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Looking for front valance end pieces


Seasoned Member
Jan 12, 2022
My XLR/V(s)
2007 Black XLR-V
I believe they are called left and right valance (air dame) they mount under the front bumper. I have the center piece but I need both ends. Any help?
Are you talking about the ones that are 2-3 inches wide? Did you find any? I usually make them out of universal rubber moulding if I need both on a used car. I may have a good pair
That sounds about right, I know the center piece is about that. I'm not sure of the length maybe about 12-14 inches as they appears to connect to the center piece as I see there is a hole in the ends of the center piece. There must be a flange on the top also for mounting. I may be interested if you want to let them go, I'll send you a PM
Thanks, Dennis

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