That was a beautiful drive, it was a spur of the moment, a simple yes, and we were on our way the next day. I was washing Zoey Friday nite at 8:00, in the dark, alone, took her home and speed shined her, she looked so pretty, packed what I wanted to take, and I was ready...Left Saturday morning from Bruce and Kathy's, I drove Kathy's car, she drove Zoey, we stopped and got gas and changed drivers, it was beautiful out, felt so good to be on the road again. The drive into Madison was amazing. There was a festival going on in the middle of town, you buy tickets and use them to buy food...what fun. The people were all happy and friendly. We left there and drove to Bethlehem, IN for a festival. It was right on the Ohio River, what a beautiful place, Needless to say, I had a wonderful time....when we left, Bruce drove Zoey, with me in it, and my eyes was quiet a drive out to the main road from the Ohio River...We stopped to eat later, I rode home with Kathy, Bruce drove Zoey all the way home...he played my music, maybe he listened to Country??? All in all it was a wonderful drive and day, thanks to my kids for thinking of me and letting me tag along, they are the best ...Great weather, beautiful scenery, good company, and last but not least, wonderful GM American Made cars...

The best!