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Thirsty and I have been at my sisters house in Vancouver, British Columbia since Boxing Day, and will be here until the New Year. It is nice to get away from the cold temps even it will only be for a week. Have been popping in once in awhile to see how everyone has been doing. I have been helping my brother in law with the restoration of his 65 Marlin. If I get a chance I'll post photos. Two days ago I was polishing the the rings that hold the headlights in place using a bench grinder set up with polishing wheels. The ring got away from me and I wound up having to get a few stiches,but oh well that is how things go sometimes. Other than that Thirsty and I are having a break and wish you all the best.

Ouch. Sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Glad you and Thirsty are having a good time. Tell Thirsty her drinking buddy said hello. :wave:
3.8 magnitude earthquake

Central Indiana got a little shake this morning from a 3.8 earthquake that hit @ 7:55 am. The epicenter of the quake was just a few miles east of Greentown, IN near where Photo Mom lives. Kathy felt it @ our house, but I didn't feel anything here @ work.
This is nothing to you westcoasters, but it was a big deal here.
That is only my 2nd earth quake, but this one was much worse than the last. The mirror and everything in the bathroom shook this morning, I thought a car had hit my house, but then I thought earth quake, and I guess I was right. Don't think I have ever been that close to one....it gave us somehting to talk about, how sad is that? Hope that was the end of them for us...Happy New Year to everybody....
Photo Mom
Glad everyone is safe in central Indiana from the earthquake. Happy New Year to everyone.
Around here we ignore anything under 4.0

5.0 and up provides an excuse for daylight drinking.

7.0 and up generally provides us with a new zip code, closer to the ocean. :lol:
I guess Christmas is going to be a few days late or my birthday is going to come a few days early. Just received a phone call from the negotiator on the Gilbert property, said if I will amend my purchase contract for $1,000.00 more, the sellar has already agreed to coff up $2,500.00 to the bank, we should have an approved contract, by Friday or at the very latest Monday. This is what the bank that services the current mortgage on the house wants and has agreed to. Short sales take a while but I guess in the end are worth it. It has now been 37 days since my contract was submitted. Out of nearly 10,000 homes for sale in the Phoenix metro area, this is the only one so far that suits my needs and/or wants. Of course I probably only looked at less than 100 when I found this one. Will keep you posted.

Less than 6 weeks is fast for a BofA short sale. Congratulations. Sounds like I will be seeing you soon.
That is only my 2nd earth quake, but this one was much worse than the last. The mirror and everything in the bathroom shook this morning, I thought a car had hit my house, but then I thought earth quake, and I guess I was right. Don't think I have ever been that close to one....it gave us somehting to talk about, how sad is that? Hope that was the end of them for us...Happy New Year to everybody....
Photo Mom

Years can go by and we never "feel" one and then like last year they came in clusters .... it is a weird feeling, and especially because they don't give any warning .... the really memorable ones are those that shake your bed and wake you up - you think 'oh, we're having an earthquake ... ' and then you just roll over and go back to sleep. :) Another weird 2010 Mother Nature moment ... :squint:
Less than 6 weeks is fast for a BofA short sale. Congratulations. Sounds like I will be seeing you soon.

It can't be soon enough for me Kent, it is cold and snow here, the things I don't like. Save me some Lemons, I love lemon pie, lemon bars. I am sorry you are getting freezing weather, especially with citrus trees.
Got back from vegas Sunday the 2nd. had a really good time for 4 days stayed at Wynn's tried to watch the fireworks but it was so cold we gave up. Didnt do bad on the tables but didnt win anything big ingrid did have a decent run on the slots. Overall we just had a really good time.:D

Got back from vegas Sunday the 2nd. had a really good time for 4 days stayed at Wynn's tried to watch the fireworks but it was so cold we gave up. Didnt do bad on the tables but didnt win anything big ingrid did have a decent run on the slots. Overall we just had a really good time.:D


Fred, it's good to hear that you & Ingrid had fun in Vegas. Too bad the weather wasn't warmer for your visit. What a fun way to ring in the new year.:rocker:
We are househunting .... what an adventure! First we down-sized because our grandkids were almost out of school .... that was the 'family home' .... now, with daughter #2 creating a family, we have to up-size again .... :willy_nilly: Well - and then on the upside .... at least when any of you need a guest room we will happily be able to accomodate! This is not what I had in mind for retirement ... lol ...
We are househunting .... what an adventure! First we down-sized because our grandkids were almost out of school .... that was the 'family home' .... now, with daughter #2 creating a family, we have to up-size again .... :willy_nilly: Well - and then on the upside .... at least when any of you need a guest room we will happily be able to accomodate! This is not what I had in mind for retirement ... lol ...

