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Introduce myself I know you get that funny feeling when you walk up to your car I get it to


New Member
Oct 29, 2015
detroit michigan
Introducing myself hello my name is POPS I am a new retired general motors employee and a new owner of a 06 XLR base before going any further I want to share something with you this car is not only a halo vehicle but it’s an expression of how generalmotors used to do things it represents design committed engineering and innovation just way ahead of his time for the price break i’m speaking of that rush you get when you go to the drivers door And that all eyes on me feeling at the intersection putting it all together combines to make a unique drivers and owners experience general motors hit it right on the head with this one However management wasn’t equipped to service this type of customer for the long run . This place is the burden of preservation on our doorstep as owners we will be at the front line to determine if these cars survive or not in the future as with all things equipment that seems complex will soon become common and the true value of the car will appear have fun don’t be afraid to innovate be creative continue to communicate and enjoy your prize
I hope you feel the same way after you own one for a year. If you read the forums a bit you can start looking at ways to keep several major items from failing and breaking the bank. GM made a great car then dropped all support for it. Hyundai supports their 15 year old entry level cars better sorry to say.
.Hello Sally I agree with you I have a question do you want to mention that someone should make an analog switching Device made up from buttons Who operate the folding top ,Has anyone tried this?
"Introducing myself hello my name is POPS"

Join Date:Oct 2015

Just curious, why did you wait so long to post? Were you a UAW worker, or what did you do for GM?
.Hello Sally I agree with you I have a question do you want to mention that someone should make an analog switching Device made up from buttons Who operate the folding top ,Has anyone tried this?
Well I have mentioned that on here. Once you can no longer get a top module and no one reproduces them That will be the only way other than just living with manually opening it, Which actually isn't that hard. If you look at top hydraulics video he has a manual switch box he built and its really pretty simple to scale that down if you had to. It would be fun to put half the switches in the sun visor and half on the console. that way you could look like a pilot taking off with all the switching back and forth to get the top down. The thing that I don't like about GM and others is they no longer make the part, they no longer support the car but they will not share the program so someone else can make it. We are working on a reader to read the program from the top control chip and be able to duplicate it. Until its worth it , that's on the back burner as you can still get the top control modules from GM in 2-3 months. Maybe longer now with the strike.
. Hello Mr. ZeN I worked in the General motors technical Center in a design staff we created for size and scale clay models to be inside windtunnel I haven’t posted in such a long time because I want to do a little research on how the customers feel about the car before I purchase one myself
I love your attitude on this matter in the long run when management fails to have vision is the customers and vendors who Step in with a creative solution which keeps the car on the road and increases the enjoyment of ownership Think of it this way without any input from you you placed the car in a parking lot stand back and watch the reaction of people as they walk by the car that reaction comes with no input from you and it’s purely the essence of the car reaching out to people this is just one of the things that makes this vehicle special
Yes, its a very special unique car. best road car I ever owned for long trips....seemed to float down the road even with
run-flat tires. I switched to Bridgestone run-flats, and it sure improved ride quality to a dream. Too bad that Cadillac doesn't make the
needed parts more available as that is one big drawback. But as most car line builders the bottom line profits are more important than customer satisfaction.......new buyers are always coming around.

Hi Pops, Welcome aboard.

I totally get it with the lack of parts for these great vehicles. Disturbing for sure. Even more distrubing is GM's aparently refusing to release or license out design/engineering parameters for parts to The Aftermarket as reported here by LongTall Sally.

To me, it's kind of a 'double edged sword'. The lack of parts in a way makes them even more valuable over time, "somewhat". Yet for sure not a good situation. They are such beautiful cars, every time I take mine out I hear, "What a Beautiful Car!" - "I did not know Cadillac made anything like this?" - And, "What is that? A Cadillac? Really?" - People just stop dead in their tracks and stare at it. ;)

Do you know David North? He lives in Billings. David was former Head of G.M. Design. He's retired. He signed my engine cover on an XLR Rally to Billings a few years back. Great guy.
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