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New member 2006 Infrared XLR

Thanks to all

Thank you everybody for the comments and welcome! I will have to update my garage later.
Your car is gorgeous! Although I am little biased towards infrared '06's ... :cool:
I agree 100%... although mine is an '07. A plus would be that infrared XLR's seem to be faster than other colors, strange, but true...

I agree. Infrared looks fast when just sitting there.

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Come on you guys you all know a silver bullet faster from the start then any Red Rocket ha ha lol

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Dan & Wendy

Hmmm... I'm sensing a bit of bias in this thread.....lol.

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Hmmm... I'm sensing a bit of bias in this thread.....lol.

It happens unfortunately about once a quarter. And as usual, I ask for timeslips. And as usual, there are none. Although, I know a silver one will be gunning for me this year. (I got my eye on you and got a little something for ya come October.)

OBTW, Elwood is black.
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I agree 100%... although mine is an '07. A plus would be that infrared XLR's seem to be faster than other colors, strange, but true...

I was going to mention that too but knew others would take care of it ... & because it goes without saying.

It happens unfortunately about once a quarter. And as usual, I ask for timeslips. And as usual, there are none. Although, I know a silver one will be gunning for me this year. (I got my eye on you and got a little something for ya come October.)
OBTW, Elwood is black.

Red doesn't need a stinking time slip 'cause it looks fast before you hit the go pedal!

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Well I guess your gonna have to put me in the middle then so as I bullet out in front then all you reds can just blend together! Awe and hold your ears because I'm going to be breaking the sound barrier way before you! LMAO
Have a good night all!!!

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Dan & Wendy
Dream on Kemosabes.
Graytoad said it best a couple of weeks ago when she said she has always thought Xenon Blues were very sexy.
The choice is actually very simple...tool around in a car the color of a mating baboons heiny or be a world class chick magnet in a car that shimmers like the crystal clear Caribbean at sundown in the Outer Abacos.
An observation not a criticism...well maybe a little crit...aw WTH its a criticism colored by bias.
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Dream on Kemosabes.
Graytoad said it best a couple of weeks ago when she said she has always thought Xenon Blues were very sexy.
The choice is actually very simple...tool around in a car the color of a mating baboons heiny or be a world class chick magnet in a car that shimmers like the crystal clear Caribbean at sundown in the Outer Abacos.
An observation not a criticism...well maybe a little crit...aw WTH its a criticism colored by bias.

I hate to say it but I believe your rose colored glasses have been incorrectly tinted. :laugh:
Well the most important aspect is. Get familiar with your ride. The tool that will either save you or break you is in the car. It's the emergency top torque screw driver. Because knock on wood nothing will happen but this tool will be helpful. Read the manual on emergency top. Because if you loose power in the car and a sudden rain storm pops up then..... Well let's just say hopefully you'll not be needing this. Also the emergency trunk key. Helpful again if battery dead. Make sure you at-least pop open that flap in the lower part of the rear bumper. And insert key at least once every 6 months. Also in the driver side area of trunk is the area where the "brains" of the top and the whole car functions are. If that gets wet then you are up a creak with out a paddle. Make sure that stays dry. I had some water issues and had to shell out 1100 in parts and labor. The problem was a bad weatherstrip. Oh I hope I didn't scare you to much. Oh and if you are going to leave your car unattended for a long period of time. My suggestion and probably others here will agree. Invest in a good battery tender. Our cars are built on the corvette platform. So they need to be drivin at least several times a month. This problem hit me. I came back from a trip out of the country. I went to start my car and nothing. My sis had to have her jump start it while I was gone. Even though she said she drove it around a couple times a month.
Well other then those issues hope you'll have some great topdown enjoyment.

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Thanks for the tips hawkeye372, Yeah the guy spent 3 hours plus demonstrating and showing me everything in and around this car. Haven't gotten completely through the owners manual yet, but will soon. Rosie will not be in the rain if I can help it. I have another car for that. I have jacked her up, and scrubbed underneath to get everything on par with the top end. Yeah it is a $75,000 car to me and I plan on keeping it that way. Scare me? Not much scares me yet. It might by the time I get through reading all of the FSM (factory service manuals). I do all of the work on my cars, and this is the most sophisticated one I have ever stepped near, so it should be real entertaining.

Gizmo... I think you may have touched a nerve there buddy....lol.

It happens unfortunately about once a quarter. And as usual, I ask for timeslips. And as usual, there are none. Although, I know a silver one will be gunning for me this year. (I got my eye on you and got a little something for ya come October.)

OBTW, Elwood is black.
Thanks for the tips hawkeye372, Yeah the guy spent 3 hours plus demonstrating and showing me everything in and around this car. Haven't gotten completely through the owners manual yet, but will soon. Rosie will not be in the rain if I can help it. I have another car for that. I have jacked her up, and scrubbed underneath to get everything on par with the top end. Yeah it is a $75,000 car to me and I plan on keeping it that way. Scare me? Not much scares me yet. It might by the time I get through reading all of the FSM (factory service manuals). I do all of the work on my cars, and this is the most sophisticated one I have ever stepped near, so it should be real entertaining.

Well that's why we are here. (The xlr people) on this site just look around and ask questions. These cars sometimes have little gremlins. So sometimes they will act up and tell you "hey I'm still here or did I surprise you yet". Just take note of the problem and then ask on this site. Someone somewhere has a answer.

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California Crusin : )

Welcome! Really low miles. Good job. Once upon a time in The West, I also lived in Southern Caifornia after leaving Minnesota and prior to that Wisconsin. Bought mine in San Diego. --- Welcome to being part of a great bunch of XLR nut-whack jobs. :)
Welcome to the site

Great XLR buch here. Welcome! I would imagine with that low miles they would be original tires and as well the cracking/checking you reference.

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