Robert. You have done MORE than enough and I thank you.
As soon as the dates are firmed up I think we can start making plans.
Several options have been put on the table and we should be able to take our combined opinions and come up with a plan.
My preferences at the moment include staying at the Rodeway Inn. It is casual and a comfortable size. We had, what, 24 cars in San Antonio. Why would we think we might have 50 plus cars in Colorado Springs? We would be "near" each other no matter what the room assignment. In a hotel of 300 plus rooms I would feel a little anonymous.
I love fine hotels and resort living, but with our group, I find the more casual, the more successful and fun things are. I would also enjoy a welcome time of some kind. Something like "meet in the bar/restaurant betweeen 6 and 10" would work just fine. Also, I would love a farewell dinner that does not include a podium, scheduled speaches, or "awards." After twenty years of those, I'd rather people who have something to say just stand up at their table and address the group, much as Rich did in San Antonio on our last night. Once the formality starts, we are off and running which each year trying to be "better" than the last until the event itself becomes more important than the people who just want to get together to enjoy each other's company and our beautiful cars. Plus, I really perfer ordering off the menu.
Now that I've said all that, please remember that it is our differences of opinion and our ability to meet on common ground that make us strong as a group. I have heard other good ideas and I hope to hear many more.
Again, I want to thank First Robin for all his work. You have really gone above and beyond the call of duty. Also, thanks to Ruth Ann. I can tell that this group means an awful lot to you by the suggestions you have made during the preliminary planning of this trip. WE WON'T BE ABLE TO PLEASE EVERYONE. I promise to have a respectful and POSITIVE attitude no matter what we decide.