Arrived San Diego yesterday, caught up on the post after dinner and went to bed. Have driven over 2,000 miles since I left home and wish Ray was here as my XLR is looking like a little Pig. California needs to train their birds, my right front fender has two big globs of poop on it. Maybe today I can get it washed if I find the dealer. Sure enjoyed meeting up with all the other XLR folks and really enjoyed being at the Swaim Mansion , surprised Mark and Doris are recovered from all the hard work they did to entertain us. Driving South I noticed the signs on the freeway where Standby has been banned from certain resturants so I avoided them since our XLR's are the same color
. Travis arrived home, Colorado Springs, yesterday safe and sound. He took the pictures for everyone so there may not be one of him. Will head back North to San Clemente Saturday morning for the weekend and start for Colorado on Monday. I will download pictures when I get home, not many as I forget to take pictures. First Robin. ps, in Ventura my cousin made me go to her stretching class which was and hour and a half long. Didn't help any, I am still four and a half inches shorter than I used to be. DARN