Okey-dokey ... Those banquet plans sound good to me too. There needs to be a small committee to work on that, I would think.
Here are my thoughts ... for whatever they are worth.
Ray and I want to stay wherever our friends are ... we'd still like to see everyone under one roof. As much as we liked the Hilton, we did not like having to divide our time running back and forth to the Hampton to get together with our friends - we couldn't get to our car easily - and jumping into our car was a major event ... and walking back and forth was not fun in the sun! That was the poorest parking situation I have ever seen. The parking lots at all 3 other Rendezvous was much more event friendly - which is why we get together in the first place. And all of the hotels were new, modern and offered great ammenities.. So, all that being said .... the bottom line is ... In COMPARISON to the Rodeway, if the ONLY other choice is the CAC - then we would choose that. BUT - if someone is checking into another hotel (more like what we had for the previous Rendezvous) .... and the majority books there, like Jetboy, that is where we will go too. Like Ray said, the important part is being together ... (yeah, HE said that!) .... like the hotel, or hate it, we need to be together.