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Houston Texas Allante / XLR group monthly meeting


Seasoned Member
Jul 7, 2009
Coldspring, Tx
My XLR/V(s)
2006 Infared XLR-V
The local Houston Allante group is welcoming XLR owners to join in on their activities.

Dear Texas Allante Aficionados -
Our 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] coffee meeting for 2016 is this Sunday morning at 10:30am, March 13[SUP]th[/SUP] at Café Express on Post Oak @ Loop 610-West in Uptown Houston.
For complete 2016 meeting schedule see Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America

Sunday Agenda: Café Express:
1) Member Introductions
2) Shows/Events in April
1. April Bluebonnet Run/Photo-op to Chapel Hill/Brenham and Blue Bell Creamery, Sunday morning, April 10 (no coffee meeting)
2. Mecum Auction Drivers Needed: April 14-16, Houston (if interested, see contacts below and attached driver instructions)
3. Keel’s & Wheel’s Show: April 23-24[SUP]th[/SUP] Seabrook, Texas
3) National Allante XLR Invitational Announcement: August 25-27, Grand Rapids, Michigan
4) Member technical issues
5) Adjourn

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas” (Steven Colburn’s Texas Allante XLR pages)
General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page

Mecum Auction April 14-16, Houston
From William Hunt [mailto:wthjr@hotmail.com
Subject: Mecum Auction April 14, 15, and 16

It is that time of year to start planning for the Mecum Auction.
We look forward to another year and as always, appreciate your participation.

Please indicate your preference for shift(s) and day(s) and return to me.
Attached is a list of items to consider while working at the auction.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call one of us, anytime.

Bill Hunt Danny Galloway
281 615 9897 713 502 0073

We had three generations of Cadillac convertibles show up at the meeting this morning.

I was out of town, but that place is a block away from my house - I could walk there! Perhaps next time I'll stop by with my V
I was out of town, but that place is a block away from my house - I could walk there! Perhaps next time I'll stop by with my V

That would be great Richard. The next meet at Cafe Express isn't until June 12th so it's a way off unless you could make the Bluebonnet Run with us on April 10th. There are other XLR owners in Houston that have expressed interest in a local club and the these guys are interested in having XLR owners attend their meetings. Very informal technical and social meeting, no membership required.

Here is the meeting schedule for the rest of the year. I don't make all of them as I live about 1 1/2 hours North on Lake Livingston, but hope to see you there someday. -Steven-

Calendar Schedule:

1) Jan 10th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express
2) Feb 14th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express
3) Mar 13th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express
4) Apr 10th (Second Sun) 10:00am Leave Cafe Express to Chapel Hill for Bluebonnet Run & Photo-op
5) May 7th (1st Saturday) 10:30am, Café Express - Note: No Meet Mothers Day Sunday May 8th
6) June 12th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express
7) July 10th (Second Sun) - 10:30am, Cafe Express
8) Aug 14th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express

9) Sept 11th (Second Sunday) 10:30am, Café Express
10) Oct 9th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express
11) Nov 13th (Second Sunday) 10:30am, Café Express
12) Dec 11th (Second Sun) 10:30am, Café Express

Wouldn't you know it would be on that weekend in April. I have family obligations scheduled and can't make it. Brenham/Chapel Hill/Independence should be hopping with bluebonnets by that time. Hope someone posts some pictures
I missed the fact that there will be a meeting in May, but it will be on Saturday May 7th instead of the usual Sunday due to Mother's day being on that Sunday. I'll put that on my calendar. It would be great if we could have several XLRs show up. There are usually about 8-10 Allante' owners there. I would really like to see that shiny infared XLR in person.
Texas Allante' & XLR Bluebonnet Drive

Here is the latest from the Houston Allante' XLR Club. Any XLR owners out there that can join us?

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados - SAVE THE DATE – Annual Chappell Hill & Round Top Texas Bluebonnet Photo Drive - Next Sunday, April 10[SUP]th[/SUP] @ 10am to 4pm.
Houston region rendezvous point: 10am @ Starbuck’s on Hwy 290 @ Jones Rd. Specific schedule and drive info available next week (fingers crossed no rain date needed).
Lupinus texensis

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas”
General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page
Here is the latest from the Houston Allante' XLR Club. Any XLR owners out there that can join us?

