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2015 Dublin Arthritis Car Show - July 10th & 11th

Does anyone know if an extra person like our spouses will get in with the registered price or do we pay the $10 admission for them? I did not see anything in the rules about that ?
I registered for Friday even though we may not get there till late afternoon! The general admission is $10 per person, so looked like a better deal too just register any way, that way we can still come over if we have the time in the afternoon before meeting for dinner!

FYI: I'm hoping we may be close to some of those shade trees, But if not are we allowed to set up a canopy and will we have the room to set it up? I think I have a 10'x10' canopy that I take to car shows, it's a perfect fit right up in behind the seat area in the trunk. Since this is only a 2 day trip I should be able to fit in if we need an extra canopy. Unless we already have enough? Please Let me know! Also it's "NOT WATERPROOF" :lol:

Dan & Wendy
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My wife joined us at the car show on Saturday last year and she doesn't remember paying. I'm thinking she just told them that I entered a car and they let her through.

You will have to pick up your packet at the Hilton Garden Inn when you arrive on Friday. You will get a placard to display on your windshield which is also your pass to get in the show. Anyone in the car gets in, also.

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The canopy is definitely a need. Last year Mark brought his, but we had two on Saturday. If you can bring yours, it will definitely be used.

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Cool thx Tim
We Sure will! I have the weights for the feet to help hold it down just in case it's breezy out it!

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Dan & Wendy
2015 Dublin Arthritis Car Show - July 10th & 11th

Setting up the itinerary for the Arthritis Foundation Cruise-In (Fri) and the Auto Show (Sat). It sounds like most folks are staying at the Courtyard Hotel in Dublin.

Thursday - Meet and Greet. Dublin Village Tavern. This is in Old Town Dublin, 6:30 PM. 27 S High St, Dublin, OH 43017

Pick up packet - when you arrive. They will be at the entrance of the Hilton Garden Inn - 500 Metro Place N, Dublin, OH 43017

Friday - meet at the Courtyard Hotel at 9:30AM. We will drive to the Cruise-In together so we can all park together.
Dinner - Two options - we had such good luck with LaScala's last year, (I haven't found any better Italian) or Pies & Pints - gourmet pizza and 30+ craft brews on draft.

Saturday - Classic Car Show - 10AM to 10 PM. Awards at 5:30PM. We will have an assigned area (map will be in your packet) and will welcome the Allantés in our class.

Saturday - Cap City Diner in Grandview. This is a Cameron Mitchell restaurant and I have always had good meals here. Ample parking.

If anyone is arriving before Thursday afternoon, let me know, I'll set up a driving tour with several stops. Hoping to hear from Phrede, Cadillac Tech/Photo Girl and Beepen/Limmomamma. We had such a great time last year with you all, I hope can all make it again this year. We have a few new members from Southern Michigan - it would be great to see you come down, it's just a 3 hour drive.

If you are having trouble getting a hotel at the ones listed in previous posts, let me know. There are several at Tuttle Crossing that are close to the car show location.


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Tim -

:thumbsup You are really putting together a nice event - this is definitely on our radar for a future excursion (plus within driving reach)!
Wendy & I are booked and schedule to roll in on Friday afternoon! The problem you will find is getting a close room to stay. Come on guys lets have some more fun!

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Dan & Wendy
One Month Away

Ok, folks we are one month away from the Dublin Arthritis Foundation Cruise-in and Car Show! So far here is what I have for attendance. If you are attending, don't forget register. Registration | Enter Your Car | Arthritis Auto Show

Cubby & Supa
Tiffany's Dad & Kris
Nerkpowers & Beth
05 Grand Daddy & Wendy

Expressed Interest (haven't indicated registration)
Chicago Dave
Gizmo Q
Cadillac Tech & Photo Girl

I need to call Beepen (Boyd) as well. If you have registered, please let me know. I want to start making dinner reservations. Anyone else that is interested and need help finding a hotel close by, just PM me, I'll see what I can do. I called the Crowne Plaza yesterday to see if anything has opened up, but they have not returned my call. Unfortunately, the nearby hotels sold out in mid-April this year. Beth and I are looking forward to seeing everyone again this year!:wave:
I would like to attend, and also Artomobilia, but it is all dependent on the status of a foster dog and finding a sitter.

What is the deadline for for registration?
Phrede, I think you can register the day of the show. I'll email Mark Thomas and verify.

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Ok, folks we are one month away from the Dublin Arthritis Foundation Cruise-in and Car Show! So far here is what I have for attendance. If you are attending, don't forget register. Registration | Enter Your Car | Arthritis Auto Show

Cubby & Supa
Tiffany's Dad & Kris
Nerkpowers & Beth
05 Grand Daddy & Wendy

Expressed Interest (haven't indicated registration)
Chicago Dave
Gizmo Q
Cadillac Tech & Photo :


I'm registered and have a hotel room at the Courtyard. I'm coming out with my younger son, Jared (as Devin will be in Panama at the time). Looking forward to this show. We will be arriving Friday morning. :) Dave
Mark Thomas responded and said that you can register the day of the show, you will just miss out on the gift for pre-registering.

Updated attendance - Registered
Tiffany's Dad and Kris
Cubby & Supa
05 Grand Daddy & Wendy
Nerkpowers & Beth
Chicago Dave & Jared

Possibly Attending
Cadillac Tech & Photo Girl
Gizmo Q

I'm going to do hats/visors this year. If anyone has a preference for a design, chime in, otherwise I'm thinking I'll go with the the silhouette and XLR logo. Anyone who would like one or both a hat and or visor let me know. I'll bring them to the meet and greet or to the show.

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Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to some medical issues. Y'all have fun and take lots of pics.

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That's to bad Fred was looking forward to seeing you and that awesome paint job in person! Hope all well and take care!

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Dan & Wendy
Sorry to hear that you can't make it. I hope to see you in Carmel at Artomobilia.

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Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to some medical issues. Y'all have fun and take lots of pics.

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We'll miss you, Fred. Looking forward to seeing you in Carmel, though. Hope all goes ok with your medical issues... keeping you in my prayers. :)

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