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Incomplete printed manuals


Seasoned Member
Apr 18, 2018
My XLR/V(s)
2008 Crystal Red XLR-V
I recently had a short, pleasant conversation on the Book-of-Faces about the .pdf versions of the service manual that I've seen (and purchased) online and the fact that they are missing a lot of sections. I found this out when I was trying to chase down all the ins and outs of the class 2 bus. I eventually found a longer list of the 2005 chapters / sections and compared it to the ones for sale and decided to share a list of what is missing. I'm not complaining and I don't have any agenda, I just thought y'all might find the list interesting, especially if you see a topic that you really care about. The removal of some sections makes sense as they could open the system up to malicious hacking if they were public. I assume that these sections are in the printed manuals; maybe someone will confirm it?

Anyway, here are the sections NOT found in the electronic version(s) I've seen.

cellular communications
power outlets
theft deterrent
body front end
body rear end
collision repair
lighting system
paint and coatings
plastic panel information and repair
stationary windows
vehicle control system
computer and integration system
propeller shaft
engine control
engine exhaust
general information
vibration diagnosis and correction
wind noise
squeak and rattle
water leaks
seat belts
suspension general diagnosis
wheel alignment
tire pressure monitoring
automatic transmission (not the diagnostic or repair ones)
Thanks for the list. I also found my CD copy missing many sections. The one I needed was the
computer and integration system while chasing down a wiring problem. I could not find it anywhere.
Thanks for the list. I also found my CD copy missing many sections. The one I needed was the
computer and integration system while chasing down a wiring problem. I could not find it anywhere.
That's the one I needed too. Did you solve your problem?
No I didn't. I can't find any info on the circuits I wanted to work on. Reading and following some of the diagnostic procedures, they take me to that section and no where to be found.
Just like the resistors in the third brake light. Short of measuring them, I can't seem
to find what value they are.
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Hi All,
Well, been there, done that. Sadly, you get what you pay for and anyone selling a PDF version isn't going to have it all. I ended up buying a real 'set' for my specific flavor from this place:

umm... ouch! :(

Mine's 4 volumes, about 30 pounds total, thousands of pages, details are outstanding so imho... worth every penny if you value your time and truly do need to find those wee details.


Gord :thumbsup
The factory manuals take a whole book on engine rebuilding and one on transmission. Two things no one will ever do. Haha.all the things that would help make or adapt repairs the factory says "replace the part" not knowing there are no parts. Have you taken the third brake light apart yet? I've worked on other ones from age caddy and they don't have resistors. Just bulbs . if they do its not in the light might be in the harness or module.
HAHAHHA, yeah might be cheap CD but gets me close.

OTOH, Yea I did take the third brake light apart and in the midst of my repair. Need the nomenclature of the resistors and the led lights to replace some of them. Would love to know where to get those insey wincey parts.
Send me a picture and I can probably give you the answers as to what they are and where to find them. The manuals aren't going to give component details on that level because the assembly is replaced as a unit, not meant to be repaired by the service tech, That said, there are industry standards on component marking. 50/50 chance the resistors are custom and won't have markings I can decode, but that's still 50/50 they will. That said, if there are multiple resistors, like one per LED, just measure one that is working with a multi-meter.
I recently had a short, pleasant conversation on the Book-of-Faces about the .pdf versions of the service manual that I've seen (and purchased) online and the fact that they are missing a lot of sections. I found this out when I was trying to chase down all the ins and outs of the class 2 bus. I eventually found a longer list of the 2005 chapters / sections and compared it to the ones for sale and decided to share a list of what is missing. I'm not complaining and I don't have any agenda, I just thought y'all might find the list interesting, especially if you see a topic that you really care about. The removal of some sections makes sense as they could open the system up to malicious hacking if they were public. I assume that these sections are in the printed manuals; maybe someone will confirm it?

Anyway, here are the sections NOT found in the electronic version(s) I've seen.

cellular communications
power outlets
theft deterrent
body front end
body rear end
collision repair
lighting system
paint and coatings
plastic panel information and repair
stationary windows
vehicle control system
computer and integration system
propeller shaft
engine control
engine exhaust
general information
vibration diagnosis and correction
wind noise
squeak and rattle
water leaks
seat belts
suspension general diagnosis
wheel alignment
tire pressure monitoring
automatic transmission (not the diagnostic or repair ones)
I purchased a hard copy from a web site call the helm.
I recently had a short, pleasant conversation on the Book-of-Faces about the .pdf versions of the service manual that I've seen (and purchased) online and the fact that they are missing a lot of sections. I found this out when I was trying to chase down all the ins and outs of the class 2 bus. I eventually found a longer list of the 2005 chapters / sections and compared it to the ones for sale and decided to share a list of what is missing. I'm not complaining and I don't have any agenda, I just thought y'all might find the list interesting, especially if you see a topic that you really care about. The removal of some sections makes sense as they could open the system up to malicious hacking if they were public. I assume that these sections are in the printed manuals; maybe someone will confirm it?

Anyway, here are the sections NOT found in the electronic version(s) I've seen.

cellular communications
power outlets
theft deterrent
body front end
body rear end
collision repair
lighting system
paint and coatings
plastic panel information and repair
stationary windows
vehicle control system
computer and integration system
propeller shaft
engine control
engine exhaust
general information
vibration diagnosis and correction
wind noise
squeak and rattle
water leaks
seat belts
suspension general diagnosis
wheel alignment
tire pressure monitoring
automatic transmission (not the diagnostic or repair ones)
I am looking at buying hard copies. Some are selling a two manual set and some a four! Is that the difference that you are talking about? Is it possible the CD was made from the 2 volume set and that the 4 volume set has the extra details that you are stating. I am sitting on the fence. I need to know this before I pull the trigger on the hard copy books. I would hate missing these in your list. Thank you.

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