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados - SAVE THE DATE – Annual Chappell Hill & Round Top Texas Bluebonnet Photo Drive - Next Sunday, April 10[SUP]th[/SUP] @ 10am to 4pm.
Houston region rendezvous point: 10am @ Starbuck’s on Hwy 290 @ Jones Rd. Specific schedule and drive info available next week (fingers crossed no rain date needed).
Lupinus texensis

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas”
General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page

If I didn't have a kid's cheer competition to go to in SA that same weekend, I'd be on it like hot buttered rice
Allante XLR Houston to Chappell Hill Drive this Sunday!

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados - This Sunday, April 10[SUP]th[/SUP], from 10am-4pm, is our Annual Chappell Hill-Round Top Texas Bluebonnet Run for picturesque scenery and photo opportunities. Call my cell at 713-822-4027 if needing directions/times on Sunday.

Drive Schedule:
1) Starting point: Houston region rendezvous point: 10am @ Starbuck’s on Hwy 290 @ Jones Rd.
2) 10:30: Depart Starbuck’s
3) Stop 1: Chappell Hill Round Top Ranch for early photo op
4) Stop 2: Lunch - Bluebonnet Festival Downtown Chappell Hill (12-1pm)
5) 1pm: Depart Chappell Hill, destination Round Top Inn, Downtown Round Top
6) Stop 3: Round Top Inn in Round Top (join with members from Austin/San Antonio, afternoon photos, antiques, snacks, water, etc.)
7) 3pm: Depart Round Top area returning along Hwy 159, via Bellville (north south regional members may split in Bellville)
8) 4pm: Return home from Bellville
Lupinus texensis

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas” (Steven Colburn’s Texas Allante XLR pages)
General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page
Houston Texas Allante' - XLR Club Meeting Saturday May 7th

It looks like we will have at least two more XLR owners join us this weekend!

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados -
Due to Mother’s Day on Sunday, this month’s coffee meeting is one day early this Saturday morning at 10:30am, May 7[SUP]th[/SUP]. We’ll meet at the regular location this Saturday at Café Express on Post Oak @ Loop 610-West in Uptown Houston. Attached are a couple of high resolution photos from our April drive through Chappell Hill. The reddish colored flowers along the roadside are commonly called Indian Paintbrush (scientific name, Castilleja indivisa). Zoom and explorer.

Sunday Agenda: Café Express:
1) Member Introductions
2) National Allante XLR Invitational Announcement: August 25-27, Grand Rapids, Michigan
3) Cars for sale include Dave Rosenfield (2x 93’s, one under 50kmiles)
4) Member technical issues
5) Adjourn

For the complete 2016 meeting schedule, see Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook: Allante XLR Texas
Last edited:
We plan on being there at 10:30 tomorrow. The weather looks good for the drive down from Livingston.

Also received notice that Houston coffee and cars is returning June 4th. Will post additional information when known.

It looks like we will have at least two more XLR owners join us this weekend!

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados -
Due to Mother’s Day on Sunday, this month’s coffee meeting is one day early this Saturday morning at 10:30am, May 7[SUP]th[/SUP]. We’ll meet at the regular location this Saturday at Café Express on Post Oak @ Loop 610-West in Uptown Houston. Attached are a couple of high resolution photos from our April drive through Chappell Hill. The reddish colored flowers along the roadside are commonly called Indian Paintbrush (scientific name, Castilleja indivisa). Zoom and explorer.

Sunday Agenda: Café Express:
1) Member Introductions
2) National Allante XLR Invitational Announcement: August 25-27, Grand Rapids, Michigan
3) Cars for sale include Dave Rosenfield (2x 93’s, one under 50kmiles)
4) Member technical issues
5) Adjourn

For the complete 2016 meeting schedule, see Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook: Allante XLR Texas
Houston Texas Allante' - XLR Club Meeting this Sunday June 12th

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados - This Sunday morning at 10:30am, June 12[SUP]th[/SUP], we’ll meet at the regular location at Café Express on Post Oak @ Loop 610-West in Uptown Houston.

