Same here, but when I had to change the tranny in my X, I couldn't find my engine hoist to get the 200 lb tranny out of the little cargo trailer I browered from a friend so I went to Harbor Freight and baught another one. A week later the CAR HOIST THAT I FORGOT THAT I HAD PURCHASED

The truck that delivered it didn't have any kind of hoist to lift this about 1,000 lbs of steel, cables and a whole lot more off his trailer.
So, here I am, the Caddies in the driveway up on blocks and can't be moved, the 18 wheeler is blocking the street. I get on the phone and call relatives and friends trying to get help but it's in the middle of the week and day and everyone is at work.
Luckly, my neighbor came home for lunch and when he saw what was going on, he got on his cell and called the building supply outfit he is the manager of and within about 10 minutes here comes a Fork Lift that lifts the hoist off the trailer, the 18 wheeler leaves and I move my Chevy and Jet Skis out of the driveway, making room for the Fork Lift to put my forgotten hoist in.
Then 5 weeks later with the trannies swaped I hooked the trailer up to the caddie and take it to the FedEx Depot and ship the broken one back and take the trailer back to my friend.
Here's when it gets REALLY GOOD!!
As I tell my friend about all of this, he's sitting there looking at me with this puzzled look on his face then he ask, "How did you know that I had that little cargo trailer?" And I said "Didn't you tell me you owned one at sometime or another?" No, says, I brought it to your house when you sold me your ENGINE HOIST a couple of years ago.