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Help! Folding top and trunk operation issue


Active Member
Oct 25, 2020
My XLR/V(s)
2006 XLR-V
I have (yet another) folding top issue. the rocker switch to operate the top does not turn on the hydraulic pump anymore. My top is up, and the windows don't even go down when I press the switch to retract the top which is the first step in retracting the top. The trunk buttons do not open or close trunk anymore either from the dash or the trunk lid. The 15 Amp fuse for the folding top is good. "Top not secured" is displayed on the DIC. I used the OEM tool to manually close the top latch through the hole in the headliner per the owner's manual. DIC message is still there. I disconnected the battery for 30 minutes and reconnected it. No change. I re-indexed the windows with the controls on the door by holding the up buttons down for greater than 10 secs. No change. I have a tech2 and when I go to the relearn procedure shows "Calibration Status: Inactive", I don't know if that is an issue or not. But when I push the relearn button on the tech2 tool nothing happens. Any suggestions? I'm kinda f*cked. I'll add that the trunk divider is in the correct position for top retraction as well. :)
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Adding: Happy ending here...
I had 2 DTCs in the FTCM, after I cleared them I was able to operate the trunk lid with the switches and fob. But the top did not operate yet. I went in and read all ECU DTCs (there were a bunch!) and cleared many of them. Then I went to the folding top module relearn procedure and it worked! it relearned and it now seems to operate fine. I operated the top up and down a few times w/o issue. So I think I am good. All DTCs were read and cleared with the Tech2 tool I have.
Adding: Happy ending here...
I had 2 DTCs in the FTCM, after I cleared them I was able to operate the trunk lid with the switches and fob. But the top did not operate yet. I went in and read all ECU DTCs (there were a bunch!) and cleared many of them. Then I went to the folding top module relearn procedure and it worked! it relearned and it now seems to operate fine. I operated the top up and down a few times w/o issue. So I think I am good. All DTCs were read and cleared with the Tech2 tool I have.
Tom - thanks! That is EXACTLY what mine started doing last winter when I put her away.

So you solution just pushed me over the edge to order a Tech 2!
I have (yet another) folding top issue. the rocker switch to operate the top does not turn on the hydraulic pump anymore. My top is up, and the windows don't even go down when I press the switch to retract the top which is the first step in retracting the top. The trunk buttons do not open or close trunk anymore either from the dash or the trunk lid. The 15 Amp fuse for the folding top is good. "Top not secured" is displayed on the DIC. I used the OEM tool to manually close the top latch through the hole in the headliner per the owner's manual. DIC message is still there. I disconnected the battery for 30 minutes and reconnected it. No change. I re-indexed the windows with the controls on the door by holding the up buttons down for greater than 10 secs. No change. I have a tech2 and when I go to the relearn procedure shows "Calibration Status: Inactive", I don't know if that is an issue or not. But when I push the relearn button on the tech2 tool nothing happens. Any suggestions? I'm kinda f*cked. I'll add that the trunk divider is in the correct position for top retraction as well. :)
There was a guy on YouTube and I guess you can say relearning procedures for XLR Cadillac he will show you step by step on doing that procedure because he said the dealerships took him for a ride kept his car for 2 hours and charged him an arm and a leg and he ended up renting a GM Tech 2 with a candi modular and it took him 10 minutes that was so hilarious but you have to watch YouTube it'll tell you exactly everything you need sir

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