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2014 Cadillac CTS Images Revealed a Day Early

You need to drive a V, Floyd. Your mind will be changed:) With the extra 110hp and improved magnetic ride, this car is the best value for the money, by far!!:cool:

CTS still leaves me cold. . .:(
That may all be true power wise, it's the puffy bloated look that bothers me.
Is it because all you are ever seeing is the a$$ end of one passing you? :laugh::laugh:

All kidding aside, with the CTS becoming a larger vehicle for the 2014 model year, I'm leaning toward the ATS if they decide on a V series--preferably a convertible coupe!!

That may all be true power wise, it's the puffy bloated look that bothers me.

Actually, I've never had the occasion to run one. . .would I love it???? HELL YEAH!!!!!!! :reddevil
Come to Bowling Green in September, I'll have both V's there and I'll give you the opportunity.:reddevil:reddevil


Actually, I've never had the occasion to run one. . .would I love it???? HELL YEAH!!!!!!! :reddevil
I considered it but being there won't be a plant tour, as I'm fooling with the idea of a C7, been there, done that--twice! :squint:

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