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Printed vs PDF service manual - help?


Seasoned Member
Apr 18, 2018
My XLR/V(s)
2008 Crystal Red XLR-V
So... I bought the PDF version of the service manuals. It's a series of PDF's with most of the data for 2004-2006 and the rest being sections that changed over the model years.

I'm working on a project that taps into the Class 2 bus. Each module on the bus has a unique id or address. I have lists of what address ranges are for each type of module. What I really want / need is to know the specific address for each module. For example, I know that $80 thru $8F is for entertainment and I know that our radio is $80.

Trust me... I'm getting to the title of the post...

I am especially interested in the address for the HUD and amplifier. I've been corresponding with someone who did a similar project for his C6, but he's just not going to tell me anything about it, including the address for the C6 HUD. He says that his C6 service manual has all the addresses listed.

Here we are... back to the topic...

I've gone through the PDF service manuals and do not find anything about class 2 module IDs / addresses. Would someone with a paper manual please check for me to see if class 2 module IDs / addresses are in there?They will be two-digit HEX numbers and may be preceded with $ as in $83 or $AF

Ideally, I'm interested in 2008, but I would guess there is a 99% chance the addresses did not change.

Thanks in advance!

Both version have the sames Index, it is a matter of using it the proper way step by step and getting use to it.

The address for the modules are in the section of the wiring section of both versions.

The HUD and the audio have their own wiring schema, the PDF avantage is that you can made copies or load it into your pc for later references or needs.

Take the time to get use to the PDF version you will like it.

Good luck.

Thanks IAN, but I'm looking at my wiring pdf and it is 77 pages of schematics and no other text descriptions. I'm very comfortable with schematics and I don't see anything related to model addresses on them. In fact, I have no index either. I suspect I may only have part of the manual collection. In a Corvette forum, someone had taken a picture of a page from their print manual's Body section with detailed descriptions of how the HUD works. I definitely do not have that in my PDF's.

Also from that forum, someone wrote:

From section 10-70 of volume 2

C6 class 2 bus control module ID numbers:

BCM - 064
Inflatable restrain system - 088
Instrument Panel Cluster - 096
Head Up Display - 098
Radio - 128
Digital Radio Receiver - 137
Onstar - 151
HVAC Module - 153
Driver Door Module - 160
Passenger Door Module - 161
Driver Door switch - 164
Driver Position Module - 166
Fold Top Controller - 177
RCDLR Module - 193
Column Lock (2005's) - 194

The BCM emultates some modules that are on the GMLAN serial data circuit to the modules that are on class 2 serial data circuit

GMLAN Module ID's
ECM - 017
TCM - 024
EBCM - 040

Which I what I am looking for, but slightly different from our vehicle's and definitely not in my PDF's.


Actualy you need a workshop manual at an economical cost, on eBay the photo that I send you of a CD is the one I use and I find it very acceptable.

If you search for the grounds distribution wiring schema you could find the addresses that you want as they are spread on about 13 positions on the XLR.

Each module needs - and a +, the grounds needs also less wirings and it makes easy to find their addresses.

Good Luck

s-l1600[2] (2).jpg
Thanks again. Just to clarify, you don't mean the wire ground & numbering or pin identification numbers / colors do you, but rather the actual network ADDRESS numbers for each complete module? For example, does your reference list our navigation radio as either $80 or 128? (those are the same address under two different numbering bases.)

The addresses that you mention, I dont believe that they are mentioned in the repairs worshop manuals, what you referring sounds to know actually the conception of the modules, no one has this information as there is no one who really needs that for their XLR repairs, most of people replace the defective units for a new one or a rebuild module.

The specialised repairs shop of modules could help you or could do the repairs for you.

Good luck

Thanks for your message, but since the data is in the C6 manual, I’m inclined to think it’s in the XLR’s as well.

Does anyone else have a printed set of manuals you’d be willing to thumb through to see if it’s there? As mentioned above, it was in section 10 of volume 2 for the ‘Vette.
I can't see anything like that in my printed version. I can't think I have seen anything like that in any GM workshop manual. The information will be out there somewhere, as there are aftermarket scan tools and they work out how to communicate with the various systems.
Can you get a scan of the C6 manual page to compare it?
I can't see anything like that in my printed version. I can't think I have seen anything like that in any GM workshop manual. The information will be out there somewhere, as there are aftermarket scan tools and they work out how to communicate with the various systems.
Can you get a scan of the C6 manual page to compare it?

Thanks for the reply!

I'm going off information on the 'Vette forum. I've written the original author of the thread, but have not heard back yet and its a really old posting.

If you look at #22 on this post, Time for a V1-HUD interface - Page 2 - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion you'll see what I'm talking about and why I think it's out there if I can find the right book.
Internal module hardware addresses were not included in the XLR factory service manuals. Including them in the Corvette manuals attests to the popularity, (and larger sales footprint) of the platform and the many aftermarket vendors supporting it.

I’m updating my post just for folks that may be searching in the future. This data is in a manual, but in a section called “Computer/Integrating Systems” which, along with other sections, is not available to the public, probably because they have security-related details that shouldn’t be out there anyway.

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