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Should Michael Vick be allowed to play again.

The sports world and their "hero" worshipping followers deserve the likes of Vick; afterall, its the hero worshipping that creates the allure, the high salaries, the over-looking poor/illegal behavior, etc.

Many (if not most) of the players are pushed through college, dumb as sacks of rocks, but they can handle a ball. Maybe some day Americans will wake up and realize they are worshipping the wrong "heroes". I've yet to find a Hollwood star or a sports figure capable of wearing that title; yet we allow both groups to behave badly and we look the other way.

Let's not hold Michael Jackson accountable for his illegal drug usage; let's spend a freakin fortune trying to convict his doctor.....:dunno: yea, he put a gun to poor little mikey's head and forced him to take drugs....:laugh:
The sports world and their "hero" worshipping followers deserve the likes of Vick; afterall, its the hero worshipping that creates the allure, the high salaries, the over-looking poor/illegal behavior, etc.

Many (if not most) of the players are pushed through college, dumb as sacks of rocks, but they can handle a ball. Maybe some day Americans will wake up and realize they are worshipping the wrong "heroes". I've yet to find a Hollwood star or a sports figure capable of wearing that title; yet we allow both groups to behave badly and we look the other way.

Let's not hold Michael Jackson accountable for his illegal drug usage; let's spend a freakin fortune trying to convict his doctor.....:dunno: yea, he put a gun to poor little mikey's head and forced him to take drugs....:laugh:
The sports world and their "hero" worshipping followers deserve the likes of Vick; afterall, its the hero worshipping that creates the allure, the high salaries, the over-looking poor/illegal behavior, etc.

Many (if not most) of the players are pushed through college, dumb as sacks of rocks, but they can handle a ball. Maybe some day Americans will wake up and realize they are worshipping the wrong "heroes". I've yet to find a Hollwood star or a sports figure capable of wearing that title; yet we allow both groups to behave badly and we look the other way.

Let's not hold Michael Jackson accountable for his illegal drug usage; let's spend a freakin fortune trying to convict his doctor.....:dunno: yea, he put a gun to poor little mikey's head and forced him to take drugs....:laugh:
I agree with you. Personally I never idoilized a movie star or an athelete as a hero. When I was younger, and to this day, my hero was always my dad. IMO the true heros are our service men and women. In our family that is what we teach my nieces and nephews. The Bears have training camp in our town I would not cross the street to talk to one of them. You ask me they are no different than me. :dunno:
The sports world and their "hero" worshipping followers deserve the likes of Vick; afterall, its the hero worshipping that creates the allure, the high salaries, the over-looking poor/illegal behavior, etc.

Many (if not most) of the players are pushed through college, dumb as sacks of rocks, but they can handle a ball. Maybe some day Americans will wake up and realize they are worshipping the wrong "heroes". I've yet to find a Hollwood star or a sports figure capable of wearing that title; yet we allow both groups to behave badly and we look the other way.

Let's not hold Michael Jackson accountable for his illegal drug usage; let's spend a freakin fortune trying to convict his doctor.....:dunno: yea, he put a gun to poor little mikey's head and forced him to take drugs....:laugh:

I agree and would like to add, look at how Hollywierd influences National Elections, no wonder we have a bunch of sorry a-- jerks in Washington, D.C. trying to ram all this spending down our throats when the government (WE THE PEOPLE) have been bankrupt for years. The government is no longer for the people and by the people, it is totally we the career politicians and for the politicians. Will be interesting to see what happens in Montana. Just received a copy iof Pat Boone's letter, wish I could put it on the forum. An excellent letter.:patriot::patriot::patriot:
I agree and would like to add, look at how Hollywierd influences National Elections, no wonder we have a bunch of sorry a-- jerks in Washington, D.C. trying to ram all this spending down our throats when the government (WE THE PEOPLE) have been bankrupt for years. The government is no longer for the people and by the people, it is totally we the career politicians and for the politicians. Will be interesting to see what happens in Montana. Just received a copy iof Pat Boone's letter, wish I could put it on the forum. An excellent letter.:patriot::patriot::patriot:

Sorry FR but with what Obama was handed from the so called conservatives at his inaugranation I believe he is doing a very goood job.;)

Sorry FR but with what Obama was handed from the so called conservatives at his inaugranation I believe he is doing a very goood job.;)


Heh-heh..... well, THIS should get interesting.... ;)
The forum hasn't rocked for a long time .... this topic just might do it :naughty:
Sorry FR but with what Obama was handed from the so called conservatives at his inaugranation I believe he is doing a very goood job.;)

The majority of Americans don't agree with you, his ratings have dropped due to the fact he is a slick tongue speaker with no background education to call on to get him out of the lies he told during his campaign. Each to his own, I just hope I don't live long enough to see my country completly destroyed. It is totally against our constitution what he has been doing, our Senators and Representatives need to wake up and put a stop to violating the Constitution. This is probably my ten cents worth, more than two cents. :patriot::patriot::patriot:
The last decent President IMHO that we have had was Jimmy Carter, everyone hence has IMHO just screwed up our government. All of today's politicians are just well dressed crooks (we will have to wait and see about Obama), and have personal agendas. Congress and the House are only worried about their vacations and their pay raises. Obama is at least trying to do something (right or wrong) and if any other candidate had won we would still be in the same position that we are in today. Our Government and economy is so screwed up that it will take many years and the right combination of administration to get us back to the good old days. If our elected officials were in the same Social Security pool as the average Joe....things would be a bit different I suspect. Elected politicians are not of the same world as us ordinary people, maybe at one time they were. Republican, Democrat, Liberal, and Conservative politicians alike are all the same, they have lost sight...its supposed to be a "Government by the people....for the people".

Just 2 cents.......:cool:

Oh I forgot.....this thread was about Michael Vick...He should be forced to work at the ASPCA for minimum wages for the rest of his life. He is not sorry for what he has done, only sorry that he got caught.
The majority of Americans don't agree with you, his ratings have dropped due to the fact he is a slick tongue speaker with no background education to call on to get him out of the lies he told during his campaign. Each to his own, I just hope I don't live long enough to see my country completly destroyed. It is totally against our constitution what he has been doing, our Senators and Representatives need to wake up and put a stop to violating the Constitution. This is probably my ten cents worth, more than two cents. :patriot::patriot::patriot:
Believe me you all ready lived long enough 8 years of George Bush. I mean FR how bad does it have to get to get your attention. :bash: Your watching the wrong TV news stations and listening to talk radio that promotes nothing but hate. :( Give this administration a chance. :cool:


Believe me you all ready lived long enough 8 years of George Bush. I mean FR how bad does it have to get to get your attention. :bash: Your watching the wrong TV news stations and listening to talk radio that promotes nothing but hate. :( Give this administration a chance. :cool:



Thanks for the good laugh Fred, I listen to Symphony Hall on XM Radio, not talk shows and I watch Turner Classic Movies on the TV, and only the weather on regular TV. I read the Denver Post but only on Sunday. I do read the news on the internet, but of course that is hard to believe as all news is slanted. XFireXLR is correct, we hijacked this thread, but then all threads have been hijacked. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle :patriot::patriot::patriot:

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