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Calling All Cadillac XLR Owners with Roof Delamination Issues

2006 Blue. Minnesota so drive only in summer and early fall. No problem thus far with 40,000 miles
2005 XLR happened in November 2019. Black on black 88,000 miles more of a weekend driver till this happened and we live in the Austin Tx. Area.
is there a way to repair the top to put back on.
Black 04. It came out of Miami Fl and was already leaking air when I got it 6 months ago. It has around 120k miles on it. I took it off and repaired it myself. 20200320_105704.jpg
Calvin,,, Since repaired how has the top been holding up? Especially on long drives at higher speeds?
Roof delamination has been an issue with Cadillac XLR and some 2005 - 2013 C6 Corvette owners.

I'm curious where Cadillac XLR owners live who have had issues with roof delamination. Please respond to this thread with the following:

1. Location - Where in the U.S. do you live?
Round Rock, TX
2. Model Year of your XLR

3. What type of driving in your XLR do you do: year round? Summer only?
I've owned the car since 2005, I usually drive my XLR on Weekends. I was driving down the highway going about 70 miles an hour and the top flew off. I would have decapitated a motorcyclist if one was behind me. I contacted Cadillac, created a case number and they told me it was out of warranty can could not do anything. This is absolutely ridiculous. If there was anything I could have done to prevent this I would have or if I did anything unusual to cause this I would understand declining the repair. If anyone has any updated or suggestions to be reimbursed, I would appreciate it, John
1. Location - Central TX

2. Model Year of your XLR- 2005 black/black

3. What type of driving in your XLR do you do: year round nice days

Top has poofed in the middle and has been reglued.
Roof delamination has been an issue with Cadillac XLR and some 2005 - 2013 C6 Corvette owners.

I'm curious where Cadillac XLR owners live who have had issues with roof delamination. Please respond to this thread with the following:

1. Location - Where in the U.S. do you live?

2. Model Year of your XLR

3. What type of driving in your XLR do you do: year round? Summer only?
Just outside San Francisco
Never in rain.
Top delamination occurred at about 60,000. Didn't hear a pop. Just the wind noise.. Cadillac dealer suggested I drive it one the freeway at high speeds, let it blow off and turn it into the insurance company!
Hate to say it but Your dealer should be jailed. Who is going to pay for the damage it does when it hits another car or someone swerves to miss it and causes a wreck. There is no coverage for the car falling apart. You might come up with something that an adjuster who does not know his job pays but its an excluded loss. Its not a collision and only might be covered under comp but there are exclusions for this type loss. Its called inherent vise. Other wise your insurance would be paying to paint your car every few years as the paint wears out or fades.
Inherent Vice — an exclusion found in most insurance policies eliminating coverage for loss caused by a quality in property that causes it to damage or destroy itself.

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