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Electrical Gremlins Appears dead

It's time to contact the regional folks. This is BS. it's like replacing you radio like so many people do and saying that is the problem. Obviously it could not have been the lock pick or it would be fixed now.

Tell them repairing the XM was not an authorized repair it's an option anyway so it can be done without.

XM was not an option on my car. But it can be left off. The dealer told me that it HAD to be installed, more BS.
Probably a government mandate for national security and tracking purposes....;< )

I would print out Rich's post of the same problem he had on his XLR, showing that it was covered by warranty, as their test showed the lockpick wasn't the problem delivering the 12v to the data bus. It is unbelievable that they blame the aftermarket items as the cause!! I would be contacting Cadillac Customer Care on this site and raise HELL!!
I will be contacting customer care about this, but need to get the car back first!
XM was not an option on my car. But it can be left off. The dealer told me that it HAD to be installed, more BS.

Now the claim is that the horn fuse was blown and that caused the Charge System Fault!! I told them I didn't believe that and was told "Why would I lie to you?"

Going back to get it again
Now the claim is that the horn fuse was blown and that caused the Charge System Fault!! I told them I didn't believe that and was told "Why would I lie to you?"

Going back to get it again

After checking the wiring diagrams fuse 2 is for the horns and for the field on the generator. Amazing what GM did to save the price of a fuse.
Plugged the Brake Light Module for the Wind Restrictor back in..... No Problem:mad::mad::mad:
Now the claim is that the horn fuse was blown and that caused the Charge System Fault!! I told them I didn't believe that and was told "Why would I lie to you?"

Going back to get it again

Interesting I had a similar experience on my 2007 Solstice with the dealer blaming an aftermarket item for the evap warning light coming on. They also said "Why would I lie to you?". They were threatening not to cover the cost of the evaluation and any repairs because of it. I finally had to prove to them that it was not the aftermarket item by removing the item and letting them drive the vehicle. Once they did that they found that the fault returned. They never did find out why the warning light would come on. It turned out to be one of the strange quirks of the car. If the battery gets low or if the car requires a jump, the light comes on. It will either reset itself of one has to manually reset it. Again we found this out by us member of the Solstice forum sharing our experiences. GM did not find this out and the dealers had no clue. We wound up telling them. The problem is that a false warning has to be treated like an actual warning until one can determine it is false. That can be costly.

However, my main point is that I have come to believe that if the dealer cannot determine what caused something instead of saying "We don't know what it is or what caused it" they assume that it is the aftermarket item. They reason that it is the only thing it could be, even if it makes no sense.

However, if they really don't know what caused something, instead of blaming the customer why wouldn't they just warranty the item? They get compensated. Is it that they don't get compensation form GM if they don't know the cause or are they genuinely trying to get out of covering something under warranty? If they are genuinely trying to get out of covering something that should be warrantied, that would be a motive to "lie".

In my case with the Solstice, after several attempts to resolve this with them (before me and my forum buddies started comparing information) I believe the dealer was trying to get out it.
However, if they really don't know what caused something, instead of blaming the customer why wouldn't they just warranty the item? They get compensated. Is it that they don't get compensation form GM if they don't know the cause or are they genuinely trying to get out of covering something under warranty? If they are genuinely trying to get out of covering something that should be warrantied, that would be a motive to "lie".

The dealers get compensated, but it comes out of GM's pocket. Papa GM doesn't like paying any more than it has to and monitors these things. Dealers who are too user friendly get in trouble & get subjected to more onerous review processes for warranty work.

I'd also guess a manufacturer would be even less inclined to spend money on a discontinued model - especially one they seem to want to pretend never existed.
I doubt the battery tender is your culprit Phrede. The battery tenders I have also have fuse protection in the battery leads, so the fuse will blow before any surge gets past. I'm leaning towards the RCDLR. I assume they tried putting the FOB in glove compartment slot to try and start the car. Is the communication through the Tech II with the ECM or the BCM? Hope they get it figured out for you.

I meant to comment on this before but forgot. A fuse will not protect from a surge. The surge is far too brief, that is why surge protection is required separately from a fuse. They are two types of safety device and do two different things. Other replies in this thread show that surge protection was in place.

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