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RIV Agenda


Active Member
Feb 4, 2009
Venice, FL
My XLR/V(s)
2005 XLR Lt Tarnished Silver
Rendezvous IV- San Antonio Texas May 20-24, 2009
This will list will constantly updating so check back often.
Website Links At Bottom

The following agenda items are optional
Tuesday – 19May
MM group arrives

Wednesday -20May
Arrive and Get Together
Visit San Antonio sites around River Walk
_____Optional site seeing __________
_Tower of Americas
_The Alamo

Welcome Party @ Hilton Hotel Professor’s Suite 7:00-9:00
Catered Party Provided By Mr. & Mrs. Professor
Agenda handouts will be available

Optional Tour De Riverwalk Bars

Thursday - 21May
Corpus Christi "The Gulf Drive" -(lead by Standby-V )
Cars Full of Gas ........
Gather at 7:00 at Hampton Inn Lobby
Parking lot 7:10
Leave at 7:20
Arrive at Corpus Christi Tx. about 10:00
_____Optional site seeing__________
_USS Lexington Naval Ship (Focus)
_Texas State Aquarium (Optional)

_Doc's Seafood & Steaks
_13309 S. Padre Island Drive , Corpus Christi at 1:00

Pictures USS Lexington & Gulf Shots (if time permits)
Leave Corpus Christi area at 2:30
Drive back to SA arrive about 5:00

Blue Bunny Induction Meeting @ Hilton 7:00-9:00 Room __
Please Attend............
Hosted By Professor

Optional Tour De Riverwalk Bars

Friday - 22May
Fredericksburg Loop Drive - (lead by XLR05)
Gather at 8:30 at Hampton Inn Lobby
Leave at 9:00
Arrive at Gruene Tx. about 10:15
_____Optional site seeing__________
_Gruene General Store
_Oldest Dance Hall in Texas
_Bucks Pottery
_Miss Ruby's
_Hampe House Antiques
Lunch option
_ Gristmill River Restaurant & Bar at 11:30
Leave Gruene when you prefer about 12:30
Drive to Fredericksburg Tx.
_____Optional site seeing on the drive__________
_Canyon Lake
_LBJ National Park
_Flower Farms
_Fruit Farms
_Luchenbach Tx.

Gather at Fredericksburg Tx.- Parking lot by Visitor Center
_many sites to see
Dinner Options
_Def Lindenbaum
_Fredericksburg Brewing Co.

Group Leave Fredericksburg at 8:00 or when you prefer
Drive back to San Antonio arrive about 9:00

Saturday - 23May
Farewell Party Day
Hang out and visit San Antonio sites

Open Lunch

Optional Gathering
-Cadillac Bar (opens at 4:00PM) :beerchug:
-212 South Flores, San Antonio

RIV Group Photo Opportunity
_Cadillac Bar
_The River Walk” at time?

Optional Tour De Bars

Sunday - 24May09
Leave San Antonio :( :(

The following are links to sight seeing
(click on Links)
Description of Gulf Trip https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9755&postcount=1https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9065&postcount=1
The Gulf Drive USS Lexington www.usslexington.com - Texas State Aquarium http://www.texasstateaquarium.org/ Doc's Seafood & Steak http://www.docsseafoodandsteaks

Fredericksburg Loop https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9157&postcount=1https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8761&postcount=196

List not yet complete, I will keep updating as things continue to finalize :patriot:

Updated 5May09
Updated Previous Message to add agenda 11Apr09
Sounds like a BLAST... and yes, things are looking up for us to go! I will post when I know FOR SURE...
Looks like a nice way to spend the day. Only problem I see is getting Ruth Ann past the outlet malls in New Braunfels.:laugh:
Hah! JB .... you are so funny ... :cool: You just know me way too well ... :squint:

Hey .... we're definetly in for this drive! :wave::wave:
Hey Everyone, :wave:
I was thinking about some agenda items for the San Antonio trip. I know there will plenty of :beerchug: to do but, I thought we needed a few options of runs to make and places to visit to keep the XLR's warmed up.

