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Top inop


Seasoned Member
Jun 8, 2013
san antonio texas
Delt with the insane pool for the top components. Had the pump rebuilt by top hydraulics and replaced the top module and exhaust note .odule and cleaned all the nasty corroded plugs. Took it to Cavendar caddy for a module reprogram( suggested here) and after.4.days the tech has had no luck so they, like GM, are punting it back at me. They did get the ac working again so now that winter is here I might use it a few days until spring. The top was working fine until the corrosion ate thru so.e things in the module. The switch has no effect but the pump is working cause now the Trunk will open. I guess I should be happy with some function.any ideas on where to step next?
Cadillac shops know about as much about XLR vehicles as my 18 year old niece. And I knew more about a Tech II than the mechanic/tech did at Sterling McCall (no relation) in Houston. You might take it to a Chevy dealer. I had to take mine to a local dealer for a problem with the BCM who reprogrammed it perfectly. Remember, there's a lot of Corvette similarities in the XLR.
Yeah. For years they had an xlr trained tech who knew these cars inside out. Good idea but Chevy never had a folding top so it's not a similar problem. I have taken care of numerous problems from taillight led's to putting the guts from an 09 headlight into an 05 case and lots of mechanical.bits and pieces. Probably going to pour over my manuals and see what I can come up with. That set of purple books has saved my bacon over the years but I am not the best with all the modules in this car lol
Not sure what you are talking about? Rex said to take the xlr to a chevy dealer instead of caddilac. I agree .The ssr uses the same basic system as the xlr. Its not electrical. Its hydraulic and share the same operating procedure to diagnose.Tools means tech two knowledge to check out the operation system.a tech two will take you right to the problem . if you got corrision in the top module its most likely fried. Hooking up a new one to a faulty harness will damage a new module. Suggest you clean each contact on the harness plug
Lordy why didn Ah think a dat. Come on I did clean and.repair all the connectors I am not some idiot anymore than you are the guru of all that is xlr.stop treating.me like an idiot.
After.spending a few moments with a meter checking contacts and tracimg power I have solved the problem. thankyou Rex the relearn helped solve a lot of the communication errors . The problem was the switch. A corroded wire was the culprit.I asked the tec to do this but he was to busy looking at his computer screen. The top is working fine now. Sometimes you need to rely on your grey matter and get back to basics.The problem with Taking it to a Chevy dealer is that they are taught by the same people. GM or Cadillac it all falls to the fact that GM decided to stop supporting this car and punted it to the curb. It should make everyone think seriously about buying anything from them in the future.
So it was a corrided wire but you jump down my throat for suggesting that the basic are often over looked and suggesting you check and clean the wiring?
Do you know how many times top failure turns out to be the valet switch turned off you alwats start with the basics. . I have a 75 year old vietnam vette that answers these questions..he is bed riden. It gives him something to do. He does not tell me who is asking. He will just call and ask me the question and i tell him what i think. Hes not well and in the hospital.so i will no longer post on here. I was doing it to help make him feel like he is needed. Trust me. I have all the work i can do and have no need to spend my time shareing what i have found over the years. So ill say good bye and happy motoring.
So it was a corrided wire but you jump down my throat for suggesting that the basic are often over looked and suggesting you check and clean the wiring?
Do you know how many times top failure turns out to be the valet switch turned off you alwats start with the basics. . I have a 75 year old vietnam vette that answers these questions..he is bed riden. It gives him something to do. He does not tell me who is asking. He will just call and ask me the question and i tell him what i think. Hes not well and in the hospital.so i will no longer post on here. I was doing it to help make him feel like he is needed. Trust me. I have all the work i can do and have no need to spend my time shareing what i have found over the years. So ill say good bye and happy motoring.
Your help is always appreciated.
Mickey don't let one overly sensitive baby stop you from posting. Your opinions and solutions are always welcome. Thanks Seashark!

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