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Cooler temps right now here in Florida. But next week planing on taking topless baby out to explore and enjoy the 70's temps. View attachment 2386

Sure wish I had my XLR here in Florida with me. Having to settle :rolleyes: with a 2011 LT Camaro but it is 'quite the fun car' anyway, just not my preferred ride.
The camaro is a great car too. The xlr is my 2nd convertible I have owned. I had a Chrysler le Barron before. It was a soft top. Hunter green with gold tan top. Loved it but I love this one even more.
Mtrocket & Mrs. came to my house yesterday afternoon. They went with me to Coulter Cadillac open house, about 800 people attended. Cindy was a big winner, they were drawing for prizes and she won $500.00. She REALLY had great time. We then met up with Jetboy, (Kent) at Charleston's for dinner. It was so good to be with all three of them again. They have some great plans worked out for the Montana Trip next year.
The temps in Florida are great right now. Going to be in the mid 70's the rest of the weekend and way into next week. Topless baby saw some of her other high performance cousins out enjoying the nice weather. Mercedes, BMW, toyota, and even a Mercedes Amg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352484653.570123.jpg.
At my village eatery and spotted a Porsche with it's top down. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352591299.439156.jpg I still say xlrs are better cars for the money. The Porsche is a rag top. Come on for the amount of money the Porsches go for the guy could have gotten the xlr unless he rather go for the soft top.
Today as I was heading home. I saw a sporty 2 seater that had a ford badge on it. I couldn't turn to follow him and ask what car it was. I was in the wrong Lane. It looked like a lotus but it had the ford name on the side door panel. It looked sweet
I googled what I thought it was and sure enough I was right. But here it's yellow in the pic. The one I saw was black. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352602803.291679.jpg
Today was a good car day. Finally 70's instead of 40's-50's, so Beauty hit the streets with the top down while Beast did a car show (Beauty recently took a trip on a gravel road so was in no shape for a show!). The streets were better than any show - got a few honks & thumbs up. :cool:

Also happily discovered the fuel system cleaning I had the dealer do on my 70k mile V6 direct inject daily driver got me back to living up to my "Speed Demon" nickname. I was getting really unhappy with how it was doing to the point of upping the time table to getting rid of it. Now it runs like a new car! :burnout:
I am sooooooo disappointed! :nono:

I was sooooooo unhappy! Wasn't an expected part of a trip to a nursery - & worse still they didn't even have what we went there to look for. She'll get cleaned up today or tomorrow!
Wait, are you talking about selling beauty? :jaw:

NO WAY!!!!! I'm not living in a box on the corner & my right foot works just fine - that's what it would take to get rid of her! :crazy:

The one I was thinking of getting rid of is my V6 direct inject work/commuter car (bigger than the XLR & better gas mileage). I'm working on wearing it out & it doesn't owe me anything at this point anyway. :smash:
After looking at the list, I had to :laugh::laugh::laugh:, as the Smart car is on the list. I put it on my list of ugliest cars ever made!! Right up there with the Aztec, Cube, Pacer, etc.

dang i should have gotten the v then. But at the time i looked at it, i didn't have the money to shell out $110.00 for it. So glad that my mom called me to come over to the caddy dealership. I love my xlr even thought its not the v, heads still turn when i drive it.
Veteran's Day Parade, Mesa, AZ

Just got home from driving in my first Arizona parade. Mine was the second car in the line up. The Navy Parade Marshall was my passenger, he is 86 years old, can't see to drive, very hard of hearing but a very nice guy with lots of stories. Really had a good time and as usual lots of spectators yelled out "NICE CAR" and gave the thumbs up.
weather off and on rain

Well, I got a text early in the morning from my nephew. he was 20 -30 miles away at a friends house. He wanted to be picked up and i thought that he was just around the corner. He sent me the address and it was 30 min away. I checked the weather report on my iphone because it looked cloudy. I plugged in the address in the navigation (2nd time using it). It told me the road to turn on and i was there in no time flat. 5 min after i pulled back into the garage and walked in to fixed sandwich it poured down rain. then i had to take my youngest nephew to his doc apt at 330 pm. I put the top up at the doc office and sure enough when i went to drop him off back at his house the rain had just finished. moral of the story i beat the rain either way. :):D:D
At the dealership and saw this black beauty. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352821184.887869.jpg she even has red xlr brake shoes. The brakes are labeled XLR. Black exterior and light tan interior. I wonder if driver knows of the xlrnet.com site.
Now I can see the resemblance between vets and xlrs. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352824018.746299.jpg
At the dealership and saw this black beauty. View attachment 2392 she even has red xlr brake shoes. The brakes are labeled XLR. Black exterior and light tan interior. I wonder if driver knows of the xlrnet.com site.
XLR card JPEG,.jpg

That is why I made these 'business' cards I keep in my wallet. When I see a car parked somewhere I tuck a card in the window gasket on the drivers side.

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