Enjoy it!!! It's always fun when you have little ones running around. They make you young again. Happy house hunting. :D
We are househunting .... what an adventure! First we down-sized because our grandkids were almost out of school .... that was the 'family home' .... now, with daughter #2 creating a family, we have to up-size again .... :willy_nilly: Well - and then on the upside .... at least when any of you need a guest room we will happily be able to accomodate! This is not what I had in mind for retirement ... lol ...

We can relate to you! We're building a new house. With a "new" son-in-law, and the thought of grand kids years down the road, but the BIGEE,, I need a three car garage!!! The townhouse life isn't cutting it!
We can relate to you! We're building a new house. With a "new" son-in-law, and the thought of grand kids years down the road, but the BIGEE,, I need a three car garage!!! The townhouse life isn't cutting it!

I agree with you Chad, the townhouse life is not my lifestyle. I made a big mistake when I bought my home in Colorado Springs. Hopefully the house in AZ will get me back to living the way I want. It has four bedrooms but only one will be a true guest room, one will be a library/office and one will be for arts and crafts. The master is on the opposite side of the house. It does have a three car garage and an inside laundry room. Am getting anxious for a closing date.
I agree with you Chad, the townhouse life is not my lifestyle. I made a big mistake when I bought my home in Colorado Springs. Hopefully the house in AZ will get me back to living the way I want. It has four bedrooms but only one will be a true guest room, one will be a library/office and one will be for arts and crafts. The master is on the opposite side of the house. It does have a three car garage and an inside laundry room. Am getting anxious for a closing date.

FR, that really sounds nice, hopefully you will get it all finalized soon.
We are househunting .... what an adventure! First we down-sized because our grandkids were almost out of school .... that was the 'family home' .... now, with daughter #2 creating a family, we have to up-size again .... :willy_nilly: Well - and then on the upside .... at least when any of you need a guest room we will happily be able to accomodate! This is not what I had in mind for retirement ... lol ...

Good luck house hunting. Hopefully you will find a great place with a BIG garage for the toys and a yard large enough for that riding mower that Ray has always wanted.:lol:
Good luck house hunting. Hopefully you will find a great place with a BIG garage for the toys and a yard large enough for that riding mower that Ray has always wanted.:lol:
Oh yes ..... he's already told me that is part of the deal .... any lawn over 100 sq ft will require the mower :lol:

There is this one house that we are looking at in Ramona (in the country) .... but still close to a town .... that has parking for 10 in the front of the house ... and a 3 car garage ... and RV parking ... BUT the house needs 'work' ...... not sure about that part. I've only moved twice in 40 years .... both houses were new when we bought them ... I'm not sure about being a 2nd owner .... :squint:
Oh yes ..... he's already told me that is part of the deal .... any lawn over 100 sq ft will require the mower :lol:

There is this one house that we are looking at in Ramona (in the country) .... but still close to a town .... that has parking for 10 in the front of the house ... and a 3 car garage ... and RV parking ... BUT the house needs 'work' ...... not sure about that part. I've only moved twice in 40 years .... both houses were new when we bought them ... I'm not sure about being a 2nd owner .... :squint:

If Ray can do the work, or a son in law, it might not be so bad. Until the house I am in now I did all my own work, I knew how and my body was in lots better shap. Living in a house while work is being done by someone else is something I would never recommend. If the house needs lots of work then the price should show it. I just dumped $88,000 in this house on top of what I paid for it. The good part about the house in AZ, it needs no work and all of the appliances stay, they are Maytag washer & dryer and Whirlpool top of the line in the kitchen.

I am sure from what I read there are a lot of houses in CA to choose from. I go on realtor.com all the time to see what is available, you can check everything from number of bedrooms/bathrooms to price range and sq ft. Have fun and keep us updated. All the parking and other space sure sounds good.
Just had a call from the negotiator, should have final approval Friday or next Monday. That is certainly good news, am anxious to head South.

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