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Western caravans to Colorado

Looks like we're having a route change ... JB, we will probably be coming up through Phoenix to Albuquerque??? I guess there's been a rock slide on the 70 and a friend of ours says that, and avoiding any of the detour routes because of that would be better .... he also advises that weather changes coming through the Rockies can never be predicted even day-to-day ... so, it makes sense that we should avoid both of those obstacles..... as soon as I get 20 minutes to myself, I'll figure out our schedule and let you know ---- and anyone else who may like to meet up ....:wave:

That is shorter for me. Are you not going to Mesquite any longer?
That is shorter for me. Are you not going to Mesquite any longer?

We're thinking we might switch those dates to the return trip where we won't have to worry too much about a time schedule -
IF this household ever settles down for a couple of days I can sit down and map this thing out ..... :willy_nilly:
Five Weeks!!!!

Just five weeks away and those smileing faces :):):)and bright shining XLR's of all different colors should start rolling into Colorado Springs. For those that run out of room packing extra coats, shoes, makeup, false eyelashes and so forth you can fed ex to my address if you wish.:wave::wave::wave:
Thanks Robert - that's a great idea ...:rocker:

The offer is not limited to just the Western Caravan folks as I know Passion Diva is not the only one with 75 pair of shoes and Missy Supa Blingggg's fifty coats. Ms Quinn probably needs a little trailer behind her XLR too but since it is hard to get the correct trailer hitch there is always Fed Ex or United Parcel Service. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
For anyone wanting to meet up on the way to Colorado ... here is our schedule ...
Leaving a day earlier than expected!
Will travel to Harrah's Laughlin on Friday, the 21st
Will travel to Route 66 Hotel/Casino, Albuquerque the (I-15 to I-40) 22nd (meeting up with JetBoy on the way .... having dinner with Jamsto & Jeanszoo (who will not be traveling on with us :bawling:)
Will travel in to the Cheyenne Mountain Resort on the 23rd ....(I-25)
And see you all there! :love:
I have not figured out the going home route yet ....

(yes, I am "gambling" my way across ..... lol .... now, if I can just figure out how to incorporate my urge to stop at every Indian boutique for those adorable beaded moc's ....)
See you at the Cracker Barrel in Flagstaff.:blinzel:
Hah! Techie Traveling ck list ... needs own suitcase ... :squint:
Small camera - BATTERY - CHARGER
Big camera - BATTERY - CHARGER
Laptot/mouse - BATTERY - CHARGER
Hmmm - what am I forgetting??? :confused:
That is so funny MM ... :chuckle
I wish you could see me in the hotel room trying to find enough outlets ... the powerstrip is probably not a bad idea! :blinzel:
If I had a trailer hitch on the V, I could bring you a portable generator!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

That is so funny MM ... :chuckle
I wish you could see me in the hotel room trying to find enough outlets ... the powerstrip is probably not a bad idea! :blinzel:
That is so funny MM ... :chuckle
I wish you could see me in the hotel room trying to find enough outlets ... the powerstrip is probably not a bad idea! :blinzel:

I always bring a powerstrip with me. Because there are NOT enough outlets in the room.
Okay - that was such a simple solution - I guess I don't try to think of things to pack - I just try to think of stuff I can do without .... but one is going in my overnighter now for sure .... Thanks ... what a great idea! :blinzel:
If I had a trailer hitch on the V, I could bring you a portable generator!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Verrrrry funnnnnny ..... Cubbbbby .... !!! I bet if you could hitch up anything it would be a pal for Phil D. :lol: - You'll have to get ahold of our engineer buddy XLRKen and see what he can come up with.

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