Quite a few years ago Mary and I when to Gruene TX. which is a few miles north on I35. This is a quite town with the oldest dance hall in Texas. We stopped in the dance hall for a beer and to look at all the pictures of Musicians that had played there over the years. The town has a few small antique shops, a gift and wine shop and a couple nice restaurants. Then we continued up to Canyon Lake which has a few nice lookout points. It was fun!

Count us in... should be a BLAST!!
Hey Everyone, :wave:
I was thinking about some agenda items for the San Antonio trip. I know there will plenty of :beerchug: to do but, I thought we needed a few options of runs to make and places to visit to keep the XLR's warmed up.

Quite a few years ago Mary and I when to Gruene TX. which is a few miles north on I35. This is a quite town with the oldest dance hall in Texas. We stopped in the dance hall for a beer and to look at all the pictures of Musicians that had played there over the years. The town has a few small antique shops, a gift and wine shop and a couple nice restaurants. Then we continued up to Canyon Lake which has a few nice lookout points. It was fun!
I was thinking on a similar trip and expanded it to include Fredericksburg TX.
The map below is roughly the route I was planning. The driving time to Fredericksburg is approximate 2 hours and the drive back to SA would be about 1 hour.


The trip would have these highlights;
-Leave SA to go to Gruene TX. visit sites and have a lunch.
-Travel to Canyon Lake (Photo OP) at a few of the rest stop areas
-Travel to Luckenbach to look around. 23May Is the town's 160th anniversary party. (maybe Whalen and the boys will be there)
-Travel to Fredericksburg. This town is a German town with old restored shops and homes and is considered one of the most attractive small towns of Texas. This town boosts about nice shops, blooming wildflower/herb farms, National Museum of Pacific War , Natural Bridge Caverns and Crawfish Festival on that weekend. I doubt the boat ride thru the caverns is as exciting as being stranded during RIII.

This is a few ideas, if anyone has any other thoughts of places to stop on this loop let me know. If there is any interest in this trip I will continue to research other options to visit. I believe there are plenty of options to stop that we could leap frog to Fredericksburg.

This looks like it would be a nice drive for Saturday.
Saturday it is!
I will add that to the schedule of events!
How fun!
What time should this occur? After breakfast? :confused:
I think that would be a good time to start. That would give us plenty of time for the drive.

Bruce :wave:
Done ... I posted it for 10 AM -

I've posted in on the other thread ... this is getting very confusing :willy_nilly:.... we need to stick to one thread for our Rendezvous planning. Agree??
Fredericksburg Loop

Great I'm glad to hear there is interest, it should be fun. The only thing is that I would kind of like a day of driving rest on Saturday before the long drive home. Plus, these are tourist towns and would have a lot more people there on Saturday. It may be difficult to park and somewhat stay together.
The total round trip of the Fredericksburg Loop would be about 180 miles.

I am open to either day but would prefer Friday. What does everybody else think?

I am researching optional stops along the way to Fredericksburg. There is a lot of neat thing to see in this area. Part of this route is in the Readers Digest most Scenic Drive Routes book, they refer it as the Texas Hill country.

Also, I would like to gather at the hotel parking lot at 9:30 to try to be on the road by 10:00.

Fine ... I changed it to Friday since you are the leader .... and the Gulf trip to Saturday ....

Hope this works!:blinzel:
I agree... the earlier the better. Gives us more time for wine shopping :D:D:D.
Plus, gets us back to San Antonio earlier (maybe)???
The RIV agenda has moved to the "Rendezvous IV San Antonio, Tx May20-24, 2009" thread

Agenda (click on link) Rendezvous-Agenda
This site will be updating so check back

Thanks for switching the Fredericksburg Loop day to Friday. But, my point is that I really would not prefer to spend 2 full days in the car and then leave Sunday to drive 1900 miles home. :willy_nilly:

I hate to be a schedule critic but that is what I do. :spin: The following would be my suggestion for the week’s agenda and this would better balance out the drive days for those of us that have long drives home.

