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Battery Issue

HELP! PLEASE! Hello! We have a 2008 XLR and she has a new Interstate Battery (well, 1 year old). We haven't been driving the car as we haven't been going ANYWHERE (corona virus), and we went to start it 2 days ago and NO GO. :-( Battery dead. Put it on a charger and the charger alligator clip burned off... Bad old charger! Went and bought a new charger and left it overnight. Said it was 100% full charge, but wouldn't start. Removed the battery and took it back and guy said the battery was good, but that the gravity was off. He kept it and gave me a loaner. Charged it up and tried to start car...NO GO. Lights on, radio on, instrument panel scrolled, windows went down a few inches, key fob won't work (BRAND NEW batteries, too), doors won't unlock. However, I was able to put my hand in and open driver door. I was told by the dealer to try putting the key into the glove box 'switch' and turn it 5 times in hope of a reset. That's when the instrument panel began scrolling EVERYTHING. (Top open, door open, and so on), but still NO START. It's sitting out in a rainstorm with a window 1/2 way down, covered in a plastic tarp. HELP PLEASE! We've tried about everything, and are now at a loss. Any Ideas and suggestions??? Thank you, Laura

Hi Laura - hope you're well. Did you figure out this problem yet? Let us know - thanks!


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