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Daily Chat

You never know...keep a look out.:wave:

Imagine my surprise, when the maillady hands me a package this afternoon. Thanks Bruce and Kathy, you guys outdo yourselves every time - a personalized calendar and DVD. That's wonderful! Thanks for the memories. My personal pics pale by comparison (and I'm not in any of mine :pat:). I've already added the pics from the DVD to the CarPC , so I'll have them with me always.

I'll have to have 5AM go over Moms to see it tomorrow.

And my Mom thanks you - she has a habit of saying, "It may be yours, but its not leaving my house!" (The last time was with my Capodimonte dozen Long Stem Porcelain Roses I brought back from Nove, Italy.) So I only get to visit the calendar at her house.

Thank you very, very much!
I've tried to call him a few times to see how things are going, but only get voicemail. I think Bruce & Kathy received an email reply from him awhile back. He's still dealing with his sister and parents. We are hoping and praying for the best.

'Getting a little about Home Grown .... anyone been in touch with him lately???
I hope that we hear from Rich with good news about his sister.

I have been taking advantage of the good weather to work on the woodpile for next year. The wood inside the shed was put up last year for this winter. The stacks outside will go next year. I started on another row yesterday.



Nick guards the logs;


This is how I handle the sticks now;


But I am thinking of upgrading to a new model;


What do you think?
WOW!!, You & Nick have been busy. How long does you firewood supply last? That is a huge job, you'll need the winter to get some rest.:wave:
We're very happy to read that you guys are enjoying your calenders & DVDs. It's always fun going through the pictures and picking just the right ones for each calender. Your friendships are very importatnt to us.:wave:
Thank you for the surprise package Bruce and Kathy. Haven't been on the forum for awhile but it sure brought back memories (some scary:laugh:)

Hope to see you two a few times next year!
House Hunting

Arrived in Mesa yesterday at 10:30 A.M. at the first house to inspect. Looked until two thirty. Today started at the same time, looked until three today. Lots of homes but the last one today really fits what I am looking for. Will find out more details on it tomorrow. It will fit all my needs if I decide to be here year around. I don't see how this lady does this all day long as I am worn out in four hours.

The trip is not all business, had dinner last night in Queen Creek at my niece's that I had not seen for thirty years as she was in Germany teaching in the American Schools. Thanksgiving I will be at my sister in law's for dinner as will be my nephew and his wife from Spring Hill, Kansas. Am having lunch sometime this week with my friend of many years that lives in Goodyear, AZ. Will start back to CO the 29th, pray for good weather and dry roads. It has rained on and off here today. No, I did not melt.
Arrived in Mesa yesterday at 10:30 A.M. at the first house to inspect. Looked until two thirty. Today started at the same time, looked until three today. Lots of homes but the last one today really fits what I am looking for. Will find out more details on it tomorrow. It will fit all my needs if I decide to be here year around. I don't see how this lady does this all day long as I am worn out in four hours.

The trip is not all business, had dinner last night in Queen Creek at my niece's that I had not seen for thirty years as she was in Germany teaching in the American Schools. Thanksgiving I will be at my sister in law's for dinner as will be my nephew and his wife from Spring Hill, Kansas. Am having lunch sometime this week with my friend of many years that lives in Goodyear, AZ. Will start back to CO the 29th, pray for good weather and dry roads. It has rained on and off here today. No, I did not melt.

Glad you made it down safe & sound... hopefully the same will be true on your return to CO.
This past weekend was our dear Kiana's Birthday - she would have been 17 yrs old. This was our first year without her - she used to love the coming of winter... huskies live for winter.
But now we have Skye - we can already see how much he is looking forward to the colder weather (much more than his owners are).
Got up this morning after a few post Ingrid and I went to the casino. Been a longg time since we both won and won big. KaChing KaChing and the tables.:lol:

Hope all of you enjoyed a fantastic day after all that food on Thankgiving.:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle

This past weekend was our dear Kiana's Birthday - she would have been 17 yrs old. This was our first year without her - she used to love the coming of winter... huskies live for winter.
But now we have Skye - we can already see how much he is looking forward to the colder weather (much more than his owners are).

Our Ollie is almost 14 .... little ankle-biting Maltese.... He is still pretty spry - and actually showing a lot more spunk since we started giving him the glucosimine duck strips .... I think I should eat them too. :D
Looks like you've got a lot going on out there RA!!!!


Pretty coincidental that you posted this .... Ray and I were just watching the news and sort of joking that we're surprised that San Ysidro doesn't have sink-holes under all of the roads .... it seems like they find a new tunnel every week ... most of them are pretty similar to what you see .... We wonder why, or if, the DEA isn't using seismic measurement ..... I mean, really, you've got to know their blasting their way through ... can't do that with a shovel :rolleyes:
Jetboy picked me up for breakfast this morning and we spent the entire day together, had a fantastic time. He took me to the Cadillac dealer in Tempe and then into downtown Phoenix. Really showed me the sights. Was very helpful in showing me his favorite furniture store and found exactly what I am interested in. We certainly do make wonderful friends thru our XLR's. Kent is an outstanding young man.
Went shopping yesterday with my baby sister and my little niece and two little nephews ranging in ages 8 to 5. I don't know about anyone else but have you noticed Christmas season brings out the ugly in people. Fellow shoppers can be so rude and don't care to mow down little children to get through. When did it become not acceptable for gentlemen to hold doors open for women or children? Kevin and I taught our boys you hold doors open for elderly, ladies, and children. I wish more people would do that.

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