I believe that if we would get on the road a little early that we can fit these runs into the middle of the week.

Tuesday / Wednesday
Arrive and Get together and visit San Antonio sites
Optional sites
-Tower of Americas
-The Alamo
Catered Party Professors Suite at ?

Gulf trip
Leave at 9:00- arrive at Corpus Christi at 11:30
Leave CC at 3:30- arrive at SA 6:00
7:30? blue bunny Meeting

Fredericksburg Loop
Leave at 9:30- Arrive at Gruene at 10:00
Leave Gruene at 12:30- Arrive at Fredericksburg at 1:30
Leave Fredericksburg at?

Hang out and visit SA
Optional site
-Cadillac Bar lunch at time?
Group Photo Opportunity on “The River Walk” at time?
Dinner Cruise (farewell party) :beerchug:

Leave San Antonio :ugh::ugh:

This is just my suggestion. What does everyone else think?? :blinzel:
I have no problem with whatever schedule anyone prefers ... or who keeps it ..:)

But either way, someone is going to be going on a daytrip either the day after they come in from a long drive or the day before they leave out. Friday, is of course, the primo day.

At this point I know that there are several other activities that are being planned and will need to be inserted as optional things to do. And, I know that several things that are planned will be done by some and not others .... right now, getting things put up for consideration/choice was more what I was looking to do. We still have groups who want to go to Cadillac's for a drive/lunch. Others who want to go the The Alamo and spend time on the Riverwalk and looking about town ... some who just want to hang out with their out -of -state buddies who they haven't seen in a year and are trying to figure out what they will be doing together .... (thus the list's of names) ....

I like your schedule very much and I think it should be utilized ..... so, maybe we can compromise and I can continue to add names and places and you can do the final scheduling??? Will that work for you? :blinzel:

BTW the Professor has a room booked at the Hilton for the "ceremony" .... he has not yet posted the time for that yet .... that is why I have nothing proposed for that day yet ....
It's nice to see that there will be plenty of things for people to do. The hard part will be choosing. I don't know how much driving people will want to do once they have arrived in San Antonio. Both driving trips sound like fun. Since our group will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon we may be able to participate in both of them as scheduled.

Bruce :wave:
Haha .... which schedule, Bruce? :confused: Gulf trip on Thursday or Saturday????

Again, I think all of the R4 posts / comments, etc .... need to be moved over to the other thread .... this is way too confusing for me. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:

I know you guys have just gotten back from Sebring .... but has Kathy got a chance to check out the Cadillac's drive? That's a can't miss for me. :rocker:
After looking at xlr05's itinerary which is great, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday would be a great spot to put in the Alamo, The Cadillac bar and other very short stops or trips, and let's not forget Hooters or I will die a thousand deaths.
I believe we should try to add these things into xlr 05's itinerary list.
I have found a four star restaurant on the eight floor of a hotel who directed me to their lunch restaurant on the second floor with a good view of the Bay and called them and will have an answer early next week as to whether they can accomodate 40+ people without making it a banquet.
Accually, the smaller the party the more choices on the menu, plus the chef would have time to gear up for such an event.
Here is the main restaurant http://www.omnihotels.com/republic/ and their is another highly rated one overlooking the bay/gulf at Blackbeards on the Beach with many choices of food.
What do you all think?
I will try to find a good restaurant on the gulf at Corpus Christi with a nice view and maybe make reservations for our lunch party, but will need to know how many will make the trip, So darlin Ruthie, would you start a list for the gulf trip? Maybe a nice ten mile ride along the beach would be nice too before we head back.:pat: My god so little time all of a sudden.:patriot:
Haha .... which schedule, Bruce? :confused: Gulf trip on Thursday or Saturday????

Again, I think all of the R4 posts / comments, etc .... need to be moved over to the other thread .... this is way too confusing for me. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:

I know you guys have just gotten back from Sebring .... but has Kathy got a chance to check out the Cadillac's drive? That's a can't miss for me. :rocker:

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