Sunday Agenda: Café Express:
1) Member Introductions
NOTE: Longtime member Graeme Smith is back in Texas visiting this summer from New Zealand. See Graeme’s website at: https://kiwigram123.smugmug.com/Houston-Allante-Club/. Great “Allantes-in-Action” photo collection from our “Texas Bluebonnet Run” road trip of April 2014….what a great trip!
Thanks Graeme for these excellent photos, which are for sale on the website.
2) National Allante XLR Invitational Announcement: August 25-27, Grand Rapids, Michigan
3) Member technical issues
4) Adjourn

For the complete 2016 meeting schedule, see Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page: TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas” (Steven Colburn’s Texas Allante XLR pages)
General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page
Houston Texas Allante' - XLR Club Meeting this Sunday July 10th

Dear South-Central Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados - It’s Texas-HOT, but this Sunday morning at 10:30am, July 10[SUP]th[/SUP], we’ll meet at our regular location, Café Express, on Post Oak @ Loop 610-West in Uptown Houston for brunch and Cadillac convertible chat.

Sunday Morning Agenda: Café Express:
1) Introductions
2) Review award-winning car care polishing routine by XLR member Rex
3) Discuss National Allante XLR Invitational, August 25-27, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Contact Steve Garrity, stevegarrity@att.net (anyone attending, see attached info sheet)
4) Discuss Allante-XLR technical issues
5) Adjourn

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté XLR Club
Main Houston Web Page: For the complete 2016 meeting schedule: http://www.allanteclubofamerica.com/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=179768&module_id=5322
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas” (Texas Allante XLR pages)
Graeme Smith’s website Houston Allante Club - kiwigram123. Great “Allantes-in-Action” photo collection from our “Texas Bluebonnet Run” road trip of April 2014….what a great trip! Thanks Graeme for these excellent photos, which are for sale on the website.

General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page
Allante' XLR Meet up Saturday 11/04/2017

SE-Texas Allante-XLR Aficionados - This is a reminder regarding the Coffee & Cars Meet THIS Saturday (regular 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Saturday of the month meet) at Memorial City Mall from 7:45am until 10am. Allantes & XLRs are to meet behind JC Penney. See link below.

John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté XLR Club
Main Houston Web Page: For the complete 2017 meeting schedule: http://www.allanteclubofamerica.com/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=179768&module_id=5322
Facebook Pages: “Allante XLR Texas” (Steven Colburn’s Texas Allante XLR pages)
Graeme Smith’s website Houston Allante Club - Graeme Smith Photography. Great “Allantes-in-Action” photo collection from our “Texas Bluebonnet Run” road trip of April 2014….what a great trip! Thanks Graeme for these excellent photos, which are for sale on the website.

General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page
Houston Coffee & Cars 11/4/2017

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[TD]C&C Saturday November 4th at Memorial City Mall [/TD]
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This Saturday morning will be another day of amazing machines and incredible people, from American classics to the latest exotics, we can't wait to see them all! We will be featuring two rows of special Porsches, including RUF Porsches by Driver Source. Also, we will be collecting non-perishable items for IMPACT Houston in order to put food on tables of those who needed most in this season of giving, please read below:

"Impact Houston provides food, and comfort to those in need from all over Houston. This Saturday we are collecting nonperishable and nonexpired food items such as bags of rice or beans, cereal, pasta and sauce, canned food, baby food, baby formula, diapers (sizes 0-1 and 5-6), and other packaged food. Let's fill their pantry for the holidays!"

If you have a special Porsche model (918, GT3, Turbo, GT2, air cooled) please reply to this email and we will add you to the list for the two rows.

Also, if you have an interesting machine wether it be a magazine feature or rare machine please let us know as we are planning future special showcases for American muscle cars, high horsepower cars, JDM and more!

To stay up-to-date on announcements please follow our Facebook event page here:


See you Saturday!

Jorge Verdejo

Reminders and guidelines:

  • Please be courteous to everybody, including our Scuderia team helping direct traffic.
  • Please do not reserve parking spots or areas, parking is first come first serve basis. There are over 500 spaces in the display area to use.
  • If you have a large group, please be considerate and do not reserve or block sets of spaces. We recommend large groups to use the area in front of JCPenney and not in front of the food court.
  • Spectators please be mindful of car display areas in front of the food court and JCPenney, but feel free to park anywhere else.
  • In the efforts to maintain this gathering for many years to come, we will have a zero tolerance rule against anyone doing burnouts or revving. As always, NO BURNOUTS and NO REVVING.

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