was male w/grey hair and the car appeared clean.:D
Well this made my day. Super Bowl Sunday around 2:20 pm on 95 south just past the st augustine t's exit, by the construction area. What looked like a 2006-08 black xlr heading south. Unfortunately I was in traffic. So no pic was taken by me. We exchanged waves though (the passenger with a ball cap). As they past me it was a Florida tag I think. Like I said I had traffic so couldn't pay to much attention. Both of us were top up driving. Their car and mine was spotless except for maybe a dusting of pollen. Hopefully this afternoon I will drop the top when going over to my sisters to watch the game. Tomorrow cold front come through and 99% rain chance. Then the rest of the week low to mid 60's.

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